This example shows tidal locking for the planet candidate Gl 581 d.
Date | 04/09/2019 |
Author | Rory Barnes |
Modules | EqTide |
Approx. runtime | 10 seconds |
Although Gl 581 d is no longer thought to be a planet, this example reproduces Fig. 6 in Heller et al. (2011) and validates the EqTide module. Results for the rotational period and obliquity for both the "constant-phase-lag" (CPL) and "constant-time-lag" (CTL) models are compared.
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Left: Rotational period evolution for the CPL (dashed curve) and CTL (solid curve) assuming an initial rotation period of 1 day, a tidal Q of 100, and and obliquity of 23.5 degrees. Right: Same, but for obliquity.