This document lists the error codes and their descriptions for the KingAuction
and NumberRunnerClub
smart contracts.
This error code is returned when the King's Hands have already been generated.
This error code is returned when the request ID does not match the expected ID.
This error code is returned when the collection has ended.
This error code is returned when the collection has not yet ended.
This error code is returned when the user has not chosen yet.
This error code is returned when the maximum number of tokens for that color has been reached.
This error code is returned when the user does not send enough ether.
This error code is returned when the user does not own the ENS name.
This error code is returned when the user does not own the NRC token.
This error code is returned when the ENS name used does not be part of the valid club.
This error code is returned when the NRC token is not stacked in the contract.
This error code is returned when the contract don't have enough balance to pay the user.
This error code is returned when the user try to burn a King token.