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Taken From A Train

28 reprints from 1894-06-29 to 1984-06-30

From Joplin Morning Herald


A Negro Murderer Lynched by a Mob Near Monet, MO

Monett, Mo. June 29 - Ulysses Hayden, a negro, was taken from the sheriff of Newton county at this place and hanged to a telegraph pole half a mile south of town at 9 o'clock last night by a mob.

Hayden was arrested for shooting Bots Greenwood, a brakeman at this place June 20 and was being taken to Cassville jail for safe keeping.

The sheriff and prisoner were on the south bound train, which was stopped by the mob.

1894-06-29 · Washington, D.C.

MONETT, Mo, June 20.?Ulysses Hayden.
a negro, was taken from the sheriff of the
county here last night by a moo and hanged
for shooting l_>otz Greenwood, a brakemar..
The sheriff and prisoner were on the south­
bound train, which was stopped by the mob

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1894-06-29 · New York, N.Y.

ished by
Chief of Police McNeil.

(By Associated PresS.)
LOVELAND, Col., June 29.- Thaddlus Guzzle,
who eloped last January with Mrs. C. J. Chap­
man, returned to town this week. Last night
masked men took him out of bed and gave him
a coat of tar and feathers. Guzzle readily agreed
to leave town if his life was spared. After he
as freed he vowed he would shoot two of his
assatlants, whom he claimed to have recognized.
Mrs. Chapman deserted seven children when she
went away with Guzzle, who worked on her
husband's farm.

Hanged to a Telegraph POlE.
(By Associated Press.)
MONETT, Mo., June 29.-Ulysses Hayden, a
negro, was taken from the Sheriff of Newton
County at this place and hung to a telegraph
pole half a mile south of town at 9 o'clock last
night by a mob. Hayden was arrested for
shooting Dotz Greenwood, a brakeman, at this
place June 20, and was being taken to Cass
ville Jail for safe-keeping. The sheriff and
prisoner were on the south-bound train, which
was stopped by the mob.

Page image

1894-06-29 · New York, N.Y.

-dressed, stout man,
with a florid complexion. He did not ap­
pear to be worried about his arrest.

EnEMIes of the WiTnEss Attempt to
tBy Associated Press.)
atter mid nsa the mune an horte
after midnight this morning an at­
tempt was made to blow up The Wit­
ness office with dynamite.
The Witness is an ultra-Protestant
Prohibition daily, and has many ene-
mies. The press-room of the building
was badly shattered, although, so far as
known, the presses were not injured.
The police are now investigating.

Hanged to a Telegraph Pole.
By Associated Press.)
MONETT, Mo.. June 29.--Ulysses Hayden, a
negro, was taken from the Sheriff of Newton
County at this place and hung to a telegraph
pole half a mile south of town at 9 o'clock last
night by a mob. Hayden was arrested for
shooting Dotz Greenwood, a brakeman, at this
place June 20, and was being taken to Cass­
ville Jail for safe-keeping. The Sheriff and
prisoner were on the south-bound train, which
was stopped by the mo

Page image

1894-06-29 · New York, N.Y.

ssed, stout man,
with a florid complexion. He did not apr
pear to be worried about his arrest.

EnemIes of the WiTnESs Attempt to
(By Associated Press.)
yatter miahis at thee wuneias Thort
after midnight this morning an ate
tempt was made to blow up The Wit­
ness office with dynamite.
The Witness is an ultra-Protestant
Prohibition daily, and has many ene­
mies. The press-room of the building
was badly shattered, although, so far as
known, the presses were not injured.
The police are now investigating.

Hanged to a Telegraph POlE.
(By Associated Press.)
MONETT, Mo. JunE 29.-Ulysses Hayden, a
negro, was taken from the Sheriff of Newton
County at this place and hung to a telegraph
pole half a mile south of town at 9 o'clock last
night by a mob. Hayden was arrested for
shooting Dotz Greenwood, a brakeman, at this
place June 20, and was being taken to Cass­
ville Jail for safe-keeping. The Sheriff and
prisoner were on the south-bound train, which
was stopped by the mob.

Page image

1894-06-29 · New York, N.Y.

essed, stout man,
with a florid complexion. He did not ap­
pear to be worried about his arrest.

Enemies of the Witness Attempt to
y Associated Press.)
MONTREAL, Quebec, June 29. Short­
ly after midnight this morning an at­
tempt was made to blow up The Wit­
ness office with dynamite.
The Witness is an ultra-Protestant
Prohibition daily, and has many ene­
mies. The press-room of the building
was badly shattered, although, so far as
known, the presses were not injured.
The police are now investigating.

Hanged to a Telegraph Pole.
(By Associated Press.)
MONETT, Mo.. June 29.-Ulysses Hayden, a
negro, was taken from the Sheriff of Newton
County at this place and hung to a telegraph
pole half a mile south of town at 9 o'clock last
night by a mob. Hayden was arrested for
shooting Dotz Greenwood, a brakeman, at this
place June 20, and was being taken to Cass­
ville Jail for safe-keeping. The Sheriff and
prisoner were on the south-bound train, which
was stopped by the mo

Page image

Moreit, Mo., June 29. Ulysse
Hayden, a negro, was taken from the
sheriff of Newton county at this place
and hung to a telegraph pole, half a
mile south of town at 9 o'clock last
night by a mob. Hayden was arrested
for shooting Bob Greenwood, a brake
man at this place June 20, and he was
being taken to Casaville jail for safe
keeping. The sherifl and prisoner
were on the southbound train which
was stopped by the mo

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Taken from a Train

From The Emporia daily gazette.

1894-06-30 · Emporia, Kan.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

Moxett, Mo., June 29.—Ulysses Hay­
den, a ne^ro, was taken from the Sheriff of
Newton County at tnis place and hanged
from a tele^rauh pole half a mile soutli of
tnwu at 9 o'clock last night by a mob.
Hayden was arrested for shooting Bob
Greenwood, a brakenian, at this place,
June 20. and he was tftoen taken to Cass­
ville jail for safe-keeping. Tha Sheriff
and prisoner were on tlie southbound train
which was stopped by the mob.

Page image

1894-06-30 · Sacramento, Calif.

MoKKTTE 'MoJ, June 29.—Flysses
Hayden, ■ negro, was taken from tho
Sheriff of Newton County at this place
and hung to a telegraph pole at !' o'clock
last night by a mob. Hayden was ar­
rested for shooting liob Greenwood, a
brakeman, at this place on June 20th,
and he was taken to the Cassville jail for
sale keeping. The Sheriff and prisoner
were on the south-bound train which
was stopped by the mob. 4

Page image

1894-06-30 · Los Angeles [Calif.]

Hayden was taken from the sheriff of
Newton county and hanged to a tele­
graph pole half a mile south of town.
He was arrested for shooting Bob Green­
wood, a brakeman, at this place June
20tb, and he was being taken to Ca«s«
ville jail for cafe keeping. The sheriff
and prisoner were on the Bouthbound
train which was stopped by the mob.

Page image

1894-06-30 · New York [N.Y.]

Monett, Mo. June .Tlysses Hayden, a negro,
was taken from the Sheriff of Newion County, at
this place and hanged to A telegraph pole, half a
o'clock last nig.
a moh. Hayden was arrested for shooting Dotr
akeman, at this place, on June 4.
and was heing taken to Cassviile sall for
keeping. The sheriff and prisoner were on th

Page image

1894-06-30 · Maysville, Ky.

Menktt, Me., June 30. Ulysses Hay­
den, n Negro, was taken from the sher­
iff of Newton county at this place and
hung te a telegraph pole half a mile
south of town at 0 o'clock by a mob.
Haydcn was arrested for sheeting Iletz
Greenwood, a brakeman, at this place
June 20, and he was being tuken te
Cassville jail for safe keeping. The
sheriff and prisoner were en the south­
bound train, which was stepped by the

Page image

1894-06-30 · Omaha [Neb.]

Negro Lynched liLMUourl.
MONNETT , Mo. , June 29. Ulysses Hayden ,
a negro , was taken front , the sheriff of New­
ton county at this place and bung to a tele­
graph pole half a mile south of town at 9
o'clock last night by a mob

Page image

1894-06-30 · New York [N.Y.]

MoNEtT. Mo.. JunE 9.--Ulysses Hayden, a
negro, was taken from the Sheriff of Newton
county at this place and hanged to a telegraph
pole half a mile south of the town at 9 o'clock

last ntuht by a mhod. Havdon was avrented for
shooting Dotz Greenwood, a brakeman, at thi
place on June 20, and was being taken to Cass-
ville jail for safe keoping. The Sheriff and
prisoner were on the south-bound train, which
was stopped by the mob.

Page image

1894-06-30 · Salt Lake City [Utah]

E W 1514 U S Express LO
Preferredu 6ii W S L P 6 ½
Lake Shore exdivl Preferred Ii
Lead True 3Y Wells FargoEXlO
L N 444 WcsternUnion ti
LNA 7 WLEi 1
Man Coo15 Preferred 43s1
11C IfSL 7 1I
Ml h Ceo cxdh 9414 D h G h 814
MissourI Pac h 6SL Gen Electric 31
Mobile Ohio 18 NatJ LInseed u 1614
Nashville Chatt Ol ColFuell 24
U S Cordage 2 Preterred 53
Preferred 3515 H Tax Cent 2
N J Centrall07 1 4 A N M 4
NWpref l8 ½ PSLKO 1
North Am Co 27 Preferred 8
San Francisco June 29Drnrs sight
i0 telegraphic 1 Silver baits 621862c
Mexican Vheatteady dollars511851December10T

Negro Lynched
Monett Mo June 29 Ulysses Hay­
den a negro was taken from the sher­
iff of Newton county at this place and
hung to a telegraph pole half a mile
south of town at 9 oclock last night
by a mob Hayden was arrested for
shooting Bob Greenwood a brakeman
at this place June 20 and he was being
taken to Cassville jail for safe keeping
The sheriff and prisoner were on the
pouthbound train ivhichlwasr5jppped by
the mob

Page image

1894-06-30 · Chicago, Ill.

Monert, Mo., June 29.—Ulysses Hayden, a
negro, was taken from the Sheriff of Newton
County at this place and hanged. to a telegraph
pole half a mile south of town at 9 o'clock
last night by a mob. Hayden was arrested
for shooting Botz Greenwood, a brakeman, at
this place, June 20, and he was being taken
to Ca Ille jail for safe keeping. The Sheriff
and | ner were on the south-bound train,
which s stoppen by the mob.

Page image

1894-06-30 · [Los Angeles, Calif.]

MONETT (Mo.,) June 29.—Ulysses Hay-
den, a negro, was taken from the Sheriff
of Newton county at this place and hung
to a telegraph pole half a mile south of
town at 9 o’clock last night, by a mob.
Hayden was arrested for shooting Bob
Greenwood, a brakeman at this place, on
June 20, and he was being taken to Cass-
ville Jail for safe keeping. The Sheriff
and prisoner were on the south-bound
train, which was stopped by the mob.

Page image

Taken from a Train

From The Emporia gazette.

1894-07-05 · Emporia, Kan.

[This text is not available under an open license.]

1894-07-05 · Wilmington, Del.

Monett, Mo., Juno 29.—Ulysses
Hayden, a negro, was taken from the
'sheriff of Newton county at this place
and hung to a telegraph pole half a mile
south of town, at 9 o'clock last night,
by a mob.
Hayden was arrested for shooting
Dotz Greenwood, a brakeman, at this
place June 20th, and he was being taken
to Cassvillo jail for safe-keeping. The
sheriff and prisoner were
bound traiu, which was stopped by th

Page image

1894-07-05 · Audubon, Iowa

Monnett, Mo., July 2 .—Ulysses
Hayden, a negro, was last night taken
from the sheriff of Newton county at
this place and hanged by a mob to a
telegraph pole. Hayden was arrested
for shooting Botz Greenwood, a brake­
man, at this place June 20.

Page image

1894-07-05 · Mexico, Mo.

iXrgro Murderer lynched.
A correspondent of the Leogei: nt

Monett, Mo., says on June 2S, at

that place,Ulysses Haydon, a negro,
was taken from the Sheriff of New­
ton county and banged to a tele­
graph pole half a mile south of town
at 9 o'clock at night, by a mob.
Haydon was arrested for shooting
UoU Greenwood, a brakeman,at that
place, AVednesday, Jane 20, and he
was being taken to Cassville jail for
safe keeping. The Sheriff and
prisoner were on the south bound
train," which was stopped by the

Page image

y for
the Third division, are stationed in or
about the Santa Fe yards or about the
offices and buildings belonging to the

tienry a. balzer, manager of the John
A. Salzer Seed company, La Crosse,
Wis., is in Europe looking' up rare nov­
elties in vegetables and new things in
the farm seed line. He will visit the
celebrated farming districts of France,
Germany, England, Belgium, Russia
and Bohemia, and the customers of this
wide-awake firm can congratulate
themselves upon his bringing along the
cream of farm and vegetable seeds that
these foreign countries offer.

A Negro Murderer Lynched by a Mob
Near Monet, Mat
Monktt, Ma, June 30.—Ulysses
Hayden, a negro, was taken from the
sheriff of Newton county at this
place and hanged to a telegraph pole
half a mile south of town at 9 o'clock
last night by a mob.
Hayden was arrested for shooting
Bots Greenwood, a brakeman at this
place June 20 and was being taken to
Cussville jail for safe keeping.
The sheriff and prisoner were on
the south bound train, which was
■topped by the mob.

Page image

1894-07-06 · Goodland, Kan.

. E. Harper, president of the Mutual
Reserve Fund and Life association of
New York city was elected treasurer.
The headquarters will be continued
in Chicago.
Kansas Democrats Will Nominate , Him
for Governor.
' Topeka", Kan., June 3 0. The opin­
ion prevails among Democratic states­
men who have visited Topeka this
week that David Overmyer will be
nominated for governor by acclama­
tion at the state convention next
Tuesday. A" great many of the coun­
ties have instructed their delegates
for Overmyer, and it is said that the
most of the uninstructed delegates
are for him.
A Negro Murderer Lynched by a Mob
Near Monet, Met
Mosett, Mo., June 30. Ulysses
Hayden, a negro, was taken from the
sheriff of Newton county at this
place and hanged to a telegraph pole
half a mile south of town at 9 o'clock
last night by a mob.
Hayden was arrested for shooting
Bots Greenwood, a brakeman at this
place June 20 and was being taken to
Cassville jail for safe keeping.
The sheriff and prisoner were on
the south bound train, which was
stopped by the mob

Page image

1894-07-06 · Hickman, Ky.

MoNEtr, Mo., June 30. Ulysses Hay
a Negro, was taken from the sher
iff of Newton county at this place and
hung to a telegraph pole half a mile
south of town at 9 o'clock by a mob.
Hayden was arrested for shooting Botz
pod, a brakeman, at this place
and he was being taken to
jail for safe keeping. The
sherilf and prisoner were on the south
bound train, which was stopped by the

Page image

1894-07-06 · Canton, S.D.

Negro Lynched in Missouri.
Monnett, Mo., special: Ulysses
Harden, a negro, was taken from the
sheriff of Newton County at this place
and hung_ to a telegraph pole' half a
mile south of town by a mob

Page image

1894-07-06 · Canton, S.D.

Negro Lynched in Missouri.
Monnett, Mo., special: Ulysses
Hayden, a negro, was taken from the
sheriff of Newton County at this place
and hung_ to a telegraph pole1 half a
mile south of town by a mob

Page image

1894-07-06 · McCook, Neb.

A Kecn> Murderer Lynched by • Mob
Near Monet, Mo.t
Moneft, Mo., June -30.—Ulysses
Hayden, a negro, was taken from the
sheriff of Newton county at this
place and hanged to a telegraph pole
half a mile south of town at 9 o'clock
last night by a mob.
Hayden was arrested for shooting j
Bots Greenwood, a brakeman at this I
place June 20 and was being taken to I
Cassville jail for safe keeping.
The sheriff and prisoner were on '
the south bound train, which was
stopped by the mob.

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