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2744 lines (2744 loc) · 157 KB

File metadata and controls

2744 lines (2744 loc) · 157 KB

The service world that exports all the services. TODO: The host is expected to treat all exports as optional until the option semantics was added to the component model and WIT specification.

Import interface wasi:io/[email protected]


resource error

A resource which represents some error information.

The only method provided by this resource is to-debug-string, which provides some human-readable information about the error.

In the wasi:io package, this resource is returned through the wasi:io/streams/stream-error type.

To provide more specific error information, other interfaces may provide functions to further "downcast" this error into more specific error information. For example, errors returned in streams derived from filesystem types to be described using the filesystem's own error-code type, using the function wasi:filesystem/types/filesystem-error-code, which takes a parameter borrow<error> and returns option<wasi:filesystem/types/error-code>.

The set of functions which can "downcast" an error into a more concrete type is open.


[method] func

Returns a string that is suitable to assist humans in debugging this error.

WARNING: The returned string should not be consumed mechanically! It may change across platforms, hosts, or other implementation details. Parsing this string is a major platform-compatibility hazard.

Return values
  • string

Import interface wasi:io/[email protected]

A poll API intended to let users wait for I/O events on multiple handles at once.


resource pollable

pollable represents a single I/O event which may be ready, or not.


[method]pollable.ready: func

Return the readiness of a pollable. This function never blocks.

Returns true when the pollable is ready, and false otherwise.

Return values
  • bool

[method]pollable.block: func

block returns immediately if the pollable is ready, and otherwise blocks until ready.

This function is equivalent to calling poll.poll on a list containing only this pollable.


poll: func

Poll for completion on a set of pollables.

This function takes a list of pollables, which identify I/O sources of interest, and waits until one or more of the events is ready for I/O.

The result list<u32> contains one or more indices of handles in the argument list that is ready for I/O.

If the list contains more elements than can be indexed with a u32 value, this function traps.

A timeout can be implemented by adding a pollable from the wasi-clocks API to the list.

This function does not return a result; polling in itself does not do any I/O so it doesn't fail. If any of the I/O sources identified by the pollables has an error, it is indicated by marking the source as being reaedy for I/O.

Return values
  • list<u32>

Import interface wasi:io/[email protected]

WASI I/O is an I/O abstraction API which is currently focused on providing stream types.

In the future, the component model is expected to add built-in stream types; when it does, they are expected to subsume this API.


type error


#### `type pollable` [`pollable`](#pollable)

#### `variant stream-error`

An error for input-stream and output-stream operations.

Variant Cases
  • last-operation-failed: own<error>

    The last operation (a write or flush) failed before completion.

    More information is available in the error payload.

  • closed

    The stream is closed: no more input will be accepted by the stream. A closed output-stream will return this error on all future operations.

resource input-stream

An input bytestream.

input-streams are non-blocking to the extent practical on underlying platforms. I/O operations always return promptly; if fewer bytes are promptly available than requested, they return the number of bytes promptly available, which could even be zero. To wait for data to be available, use the subscribe function to obtain a pollable which can be polled for using wasi:io/poll.

resource output-stream

An output bytestream.

output-streams are non-blocking to the extent practical on underlying platforms. Except where specified otherwise, I/O operations also always return promptly, after the number of bytes that can be written promptly, which could even be zero. To wait for the stream to be ready to accept data, the subscribe function to obtain a pollable which can be polled for using wasi:io/poll.


[method] func

Perform a non-blocking read from the stream.

When the source of a read is binary data, the bytes from the source are returned verbatim. When the source of a read is known to the implementation to be text, bytes containing the UTF-8 encoding of the text are returned.

This function returns a list of bytes containing the read data, when successful. The returned list will contain up to len bytes; it may return fewer than requested, but not more. The list is empty when no bytes are available for reading at this time. The pollable given by subscribe will be ready when more bytes are available.

This function fails with a stream-error when the operation encounters an error, giving last-operation-failed, or when the stream is closed, giving closed.

When the caller gives a len of 0, it represents a request to read 0 bytes. If the stream is still open, this call should succeed and return an empty list, or otherwise fail with closed.

The len parameter is a u64, which could represent a list of u8 which is not possible to allocate in wasm32, or not desirable to allocate as as a return value by the callee. The callee may return a list of bytes less than len in size while more bytes are available for reading.

Return values

[method]input-stream.blocking-read: func

Read bytes from a stream, after blocking until at least one byte can be read. Except for blocking, behavior is identical to read.

Return values

[method]input-stream.skip: func

Skip bytes from a stream. Returns number of bytes skipped.

Behaves identical to read, except instead of returning a list of bytes, returns the number of bytes consumed from the stream.

Return values

[method]input-stream.blocking-skip: func

Skip bytes from a stream, after blocking until at least one byte can be skipped. Except for blocking behavior, identical to skip.

Return values

[method]input-stream.subscribe: func

Create a pollable which will resolve once either the specified stream has bytes available to read or the other end of the stream has been closed. The created pollable is a child resource of the input-stream. Implementations may trap if the input-stream is dropped before all derived pollables created with this function are dropped.

Return values

[method]output-stream.check-write: func

Check readiness for writing. This function never blocks.

Returns the number of bytes permitted for the next call to write, or an error. Calling write with more bytes than this function has permitted will trap.

When this function returns 0 bytes, the subscribe pollable will become ready when this function will report at least 1 byte, or an error.

Return values

[method]output-stream.write: func

Perform a write. This function never blocks.

When the destination of a write is binary data, the bytes from contents are written verbatim. When the destination of a write is known to the implementation to be text, the bytes of contents are transcoded from UTF-8 into the encoding of the destination and then written.

Precondition: check-write gave permit of Ok(n) and contents has a length of less than or equal to n. Otherwise, this function will trap.

returns Err(closed) without writing if the stream has closed since the last call to check-write provided a permit.

Return values

[method]output-stream.blocking-write-and-flush: func

Perform a write of up to 4096 bytes, and then flush the stream. Block until all of these operations are complete, or an error occurs.

This is a convenience wrapper around the use of check-write, subscribe, write, and flush, and is implemented with the following pseudo-code:

let pollable = this.subscribe();
while !contents.is_empty() {
  // Wait for the stream to become writable
  let Ok(n) = this.check-write(); // eliding error handling
  let len = min(n, contents.len());
  let (chunk, rest) = contents.split_at(len);
  this.write(chunk  );            // eliding error handling
  contents = rest;
// Wait for completion of `flush`
// Check for any errors that arose during `flush`
let _ = this.check-write();         // eliding error handling
Return values

[method]output-stream.flush: func

Request to flush buffered output. This function never blocks.

This tells the output-stream that the caller intends any buffered output to be flushed. the output which is expected to be flushed is all that has been passed to write prior to this call.

Upon calling this function, the output-stream will not accept any writes (check-write will return ok(0)) until the flush has completed. The subscribe pollable will become ready when the flush has completed and the stream can accept more writes.

Return values

[method]output-stream.blocking-flush: func

Request to flush buffered output, and block until flush completes and stream is ready for writing again.

Return values

[method]output-stream.subscribe: func

Create a pollable which will resolve once the output-stream is ready for more writing, or an error has occured. When this pollable is ready, check-write will return ok(n) with n>0, or an error.

If the stream is closed, this pollable is always ready immediately.

The created pollable is a child resource of the output-stream. Implementations may trap if the output-stream is dropped before all derived pollables created with this function are dropped.

Return values

[method]output-stream.write-zeroes: func

Write zeroes to a stream.

This should be used precisely like write with the exact same preconditions (must use check-write first), but instead of passing a list of bytes, you simply pass the number of zero-bytes that should be written.

Return values

[method]output-stream.blocking-write-zeroes-and-flush: func

Perform a write of up to 4096 zeroes, and then flush the stream. Block until all of these operations are complete, or an error occurs.

This is a convenience wrapper around the use of check-write, subscribe, write-zeroes, and flush, and is implemented with the following pseudo-code:

let pollable = this.subscribe();
while num_zeroes != 0 {
  // Wait for the stream to become writable
  let Ok(n) = this.check-write(); // eliding error handling
  let len = min(n, num_zeroes);
  this.write-zeroes(len);         // eliding error handling
  num_zeroes -= len;
// Wait for completion of `flush`
// Check for any errors that arose during `flush`
let _ = this.check-write();         // eliding error handling
Return values

[method]output-stream.splice: func

Read from one stream and write to another.

The behavior of splice is equivelant to:

  1. calling check-write on the output-stream
  2. calling read on the input-stream with the smaller of the check-write permitted length and the len provided to splice
  3. calling write on the output-stream with that read data.

Any error reported by the call to check-write, read, or write ends the splice and reports that error.

This function returns the number of bytes transferred; it may be less than len.

Return values

[method]output-stream.blocking-splice: func

Read from one stream and write to another, with blocking.

This is similar to splice, except that it blocks until the output-stream is ready for writing, and the input-stream is ready for reading, before performing the splice.

Return values

Import interface wasi:keyvalue/[email protected]


resource error

An error resource type for keyvalue operations.

Common errors:

  • Connectivity errors (e.g. network errors): when the client cannot establish a connection to the keyvalue service.
  • Authentication and Authorization errors: when the client fails to authenticate or does not have the required permissions to perform the operation.
  • Data errors: when the client sends incompatible or corrupted data.
  • Resource errors: when the system runs out of resources (e.g. memory).
  • Internal errors: unexpected errors on the server side.

Currently, this provides only one function to return a string representation of the error. In the future, this will be extended to provide more information about the error. Soon: switch to resource error { ... }


[method]error.trace: func

Return values
  • string

Import interface wasi:keyvalue/[email protected]

A generic keyvalue interface for WASI.


type input-stream


#### `type output-stream` [`output-stream`](#output_stream)

#### `type error` [`error`](#error)

#### `resource bucket`

A bucket is a collection of key-value pairs. Each key-value pair is stored as a entry in the bucket, and the bucket itself acts as a collection of all these entries.

It is worth noting that the exact terminology for bucket in key-value stores can very depending on the specific implementation. For example,

  1. Amazon DynamoDB calls a collection of key-value pairs a table
  2. Redis has hashes, sets, and sorted sets as different types of collections
  3. Cassandra calls a collection of key-value pairs a column family
  4. MongoDB calls a collection of key-value pairs a collection
  5. Riak calls a collection of key-value pairs a bucket
  6. Memcached calls a collection of key-value pairs a slab
  7. Azure Cosmos DB calls a collection of key-value pairs a container

In this interface, we use the term bucket to refer to a collection of key-value Soon: switch to resource bucket { ... }

type key


A key is a unique identifier for a value in a bucket. The key is used to retrieve the value from the bucket.

resource outgoing-value

A value is the data stored in a key-value pair. The value can be of any type that can be represented in a byte array. It provides a way to write the value to the output-stream defined in the wasi-io interface. Soon: switch to resource value { ... }

type outgoing-value-body-async


#### `type outgoing-value-body-sync` [`outgoing-value-body-sync`](#outgoing_value_body_sync)

#### `resource incoming-value`

A incoming-value is a wrapper around a value. It provides a way to read the value from the input-stream defined in the wasi-io interface.

The incoming-value provides two ways to consume the value:

  1. incoming-value-consume-sync consumes the value synchronously and returns the value as a list<u8>.
  2. incoming-value-consume-async consumes the value asynchronously and returns the value as an input-stream. In addition, it provides a incoming-value-size function to get the size of the value. This is useful when the value is large and the caller wants to allocate a buffer of the right size to consume the value. Soon: switch to resource incoming-value { ... }

type incoming-value-async-body


#### `type incoming-value-sync-body` [`incoming-value-sync-body`](#incoming_value_sync_body)



[static] func

Opens a bucket with the given name.

If any error occurs, including if the bucket does not exist, it returns an Err(error).

  • name: string
Return values

[static] func

Return values

[method]outgoing-value.outgoing-value-write-body-async: func

Writes the value to the output-stream asynchronously. If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error).

Return values

[method]outgoing-value.outgoing-value-write-body-sync: func

Writes the value to the output-stream synchronously. If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error).

Return values

[static]incoming-value.incoming-value-consume-sync: func

Consumes the value synchronously and returns the value as a list of bytes. If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error).

Return values

[static]incoming-value.incoming-value-consume-async: func

Consumes the value asynchronously and returns the value as an input-stream. If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error).

Return values

[method]incoming-value.incoming-value-size: func

The size of the value in bytes. If the size is unknown or unavailable, this function returns an Err(error).

Return values
  • result<u64, own<error>>

Import interface wasi:keyvalue/[email protected]

A keyvalue interface that provides eventually consistent CRUD operations.

A CRUD operation is an operation that acts on a single key-value pair.

The value in the key-value pair is defined as a u8 byte array and the intention is that it is the common denominator for all data types defined by different key-value stores to handle data, ensuring compatibility between different key-value stores. Note: the clients will be expecting serialization/deserialization overhead to be handled by the key-value store. The value could be a serialized object from JSON, HTML or vendor-specific data types like AWS S3 objects.

Data consistency in a key value store refers to the gaurantee that once a write operation completes, all subsequent read operations will return the value that was written.

The level of consistency in readwrite interfaces is eventual consistency, which means that if a write operation completes successfully, all subsequent read operations will eventually return the value that was written. In other words, if we pause the updates to the system, the system eventually will return the last updated value for read.


type bucket


#### `type error` [`error`](#error)

#### `type incoming-value` [`incoming-value`](#incoming_value)

#### `type key` [`key`](#key)

#### `type outgoing-value` [`outgoing-value`](#outgoing_value)



get: func

Get the value associated with the key in the bucket.

The value is returned as an option. If the key-value pair exists in the bucket, it returns Ok(value). If the key does not exist in the bucket, it returns Ok(none).

If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error).

Return values

set: func

Set the value associated with the key in the bucket. If the key already exists in the bucket, it overwrites the value.

If the key does not exist in the bucket, it creates a new key-value pair.

If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error).

Return values

delete: func

Delete the key-value pair associated with the key in the bucket.

If the key does not exist in the bucket, it does nothing.

If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error).

Return values

exists: func

Check if the key exists in the bucket.

If the key exists in the bucket, it returns Ok(true). If the key does not exist in the bucket, it returns Ok(false).

If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error).

Return values
  • result<bool, own<error>>

Import interface wasi:keyvalue/[email protected]

A keyvalue interface that provides atomic operations.

Atomic operations are single, indivisible operations. When a fault causes an atomic operation to fail, it will appear to the invoker of the atomic operation that the action either completed successfully or did nothing at all.


type bucket


#### `type error` [`error`](#error)

#### `type key` [`key`](#key)



increment: func

Atomically increment the value associated with the key in the bucket by the given delta. It returns the new value.

If the key does not exist in the bucket, it creates a new key-value pair with the value set to the given delta.

If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error).

Return values
  • result<u64, own<error>>

compare-and-swap: func

Compare-and-swap (CAS) atomically updates the value associated with the key in the bucket if the value matches the old value. This operation returns Ok(true) if the swap was successful, Ok(false) if the value did not match,

A successful CAS operation means the current value matched the old value and was replaced with the new value.

If the key does not exist in the bucket, it returns Ok(false).

If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error).

Return values
  • result<bool, own<error>>

Import interface wasi:keyvalue/[email protected]

A keyvalue interface that provides eventually consistent batch operations.

A batch operation is an operation that operates on multiple keys at once.

Batch operations are useful for reducing network round-trip time. For example, if you want to get the values associated with 100 keys, you can either do 100 get operations or you can do 1 batch get operation. The batch operation is faster because it only needs to make 1 network call instead of 100.

A batch operation does not guarantee atomicity, meaning that if the batch operation fails, some of the keys may have been modified and some may not. Transactional operations are being worked on and will be added in the future to provide atomicity.

Data consistency in a key value store refers to the gaurantee that once a write operation completes, all subsequent read operations will return the value that was written.

The level of consistency in batch operations is eventual consistency, the same with the readwrite interface. This interface does not guarantee strong consistency, meaning that if a write operation completes, subsequent read operations may not return the value that was written.


type bucket


#### `type error` [`error`](#error)

#### `type key` [`key`](#key)

#### `type incoming-value` [`incoming-value`](#incoming_value)

#### `type outgoing-value` [`outgoing-value`](#outgoing_value)



get-many: func

Get the values associated with the keys in the bucket. It returns a list of incoming-value that can be consumed to get the value associated with the key.

If any of the keys do not exist in the bucket, it returns a none value for that key in the list.

Note that the key-value pairs are guaranteed to be returned in the same order

MAY show an out-of-date value if there are concurrent writes to the bucket.

If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error).

Return values

keys: func

Get all the keys in the bucket. It returns a list of keys.

Note that the keys are not guaranteed to be returned in any particular order.

If the bucket is empty, it returns an empty list.

MAY show an out-of-date list of keys if there are concurrent writes to the bucket.

If any error occurs, it returns an Err(error).

Return values

set-many: func

Set the values associated with the keys in the bucket. If the key already exists in the bucket, it overwrites the value.

Note that the key-value pairs are not guaranteed to be set in the order they are provided.

If any of the keys do not exist in the bucket, it creates a new key-value pair.

If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error). When an error occurs, it does not rollback the key-value pairs that were already set. Thus, this batch operation does not guarantee atomicity, implying that some key-value pairs could be set while others might fail.

Other concurrent operations may also be able to see the partial results.

Return values

delete-many: func

Delete the key-value pairs associated with the keys in the bucket.

Note that the key-value pairs are not guaranteed to be deleted in the order they are provided.

If any of the keys do not exist in the bucket, it skips the key.

If any other error occurs, it returns an Err(error). When an error occurs, it does not rollback the key-value pairs that were already deleted. Thus, this batch operation does not guarantee atomicity, implying that some key-value pairs could be deleted while others might fail.

Other concurrent operations may also be able to see the partial results.

Return values

Import interface wasi:blobstore/[email protected]

Types used by blobstore


type input-stream


#### `type output-stream` [`output-stream`](#output_stream)

#### `type container-name` `string`

name of a container, a collection of objects. The container name may be any valid UTF-8 string.

type object-name


name of an object within a container The object name may be any valid UTF-8 string.

type timestamp


TODO: define timestamp to include seconds since Unix epoch and nanoseconds WebAssembly/wasi-blobstore#7

type object-size


size of an object, in bytes

type error


#### `record container-metadata`

information about a container

Record Fields

record object-metadata

information about an object

Record Fields

record object-id

identifier for an object that includes its container name

Record Fields

resource outgoing-value

A data is the data stored in a data blob. The value can be of any type that can be represented in a byte array. It provides a way to write the value to the output-stream defined in the wasi-io interface. Soon: switch to resource value { ... }

resource incoming-value

A incoming-value is a wrapper around a value. It provides a way to read the value from the input-stream defined in the wasi-io interface.

The incoming-value provides two ways to consume the value:

  1. incoming-value-consume-sync consumes the value synchronously and returns the value as a list of bytes.
  2. incoming-value-consume-async consumes the value asynchronously and returns the value as an input-stream. Soon: switch to resource incoming-value { ... }

type incoming-value-async-body


#### `type incoming-value-sync-body` [`incoming-value-sync-body`](#incoming_value_sync_body)



[static] func

Return values

[method]outgoing-value.outgoing-value-write-body: func

Return values

[method]incoming-value.incoming-value-consume-sync: func

Return values

[method]incoming-value.incoming-value-consume-async: func

Return values

[method]incoming-value.size: func

Return values
  • u64

Import interface wasi:blobstore/[email protected]

a Container is a collection of objects


type input-stream


#### `type output-stream` [`output-stream`](#output_stream)

#### `type container-metadata` [`container-metadata`](#container_metadata)

#### `type error` [`error`](#error)

#### `type incoming-value` [`incoming-value`](#incoming_value)

#### `type object-metadata` [`object-metadata`](#object_metadata)

#### `type object-name` [`object-name`](#object_name)

#### `type outgoing-value` [`outgoing-value`](#outgoing_value)

#### `resource container`

this defines the container resource

resource stream-object-names

this defines the stream-object-names resource which is a representation of stream


[method] func

returns container name

Return values

[method] func

returns container metadata

Return values

[method]container.get-data: func

retrieves an object or portion of an object, as a resource. Start and end offsets are inclusive. Once a data-blob resource has been created, the underlying bytes are held by the blobstore service for the lifetime of the data-blob resource, even if the object they came from is later deleted.

Return values

[method]container.write-data: func

creates or replaces an object with the data blob.

Return values

[method]container.list-objects: func

returns list of objects in the container. Order is undefined.

Return values

[method]container.delete-object: func

deletes object. does not return error if object did not exist.

Return values

[method]container.delete-objects: func

deletes multiple objects in the container

Return values

[method]container.has-object: func

returns true if the object exists in this container

Return values

[method]container.object-info: func

returns metadata for the object

Return values

[method]container.clear: func

removes all objects within the container, leaving the container empty.

Return values

[method] func

reads the next number of objects from the stream

This function returns the list of objects read, and a boolean indicating if the end of the stream was reached.

Return values

[method]stream-object-names.skip-stream-object-names: func

skip the next number of objects in the stream

This function returns the number of objects skipped, and a boolean indicating if the end of the stream was reached.

Return values
  • result<(u64, bool), error>

Import interface wasi:blobstore/[email protected]

wasi-cloud Blobstore service definition


type container


#### `type error` [`error`](#error)

#### `type container-name` [`container-name`](#container_name)

#### `type object-id` [`object-id`](#object_id)



create-container: func

creates a new empty container

Return values

get-container: func

retrieves a container by name

Return values

delete-container: func

deletes a container and all objects within it

Return values

container-exists: func

returns true if the container exists

Return values

copy-object: func

copies (duplicates) an object, to the same or a different container. returns an error if the target container does not exist. overwrites destination object if it already existed.

Return values

move-object: func

moves or renames an object, to the same or a different container returns an error if the destination container does not exist. overwrites destination object if it already existed.

Return values

Import interface wasi:messaging/[email protected]


resource client

A connection to a message-exchange service (e.g., buffer, broker, etc.).

resource error

TODO(danbugs): This should be eventually extracted as an underlying type for other wasi-cloud-core interfaces.

type channel


There are two types of channels: - publish-subscribe channel, which is a broadcast channel, and - point-to-point channel, which is a unicast channel.

The interface doesn't highlight this difference in the type itself as that's uniquely a consumer issue.

record guest-configuration

Configuration includes a required list of channels the guest is subscribing to, and an optional list of extensions key-value pairs (e.g., partitions/offsets to read from in Kafka/EventHubs, QoS etc.).

Record Fields
  • channels: list<channel>
  • extensions: option<list<(string, string)>>

enum format-spec

Format specification for messages

Enum Cases
  • cloudevents
  • http
  • amqp
  • mqtt
  • kafka
  • raw

record message

A message with a binary payload, a format specification, and decorative metadata.

Record Fields
  • data: list<u8>
  • format: format-spec
  • metadata: option<list<(string, string)>>


[static]client.connect: func

  • name: string
Return values

[static]error.trace: func

Return values
  • string

Import interface wasi:messaging/[email protected]


type client


#### `type channel` [`channel`](#channel)

#### `type message` [`message`](#message)

#### `type error` [`error`](#error)



send: func

Return values

Import interface wasi:messaging/[email protected]


type client


#### `type message` [`message`](#message)

#### `type channel` [`channel`](#channel)

#### `type error` [`error`](#error)

#### `type guest-configuration` [`guest-configuration`](#guest_configuration)



subscribe-try-receive: func

Blocking receive for t-milliseconds with ephemeral subscription – if no message is received, returns None

Return values

subscribe-receive: func

Blocking receive until message with ephemeral subscription

Return values

update-guest-configuration: func

'Fit-all' type function for updating a guest's configuration – this could be useful for:

  • unsubscribing from a channel,
  • checkpointing,
  • etc..
Return values

complete-message: func

A message can exist under several statuses: (1) available: the message is ready to be read, (2) acquired: the message has been sent to a consumer (but still exists in the queue), (3) accepted (result of complete-message): the message has been received and ACK-ed by a consumer and can be safely removed from the queue, (4) rejected (result of abandon-message): the message has been received and NACK-ed by a consumer, at which point it can be:

  • deleted,
  • sent to a dead-letter queue, or
  • kept in the queue for further processing.
Return values

abandon-message: func

Return values

Import interface wasi:sql/[email protected]


variant data-type

common data types

Variant Cases
  • int32: s32
  • int64: s64
  • uint32: u32
  • uint64: u64
  • float: float64
  • double: float64
  • str: string
  • boolean: bool
  • date: string
  • time: string
  • timestamp: string
  • binary: list<u8>
  • null

record row

one single row item

Record Fields

resource statement

allows parameterized queries e.g., prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ? AND age = ?", vec!["John Doe", "32"])

resource error

An error resource type. Currently, this provides only one function to return a string representation of the error. In the future, this will be extended to provide more information.

resource connection

A connection to a sql store.


[static]statement.prepare: func

  • query: string
  • params: list<string>
Return values

[method]error.trace: func

Return values
  • string

[static] func

  • name: string
Return values

Import interface wasi:sql/[email protected]


type statement


#### `type row` [`row`](#row)

#### `type error` [`error`](#error)

#### `type connection` [`connection`](#connection)



query: func

query is optimized for querying data, and implementors can make use of that fact to optimize the performance of query execution (e.g., using indexes).

Return values

exec: func

exec is for modifying data in the database.

Return values
  • result<u32, own<error>>

Import interface wasi:config/[email protected]


variant config-error

An error type that encapsulates the different errors that can occur fetching config

Variant Cases
  • upstream: string

    This indicates an error from an "upstream" config source. As this could be almost _anything_ (such as Vault, Kubernetes ConfigMaps, KeyValue buckets, etc), the error message is a string.

  • io: string

    This indicates an error from an I/O operation. As this could be almost _anything_ (such as a file read, network connection, etc), the error message is a string. Depending on how this ends up being consumed, we may consider moving this to use the `wasi:io/error` type instead. For simplicity right now in supporting multiple implementations, it is being left as a string.


get: func

Gets a single opaque config value set at the given key if it exists

Return values

get-all: func

Gets a list of all set config data

Return values

Import interface wasi:random/[email protected]

WASI Random is a random data API.

It is intended to be portable at least between Unix-family platforms and Windows.


get-random-bytes: func

Return len cryptographically-secure random or pseudo-random bytes.

This function must produce data at least as cryptographically secure and fast as an adequately seeded cryptographically-secure pseudo-random number generator (CSPRNG). It must not block, from the perspective of the calling program, under any circumstances, including on the first request and on requests for numbers of bytes. The returned data must always be unpredictable.

This function must always return fresh data. Deterministic environments must omit this function, rather than implementing it with deterministic data.

  • len: u64
Return values
  • list<u8>

get-random-u64: func

Return a cryptographically-secure random or pseudo-random u64 value.

This function returns the same type of data as get-random-bytes, represented as a u64.

Return values
  • u64

Import interface wasi:cli/[email protected]


type output-stream




get-stdout: func

Return values

Import interface wasi:cli/[email protected]


type output-stream




get-stderr: func

Return values

Import interface wasi:cli/[email protected]


type input-stream




get-stdin: func

Return values

Import interface wasi:clocks/[email protected]

WASI Monotonic Clock is a clock API intended to let users measure elapsed time.

It is intended to be portable at least between Unix-family platforms and Windows.

A monotonic clock is a clock which has an unspecified initial value, and successive reads of the clock will produce non-decreasing values.

It is intended for measuring elapsed time.


type pollable


#### `type instant` `u64`

An instant in time, in nanoseconds. An instant is relative to an unspecified initial value, and can only be compared to instances from the same monotonic-clock.

type duration


A duration of time, in nanoseconds.


now: func

Read the current value of the clock.

The clock is monotonic, therefore calling this function repeatedly will produce a sequence of non-decreasing values.

Return values

resolution: func

Query the resolution of the clock. Returns the duration of time corresponding to a clock tick.

Return values

subscribe-instant: func

Create a pollable which will resolve once the specified instant occured.

Return values

subscribe-duration: func

Create a pollable which will resolve once the given duration has elapsed, starting at the time at which this function was called. occured.

Return values

Import interface wasi:http/[email protected]

This interface defines all of the types and methods for implementing HTTP Requests and Responses, both incoming and outgoing, as well as their headers, trailers, and bodies.


type duration


#### `type input-stream` [`input-stream`](#input_stream)

#### `type output-stream` [`output-stream`](#output_stream)

#### `type io-error` [`error`](#error)

#### `type pollable` [`pollable`](#pollable)

#### `variant method`

This type corresponds to HTTP standard Methods.

Variant Cases
  • get
  • head
  • post
  • put
  • delete
  • connect
  • options
  • trace
  • patch
  • other: string

variant scheme

This type corresponds to HTTP standard Related Schemes.

Variant Cases
  • HTTP
  • other: string

record DNS-error-payload

Defines the case payload type for DNS-error above:

Record Fields
  • rcode: option<string>
  • info-code: option<u16>

record TLS-alert-received-payload

Defines the case payload type for TLS-alert-received above:

Record Fields
  • alert-id: option<u8>
  • alert-message: option<string>

record field-size-payload

Defines the case payload type for HTTP-response-{header,trailer}-size above:

Record Fields
  • field-name: option<string>
  • field-size: option<u32>

variant error-code

These cases are inspired by the IANA HTTP Proxy Error Types:

Variant Cases
  • DNS-timeout
  • DNS-error: DNS-error-payload
  • destination-not-found
  • destination-unavailable
  • destination-IP-prohibited
  • destination-IP-unroutable
  • connection-refused
  • connection-terminated
  • connection-timeout
  • connection-read-timeout
  • connection-write-timeout
  • connection-limit-reached
  • TLS-protocol-error
  • TLS-certificate-error
  • TLS-alert-received: TLS-alert-received-payload
  • HTTP-request-denied
  • HTTP-request-length-required
  • HTTP-request-body-size: option<u64>
  • HTTP-request-method-invalid
  • HTTP-request-URI-invalid
  • HTTP-request-URI-too-long
  • HTTP-request-header-section-size: option<u32>
  • HTTP-request-header-size: option<field-size-payload>
  • HTTP-request-trailer-section-size: option<u32>
  • HTTP-request-trailer-size: field-size-payload
  • HTTP-response-incomplete
  • HTTP-response-header-section-size: option<u32>
  • HTTP-response-header-size: field-size-payload
  • HTTP-response-body-size: option<u64>
  • HTTP-response-trailer-section-size: option<u32>
  • HTTP-response-trailer-size: field-size-payload
  • HTTP-response-transfer-coding: option<string>
  • HTTP-response-content-coding: option<string>
  • HTTP-response-timeout
  • HTTP-upgrade-failed
  • HTTP-protocol-error
  • loop-detected
  • configuration-error
  • internal-error: option<string>

    This is a catch-all error for anything that doesn't fit cleanly into a more specific case. It also includes an optional string for an unstructured description of the error. Users should not depend on the string for diagnosing errors, as it's not required to be consistent between implementations.

variant header-error

This type enumerates the different kinds of errors that may occur when setting or appending to a fields resource.

Variant Cases
  • invalid-syntax

    This error indicates that a `field-key` or `field-value` was syntactically invalid when used with an operation that sets headers in a `fields`.

  • forbidden

    This error indicates that a forbidden `field-key` was used when trying to set a header in a `fields`.

  • immutable

    This error indicates that the operation on the `fields` was not permitted because the fields are immutable.

type field-key


Field keys are always strings.

type field-value


Field values should always be ASCII strings. However, in reality, HTTP implementations often have to interpret malformed values, so they are provided as a list of bytes.

resource fields

This following block defines the fields resource which corresponds to HTTP standard Fields. Fields are a common representation used for both Headers and Trailers.

A fields may be mutable or immutable. A fields created using the constructor, from-list, or clone will be mutable, but a fields resource given by other means (including, but not limited to, incoming-request.headers, outgoing-request.headers) might be be immutable. In an immutable fields, the set, append, and delete operations will fail with header-error.immutable.

type headers


Headers is an alias for Fields.

type trailers


Trailers is an alias for Fields.

resource incoming-request

Represents an incoming HTTP Request.

resource outgoing-request

Represents an outgoing HTTP Request.

resource request-options

Parameters for making an HTTP Request. Each of these parameters is currently an optional timeout applicable to the transport layer of the HTTP protocol.

These timeouts are separate from any the user may use to bound a blocking call to wasi:io/poll.poll.

resource response-outparam

Represents the ability to send an HTTP Response.

This resource is used by the wasi:http/incoming-handler interface to allow a Response to be sent corresponding to the Request provided as the other argument to incoming-handler.handle.

type status-code


This type corresponds to the HTTP standard Status Code.

resource incoming-response

Represents an incoming HTTP Response.

resource incoming-body

Represents an incoming HTTP Request or Response's Body.

A body has both its contents - a stream of bytes - and a (possibly empty) set of trailers, indicating that the full contents of the body have been received. This resource represents the contents as an input-stream and the delivery of trailers as a future-trailers, and ensures that the user of this interface may only be consuming either the body contents or waiting on trailers at any given time.

resource future-trailers

Represents a future which may eventaully return trailers, or an error.

In the case that the incoming HTTP Request or Response did not have any trailers, this future will resolve to the empty set of trailers once the complete Request or Response body has been received.

resource outgoing-response

Represents an outgoing HTTP Response.

resource outgoing-body

Represents an outgoing HTTP Request or Response's Body.

A body has both its contents - a stream of bytes - and a (possibly empty) set of trailers, inducating the full contents of the body have been sent. This resource represents the contents as an output-stream child resource, and the completion of the body (with optional trailers) with a static function that consumes the outgoing-body resource, and ensures that the user of this interface may not write to the body contents after the body has been finished.

If the user code drops this resource, as opposed to calling the static method finish, the implementation should treat the body as incomplete, and that an error has occured. The implementation should propogate this error to the HTTP protocol by whatever means it has available, including: corrupting the body on the wire, aborting the associated Request, or sending a late status code for the Response.

resource future-incoming-response

Represents a future which may eventaully return an incoming HTTP Response, or an error.

This resource is returned by the wasi:http/outgoing-handler interface to provide the HTTP Response corresponding to the sent Request.


http-error-code: func

Attempts to extract a http-related error from the wasi:io error provided.

Stream operations which return wasi:io/stream/stream-error::last-operation-failed have a payload of type wasi:io/error/error with more information about the operation that failed. This payload can be passed through to this function to see if there's http-related information about the error to return.

Note that this function is fallible because not all io-errors are http-related errors.

Return values

[constructor]fields: func

Construct an empty HTTP Fields.

The resulting fields is mutable.

Return values

[static]fields.from-list: func

Construct an HTTP Fields.

The resulting fields is mutable.

The list represents each key-value pair in the Fields. Keys which have multiple values are represented by multiple entries in this list with the same key.

The tuple is a pair of the field key, represented as a string, and Value, represented as a list of bytes.

An error result will be returned if any field-key or field-value is syntactically invalid, or if a field is forbidden.

Return values

[method]fields.get: func

Get all of the values corresponding to a key. If the key is not present in this fields or is syntactically invalid, an empty list is returned. However, if the key is present but empty, this is represented by a list with one or more empty field-values present.

Return values

[method]fields.has: func

Returns true when the key is present in this fields. If the key is syntactically invalid, false is returned.

Return values
  • bool

[method]fields.set: func

Set all of the values for a key. Clears any existing values for that key, if they have been set.

Fails with header-error.immutable if the fields are immutable.

Fails with header-error.invalid-syntax if the field-key or any of the field-values are syntactically invalid.

Return values

[method]fields.delete: func

Delete all values for a key. Does nothing if no values for the key exist.

Fails with header-error.immutable if the fields are immutable.

Fails with header-error.invalid-syntax if the field-key is syntactically invalid.

Return values

[method]fields.append: func

Append a value for a key. Does not change or delete any existing values for that key.

Fails with header-error.immutable if the fields are immutable.

Fails with header-error.invalid-syntax if the field-key or field-value are syntactically invalid.

Return values

[method]fields.entries: func

Retrieve the full set of keys and values in the Fields. Like the constructor, the list represents each key-value pair.

The outer list represents each key-value pair in the Fields. Keys which have multiple values are represented by multiple entries in this list with the same key.

Return values

[method]fields.clone: func

Make a deep copy of the Fields. Equivelant in behavior to calling the fields constructor on the return value of entries. The resulting fields is mutable.

Return values

[method]incoming-request.method: func

Returns the method of the incoming request.

Return values

[method]incoming-request.path-with-query: func

Returns the path with query parameters from the request, as a string.

Return values
  • option<string>

[method]incoming-request.scheme: func

Returns the protocol scheme from the request.

Return values

[method]incoming-request.authority: func

Returns the authority from the request, if it was present.

Return values
  • option<string>

[method]incoming-request.headers: func

Get the headers associated with the request.

The returned headers resource is immutable: set, append, and delete operations will fail with header-error.immutable.

The headers returned are a child resource: it must be dropped before the parent incoming-request is dropped. Dropping this incoming-request before all children are dropped will trap.

Return values

[method]incoming-request.consume: func

Gives the incoming-body associated with this request. Will only return success at most once, and subsequent calls will return error.

Return values

[constructor]outgoing-request: func

Construct a new outgoing-request with a default method of GET, and none values for path-with-query, scheme, and authority.

  • headers is the HTTP Headers for the Request.

It is possible to construct, or manipulate with the accessor functions below, an outgoing-request with an invalid combination of scheme and authority, or headers which are not permitted to be sent. It is the obligation of the outgoing-handler.handle implementation to reject invalid constructions of outgoing-request.

Return values

[method]outgoing-request.body: func

Returns the resource corresponding to the outgoing Body for this Request.

Returns success on the first call: the outgoing-body resource for this outgoing-request can be retrieved at most once. Subsequent calls will return error.

Return values

[method]outgoing-request.method: func

Get the Method for the Request.

Return values

[method]outgoing-request.set-method: func

Set the Method for the Request. Fails if the string present in a method.other argument is not a syntactically valid method.

Return values
  • result

[method]outgoing-request.path-with-query: func

Get the combination of the HTTP Path and Query for the Request. When none, this represents an empty Path and empty Query.

Return values
  • option<string>

[method]outgoing-request.set-path-with-query: func

Set the combination of the HTTP Path and Query for the Request. When none, this represents an empty Path and empty Query. Fails is the string given is not a syntactically valid path and query uri component.

Return values
  • result

[method]outgoing-request.scheme: func

Get the HTTP Related Scheme for the Request. When none, the implementation may choose an appropriate default scheme.

Return values

[method]outgoing-request.set-scheme: func

Set the HTTP Related Scheme for the Request. When none, the implementation may choose an appropriate default scheme. Fails if the string given is not a syntactically valid uri scheme.

Return values
  • result

[method]outgoing-request.authority: func

Get the HTTP Authority for the Request. A value of none may be used with Related Schemes which do not require an Authority. The HTTP and HTTPS schemes always require an authority.

Return values
  • option<string>

[method]outgoing-request.set-authority: func

Set the HTTP Authority for the Request. A value of none may be used with Related Schemes which do not require an Authority. The HTTP and HTTPS schemes always require an authority. Fails if the string given is not a syntactically valid uri authority.

Return values
  • result

[method]outgoing-request.headers: func

Get the headers associated with the Request.

The returned headers resource is immutable: set, append, and delete operations will fail with header-error.immutable.

This headers resource is a child: it must be dropped before the parent outgoing-request is dropped, or its ownership is transfered to another component by e.g. outgoing-handler.handle.

Return values

[constructor]request-options: func

Construct a default request-options value.

Return values

[method]request-options.connect-timeout: func

The timeout for the initial connect to the HTTP Server.

Return values

[method]request-options.set-connect-timeout: func

Set the timeout for the initial connect to the HTTP Server. An error return value indicates that this timeout is not supported.

Return values
  • result

[method]request-options.first-byte-timeout: func

The timeout for receiving the first byte of the Response body.

Return values

[method]request-options.set-first-byte-timeout: func

Set the timeout for receiving the first byte of the Response body. An error return value indicates that this timeout is not supported.

Return values
  • result

[method]request-options.between-bytes-timeout: func

The timeout for receiving subsequent chunks of bytes in the Response body stream.

Return values

[method]request-options.set-between-bytes-timeout: func

Set the timeout for receiving subsequent chunks of bytes in the Response body stream. An error return value indicates that this timeout is not supported.

Return values
  • result

[static]response-outparam.set: func

Set the value of the response-outparam to either send a response, or indicate an error.

This method consumes the response-outparam to ensure that it is called at most once. If it is never called, the implementation will respond with an error.

The user may provide an error to response to allow the implementation determine how to respond with an HTTP error response.


[method]incoming-response.status: func

Returns the status code from the incoming response.

Return values

[method]incoming-response.headers: func

Returns the headers from the incoming response.

The returned headers resource is immutable: set, append, and delete operations will fail with header-error.immutable.

This headers resource is a child: it must be dropped before the parent incoming-response is dropped.

Return values

[method]incoming-response.consume: func

Returns the incoming body. May be called at most once. Returns error if called additional times.

Return values

[method] func

Returns the contents of the body, as a stream of bytes.

Returns success on first call: the stream representing the contents can be retrieved at most once. Subsequent calls will return error.

The returned input-stream resource is a child: it must be dropped before the parent incoming-body is dropped, or consumed by incoming-body.finish.

This invariant ensures that the implementation can determine whether the user is consuming the contents of the body, waiting on the future-trailers to be ready, or neither. This allows for network backpressure is to be applied when the user is consuming the body, and for that backpressure to not inhibit delivery of the trailers if the user does not read the entire body.

Return values

[static]incoming-body.finish: func

Takes ownership of incoming-body, and returns a future-trailers. This function will trap if the input-stream child is still alive.

Return values

[method]future-trailers.subscribe: func

Returns a pollable which becomes ready when either the trailers have been received, or an error has occured. When this pollable is ready, the get method will return some.

Return values

[method]future-trailers.get: func

Returns the contents of the trailers, or an error which occured, once the future is ready.

The outer option represents future readiness. Users can wait on this option to become some using the subscribe method.

The outer result is used to retrieve the trailers or error at most once. It will be success on the first call in which the outer option is some, and error on subsequent calls.

The inner result represents that either the HTTP Request or Response body, as well as any trailers, were received successfully, or that an error occured receiving them. The optional trailers indicates whether or not trailers were present in the body.

When some trailers are returned by this method, the trailers resource is immutable, and a child. Use of the set, append, or delete methods will return an error, and the resource must be dropped before the parent future-trailers is dropped.

Return values

[constructor]outgoing-response: func

Construct an outgoing-response, with a default status-code of 200. If a different status-code is needed, it must be set via the set-status-code method.

  • headers is the HTTP Headers for the Response.
Return values

[method]outgoing-response.status-code: func

Get the HTTP Status Code for the Response.

Return values

[method]outgoing-response.set-status-code: func

Set the HTTP Status Code for the Response. Fails if the status-code given is not a valid http status code.

Return values
  • result

[method]outgoing-response.headers: func

Get the headers associated with the Request.

The returned headers resource is immutable: set, append, and delete operations will fail with header-error.immutable.

This headers resource is a child: it must be dropped before the parent outgoing-request is dropped, or its ownership is transfered to another component by e.g. outgoing-handler.handle.

Return values

[method]outgoing-response.body: func

Returns the resource corresponding to the outgoing Body for this Response.

Returns success on the first call: the outgoing-body resource for this outgoing-response can be retrieved at most once. Subsequent calls will return error.

Return values

[method]outgoing-body.write: func

Returns a stream for writing the body contents.

The returned output-stream is a child resource: it must be dropped before the parent outgoing-body resource is dropped (or finished), otherwise the outgoing-body drop or finish will trap.

Returns success on the first call: the output-stream resource for this outgoing-body may be retrieved at most once. Subsequent calls will return error.

Return values

[static]outgoing-body.finish: func

Finalize an outgoing body, optionally providing trailers. This must be called to signal that the response is complete. If the outgoing-body is dropped without calling outgoing-body.finalize, the implementation should treat the body as corrupted.

Fails if the body's outgoing-request or outgoing-response was constructed with a Content-Length header, and the contents written to the body (via write) does not match the value given in the Content-Length.

Return values

[method]future-incoming-response.subscribe: func

Returns a pollable which becomes ready when either the Response has been received, or an error has occured. When this pollable is ready, the get method will return some.

Return values

[method]future-incoming-response.get: func

Returns the incoming HTTP Response, or an error, once one is ready.

The outer option represents future readiness. Users can wait on this option to become some using the subscribe method.

The outer result is used to retrieve the response or error at most once. It will be success on the first call in which the outer option is some, and error on subsequent calls.

The inner result represents that either the incoming HTTP Response status and headers have recieved successfully, or that an error occured. Errors may also occur while consuming the response body, but those will be reported by the incoming-body and its output-stream child.

Return values

Import interface wasi:http/[email protected]

This interface defines a handler of outgoing HTTP Requests. It should be imported by components which wish to make HTTP Requests.


type outgoing-request


#### `type request-options` [`request-options`](#request_options)

#### `type future-incoming-response` [`future-incoming-response`](#future_incoming_response)

#### `type error-code` [`error-code`](#error_code)



handle: func

This function is invoked with an outgoing HTTP Request, and it returns a resource future-incoming-response which represents an HTTP Response which may arrive in the future.

The options argument accepts optional parameters for the HTTP protocol's transport layer.

This function may return an error if the outgoing-request is invalid or not allowed to be made. Otherwise, protocol errors are reported through the future-incoming-response.

Return values

Import interface wasi:clocks/[email protected]

WASI Wall Clock is a clock API intended to let users query the current time. The name "wall" makes an analogy to a "clock on the wall", which is not necessarily monotonic as it may be reset.

It is intended to be portable at least between Unix-family platforms and Windows.

A wall clock is a clock which measures the date and time according to some external reference.

External references may be reset, so this clock is not necessarily monotonic, making it unsuitable for measuring elapsed time.

It is intended for reporting the current date and time for humans.


record datetime

A time and date in seconds plus nanoseconds.

Record Fields
  • seconds: u64
  • nanoseconds: u32


now: func

Read the current value of the clock.

This clock is not monotonic, therefore calling this function repeatedly will not necessarily produce a sequence of non-decreasing values.

The returned timestamps represent the number of seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, also known as POSIX's Seconds Since the Epoch, also known as Unix Time.

The nanoseconds field of the output is always less than 1000000000.

Return values

resolution: func

Query the resolution of the clock.

The nanoseconds field of the output is always less than 1000000000.

Return values

Export interface wasi:http/[email protected]


type incoming-request


#### `type response-outparam` [`response-outparam`](#response_outparam)



handle: func

This function is invoked with an incoming HTTP Request, and a resource response-outparam which provides the capability to reply with an HTTP Response. The response is sent by calling the response-outparam.set method, which allows execution to continue after the response has been sent. This enables both streaming to the response body, and performing other work.

The implementor of this function must write a response to the response-outparam before returning, or else the caller will respond with an error on its behalf.


Export interface wasi:messaging/[email protected]


type message


#### `type guest-configuration` [`guest-configuration`](#guest_configuration)

#### `type error` [`error`](#error)



configure: func

Returns the list of channels (and extension metadata within guest-configuration) that this component should subscribe to and be handled by the subsequent handler within guest-configuration

Return values

handler: func

Whenever this guest receives a message in one of the subscribed channels, the message is sent to this handler

Return values