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Pierce City Mob Dealt Out Death

18 reprints from 1901-08-20 to 1901-08-23

From The St Louis Republic



Murder and Outrage of Farmer's Daughter Called for Vengance.


One Negro Lynched, the Other Shot, After Confessing That He Knew Who Killed the Girl--Another Victim Called For.

Pierce City, MO., Aug. 19.--The feeling against negroes here is intense. Twenty-five men, armed with guns, are now in the negro district, firing indiscriminately. No such scenes have been enacted here since the Civil War.
Innocent Person Shot?
Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 19--A special to the Journal from Pierce City, Mo., says that after Godly was strung up there was much shooting at the body, and a small boy was killed and several persons wounded by the promiscuous firing of the mob.

Pierce City, Mo., Aug.19.--The ravishing and murder by a nergro of Girsia Wilde, a farmer's daughter, as she was on her way home form church Sunday has already led to two deaths at the hands of a mob of Pierce City's citizens, and the end is not yet.
The negro residence district is to-night patrolled by an armed body of men, who have sworn to purge Pierce City of negro criminals known to be in the neighborhood.
Officers are powerless in the face of these determined men, and it is morally certain that still another life will pay the forfeit for crime.
The least show of resistance as a unit by the negro population here would lead to a wholesale killing, so thoroughly worked up are the men who have taken it into their hands to avenge Miss Wilde's brutal murder.
From the moment Miss Wilde's body was discovered bying besides a lonely road with her throat cut from ear to ear and every evidence of assault present, there has been but one thought uppermost in the minds of Pierce City's citizens and the neighbors of the murdered and outraged girl's father--revenge. Bloodhounds were at once placed on the trail, and for hours a hundred men followed after them intent on only one purpose--vengance.
When the dogs were known to have failed these men did not give up. Right into the negro homes of Pierce City they went; demanded of every black that he tell aught he knew of Miss Wilde's death.
One man, Gene Carter, told conflicting stories, and while these were being investigated he was hurried off to jail, where another of his race, Will Godly, was already confined for other offenses.
The hunt for evidence continued all through the night and all of Monday. Carter did not kill Miss Wilde, but there was foundation for the belief that he could, if he would, tell a story which would eventually lead to the capture of the actual murderer. With this theory, the mob determined that he should be made to talk even if it took the shadow of a noose hanging over him to make him do so.
To-night both negroes were taken from jail by force, and Will Godly, who had served a sentence in State Penitentiary for committing assault on an old lady 60 years old, was hanged to the corner of the porch of the Lawrence Hotel and his body shot full of bullets. The other, Gene Carter, confessed that he knew who outraged and killed Miss Wilde and claimed it was a railroad porter, now on his run in Oklahoma.
Carter was then riddled with bullets and his body was left lying in the street. It is arranged that when the murder of Miss Wild arrives in Monett in the morning he will meet the fate of Goldy and Carter.

Miss Girsia Wilde, daughter of the farmer living two miles south of Pierce City, was ravished and her throat cut from ear to ear yesterday while returning from church. She was a beautiful young woman, weighing about 135 pounds. She evidently made a hard fight for her life, as her hair was torn, face scratched and her prayerbook, jewelry, etc., scattered in many directions.

1901-08-20 · Savannah, Ga.

Gene Carter has since been taken out
by the mob. riddled with bullets and
left dying in the street.
Kansas City, Aug. 19.—A special to
the Journal from Pierce City, Mo., says
that after Godley was strung up there
was much shooting at the body and a
small boy was killed and several per­
sons wounded by the promiscuous fir­
ing by the mob

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1901-08-20 · Savannah, Ga.

years of age. The feeling against the
negroes here is intense. Twenty-five
men, armed with guns, are now in the
negro district firing indiscriminately.

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1901-08-20 · Denison, Iowa

and left dying in the street. After
Godley was strung up there was much
shooting at the body, and a small boy
was killed and several persons wound­
ed by the promiscuous firing of the

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1901-08-20 · Denison, Iowa

years of age. The feeling against the
negroes here is intense. Twenty-five
men armed with guns are now in the
negro district firing indiscriminately.
No such scenes have been enacted
here since the civil war.

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1901-08-20 · Indianapolis [Ind.]

The feeling against the negroeä here Is in­
tense. Twenty-five men, armed with guns,
are now in the negro district, firing indis­
crlminaately.THEIR LAST LUNCH.
Farmers Were Eutin When The

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1901-08-20 · St. Louis, Mo.

Man on Horseback"
and Its scenes are laid at Fortress Mon­
roe.Mr. Tarkington hopes that the play will
bo produced by E. II. Sothern. to whose
abilities the leading part is suited. Mr.
Tarkington left to-night for the East to at­
tend rehearsals of "Monsieur Beauclalre."
Fell In Ills Sleep By wnlklna; oat of
a second-story window In his sleep, John
Maher. 4J years old. fell to the (round and
sustained a fractured leg and arm. at his
home. No. 1229 Collins street, at 5 a. rn.
yesterday. He was taken to the City Hos­
pital. He eaid that he had not been pre­
viouly afflicted with sleeje-walklng.


jiiiruer and Outrage of Farmer 8
Daughter Called
i Tiiin nrin nllinTUCD nnnilCD
One Xegro Lynched, the Othr
Shut. After Confessing That He
Knew Who Killed the fiirl
Another Victim Called For.
! !
s i.MH.scRiMivvn: 1'iitix;
Pierce City, ilo., Aug. 19. The feel- s
lng agnlnst negroes here Is Intense.
Twcnty-tlvo men. armed with guns. s
are now In the negro district, firing
4 Indiscriminately. No such scenes
s have been enacted here since the
s Civil "War.
4) Innocent Prraona Miotf s
s Kansas City. JIo., Aug. 19. A spe- s
s clal to the Journal from Tierce City,
s Mo. says that after Godly was
s strung up there was much shooting sj
4, at the body, and a small boy was
s killed and several persons wounded
s by the promiscuous firing; of the
4 mob.
I'lerce City. JIo.. Aug. 19 The ravishing
and murder by a negro of GIrsia Wilde, a
farmer's daughter, as she was on her way
, h f" churcb; Sunday has already led
to two deaths at the hands of a mob of
Pierce City's citizens, and tha end la not
The negro residence district 1 to-night
patrolled by an armed body or men, wno
have sworn to purge Pierce City of negro
criminals known to be in the neighborhood.
OHIcers are powerless In the face of thesa
determined men. and It Is morally certain
that still another life will pay the forfeit for
The least show of resistance as a unit by
the negro population here would lead to
a wholesale killing, ro thoroughly worked
up are the men who have taken It Into their
hands to avenge JHss Wilde's brutal mur­
der.From the moment Miss Wildes's body was
discovered lying beside a lonely road with
her throat cut from ear to ear and every
evidence of asault present, there has been
but one thought uppermost In the minds
of Pierce City's citizens and the neighbors
of the murdered and outraged girl's fa­
therrevenge. Bloodhounds were at once
placed on the trail, and for hours a hun­
dred men followed after them. Intent on
only one purpose vengeance.
When the dogs were known to have failed
these men did not give up. Right Into the
negro homes of Pierce City they went:
demanded of every black that he tell aught
he know of Miss Wilde's death.
One man. Gene Carter, told conflicting­
stories, and while these were being Investi­
gated he was hurried off to Jail, where
another of his race. Will Godly, was already
confined for other offenses.
The hunt for evidence continued all
through the night and all of Monday. Car­
ter did not kill Miss Wilde, but there was
foundation for the belief that he could. If
he would, tell a story which would eventu­
ally lead to the capture of the actual mur­
derer. With this theory, the mob deter­
mined that he should be made to talk, even
If it took the shadow of a noose hanglwr
over him to make him do ro.
To-night both negroes wera taken from
Jail by force, and Will Godly, who had
served a sentence In State Penitentiary for
committing assault on an old lady 69 years
old, was hanged to the corner of the porch
of the Lawrence Hotel and his body shot
full of bullets. The other. Gene Carter, con­
fessed that he knew who outraged and
killed Miss Wilde and claimed It was a rail­
road porter, now on his run In Oklahoma.
Carter was then riddled with bullets and
bis body was left lying In the street. It Is ar­
ranged that when the murderer of Miss
Wild arrives In Monett In the. morning;
he will meet the fate of Godly and Carter.
Miss Olrala Wilde, daughter of a farmer
living two miles south of Pierce City, was
ravished and her throat cut from ear to
ear yesterday while returning from cnurcn.
She was a beautiful young woman, weigh­
ing about 135 pounds. She evidently made a
hard fight for her life, as her hair was torn,
face scratched and her prayerbook. Jewelry,
etc, scattered in many directions

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1901-08-20 · Omaha [Neb.]

feeling against tho negroes here Is Intense.
Twenty-fix e men armed with guns nro now
In tho negro district firing Indiscriminately.
No such Bcenei havo been enacted hero
since the civil war.
KANSAS CITY, Aug. 19. A special to
tho Journal from Plerco City, Mo., says
that after Godley was strung up there was
much shooting at tho body, and a small
boy was killed and several persons wounded
by the promiscuous firing of tho mob

Page image

1901-08-21 · Brunswick, Ga.

feeling against the negroes here is
intense. Twenty-five men armed with
gnns are now in the negro distriot
firing Indiscriminately.
After Godiey was strong np there
was mnob shooting at the body, and a
small boy was killed and several per­
sons wonnded by the promiscuous firing
of tbe mob.

Page image

1901-08-22 · Central City, Colo.

and left dying in the street- Alter
Godley was strung up there was much
shooting at the body, and a small boy
was killed and several persons wound­
ed by the promiscuous firing of the

Page image

1901-08-22 · Central City, Colo.

years of age. The feeling against the
negroes here is intense. Twenty-five
men armed with guns are now 111 the
negro district firing indiscriminately.
No such scenes have been enacted
here since the civil war.


Loss of Life BeiOw New Orleans Less
Than Expected.
New Orleans, Aug. 17.—The storm
has passed and seems to have done
no great damage anywhere except
along the river below the city, six
fatalities occurring near the river’s
mouth. In the city the only injury
was to the lakeside resorts and to the
section flooded by the break in a cana

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1901-08-22 · Mexico, Mo.

PiEiiCE Citt, Aug. 19. The ravish­
ing and murder by a negro of Glrsla
Wilde, a farmer's daughter, as she was
on ber way home from church Sun
day has already led to two deaths at
the hands of a mob of Pierce City's
citizens, and the end is not yet.
The negro residence district Is to­
night patrolled by an armed body of
men, who have sworn to purge Pierce
City of negro criminals known to be In
the neighborhood.
The least show of resistance as a
unit by the negro population here
would lead to a wholesale killing, so
thoroughly worked up are the men
who have taken into their hands to
avenge Miss Wilde's brutal murder.
To-night both negroes were taken
from Jail by force, and Will Godley,
who had served a sentence In the
penitentiary for committing assault
on an old lady 60 years old, was hanged
to the corner of the porch of the
Lawrence Hotel and his body shot
full of bullets. The other, Gene Car
ter, confessed that he knew who out­
raged and killed Miss Wilde and
claimed it was a railroad porter, now
on his run in Oklahoma.
Carter was then riddled with bul
lets and bis body left lying In tbe
street. It is arranged that when the
murderer arrives at Monett In tbe
morning he will meet the fate of
Godley and Carter.
Miss Glrsla Wilde, daughter of a
farmer living two miles south of
Pierce City, was ravished and her
throat cut from ear to ear yesterday
while icturnlng from church. She
was a beautiful young woman, weigh­
ing about 135 pounds. She evidently
made a bard fight for her life, as her
hair was torn, face scratched and her
prayerbook, Jewelry, etc., were
scattered in many directions

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1901-08-23 · Canton, S.D.

The feeling against the negroes here is
intense. Twenty-five men armed with
guns are now in the negro district, firing
indiscriminately. The town is greatly

Kansas City: A special to the Jour­
nal from Pierce City, Mo., says that af­
ter Edgar Godley was strung up there
was much shooting at the body and a
small boy was killed and several persons
wounded by the promiscuous firiiig of
the mob.

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1901-08-23 · Norfolk, Neb.

and left dying In the street. After ,
Godley was strung up there waa much
shooting at the body , and a small boy j
was killed and several persons wound--)
cd by the promiscuous firing of the

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1901-08-23 · Norfolk, Neb.

years of age. The feeling against the
negroes here Is Intense. Twenty-five i
men armed with guns are now In the
negro district firing Indiscriminately.
No such scones have been enacted
here since the civil war

Page image

Kansas City. Aug. 34.—A special to
the Journal from Pierce City, Mo., says
that after Edgar Godley vra,s strung up
there was much shooting- st the body
and a small boy was killed and several
res wounded by the promisessui
of the mob.


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TS j.

Twenty-five men armed with guns
are now in the negro district, firing in­
discriminately. The town is greatl

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1901-08-23 · Edgerton, Wis.

Godley was strung up there was much
shooting at the body and a boy was
killed and several persons wounded
by the indiscriminate firing

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