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Lawrence Wong edited this page Jun 28, 2017 · 29 revisions

Welcome to ViveInputUtility Wiki!


Vive Input Utility for Unity is a tool that want to help accelerate VR apps development. It provides static interfaces to access VR device status easily in scripts and series of helper components to built up scene faster.

This plugin at first was an internal tool created by ViveSoftware for prototyping and trying new VR experience. They decided to release on public since it may help other developers.

Now the plugin is extended with following features:

  • Interfaces to easily access VR device
  • UI pointers
  • Object grabbers
  • Teleport
  • Virtual Role to identify VR devices
  • Support OpenVR & OculusVR

Installing Vive Input Utility

  • Getting started
    • Instructions for downloading and installing the Vive Input Utility and dependent packages.

Learning Vive Input Utility

  • Guide document
  • Example 0.Tutorial
  • Example 1.UGUI
  • Example 2.2DDragDrop
  • Example 3.3DDrag
  • Example 4.Teleport
  • Exmaple 5.ColliderEvent
    • Grab objects with controller
  • Example 6.ControllerManagerSample
  • Example 7.RoleBindingExmaple