[[!meta title="Checklist for making a release"]]
DEPRECATED: Favouring https://travis-ci.org/Webconverger/webc/
- Tag webc and Debian Live config -
git tag -s 13.0 && git push origin 13.0
. Permission problems?sudo chown -R $USER:root .git
Build it
gb# /srv/www/build.webconverger.org/webc-build.sh
[[Test|testing]] it
Just debug.log [[ping|privacy]], check clients config fetch
On gb, run
aws s3 cp --acl public-read --storage-class REDUCED_REDUNDANCY webc-35.0.iso s3://webcdl/
Update houston.dreamhost.com:/home/hendry/dl2.webconverger.com/index.php
Back up old release to http://archive.webconverger.com/
Blog release notes, for example
Make sure https://webconverger.com/ links to latest release
Mail webc-users, linking blog entry, for example
Log into twitter and tweet linking the release notes, for example
Email distrowatch [email protected] with release notes