We take security seriously at WatermelonKatana. Your reports help us ensure a safe and reliable experience for our users. If you discover a vulnerability, please follow the guidelines below to report it.
If you find a security vulnerability, we encourage you to let us know as soon as possible. Here are the ways you can report it:
Join our Discord Server and head to the #bug-reporting channel. Provide as much detail as you can about the vulnerability, including steps to reproduce it and its potential impact.
Alternatively, you can report the issue on our WatermelonKatana Forum. Use #bug-reporting or #bug to report said bug.
To help us quickly understand and address the issue, please include:
- Description of the vulnerability
- Steps to reproduce it
- Potential impact of the vulnerability
- Any suggestions for fixing it
We appreciate your efforts in making WatermelonKatana a secure and safe platform for everyone. Thank you for your contribution! π