After this lesson, you will be able to:
- Create lists in Python.
- Print out specific elements in a list.
- Perform common list operations.
A list is Python's name for an array. They function very similarly to Javascript arrays.
# Declaring lists
colors = ["red", "yellow", "green"]
my_class = ["James", "Zoe", "Steve", "Nhu", "Paulo"]
# Strings
colors = ["red", "yellow", "green"]
# Numbers
my_nums = [4, 7, 9, 1, 4]
# Both!
loosy_goosy = ["red", 7, "yellow", 1, 4]
If you want to access a specific element, you access it with bracket notations in the same way as Javascript. For example, to print 'Steve', we would write: print(my_class[2])
To get the length of a list, use len(list_name)
. For example:
my_class = ["James", "Zoe", "Steve", "Nhu", "Paulo"]
num_students = len(my_class)
print("There are", num_students, "students in the class")
# => 5
To add something on the end of a list, use list_name.append(item)
. For example:
my_class = ["James", "Zoe", "Steve", "Nhu", "Paulo"]
# => ["James", "Zoe", "Steve", "Nhu", "Paulo", "Sonyl"]
To add an element in a list at a specific index, use list_name.insert(index, item)
. For example:
my_class = ["James", "Zoe", "Steve", "Nhu", "Paulo", "Sonyl"]
my_class.insert(1, "Kelly")
# => ["James", "Kelly", "Zoe", "Steve", "Nhu", "Paulo", "Sonyl"]
There are two ways to use pop()
; with no parameters or with an index. If no parameter is set, pop()
will remove the last item from a list and return it, otherwise it will remove the item at that specific index. For example:
my_class = ["James", "Kelly", "Zoe", "Steve", "Nhu", "Paulo", "Sonyl"]
student_that_left = my_class.pop()
print(student_that_left, "has left the class.")
# => "Sonyl has left the class"
# => ["James", "Kelly", "Zoe", "Steve", "Nhu", "Paulo"]
second_student_to_leave = my_class.pop(1)
print(student_that_left, "has left the class.")
# => "Kelly has left the class"
# => ["James", "Zoe", "Steve", "Nhu", "Paulo"]
- Declare a list with the names of your classmates
- Print out the length of that list
- Add a new classmate
- Print the 3rd name on the list
- Delete the first name on the list
- Move the last name on the list to be the second name
Answers ```python # 1. Declare a list with the names of your classmates classmates = ["James", "Tamis", "Parker", "Nhu", "Brad", "Q", "Kelly", "Paulo", "Doug"] # 2. Print out the length of that list print(len(classmates)) # 3. Add a new classmate classmates.append("Taylor") print(classmates) # 4. Print the 3rd name on the list print(classmates[2]) # 5. Delete the first name on the list print(classmates.pop(0)) # 6. Move the last name on the list to be the second name classmates.insert(1, classmates.pop()) print(classmates) ```
These actions can only be used with lists of numbers.
This is used when you want to add all the numeric items in your list. For example:
# sum(numeric_list)
batting_avgs = [.328, .299, .208, .301, .275, .226, .253, .232, .287]
sum_avgs = sum(batting_avgs)
print("The total of all the batting averages is", sum_avgs)
# => 2.409
These will find the smallest and largest number in your list. For example:
# max(numeric_list)
# min(numeric_list)
batting_avgs = [.328, .299, .208, .301, .275, .226, .253, .232, .287]
print("The highest batting average is", max(batting_avgs))
# => 0.328
print("The lowest batting average is", min(batting_avgs))
# => 0.208
- Declare a list of numbers
- Print out the largest difference between numbers
- Print the mean of all the numbers
```python # Declare a list of numbers numberz = [4, 10, 8, 9, 77, 21, 3, 4] # Print out the largest difference between numbers big_diff = max(numberz) - min(numberz) print(big_diff) # Print the mean of all the numbers avg = sum(numberz)/len(numberz) print(avg) ```