adminEmail |
string |
"" |
Email of Admin Account |
adminPassword |
string |
"" |
Password of Admin Account |
adminUser |
string |
"" |
Name of Admin Account |
affinity |
object |
{} |
allowedHosts |
string |
"*" |
Hosts that are allowed to connect |
caCertSecretName |
string |
"" |
Secret containing a custom CA cert bundle to be mounted. See |
caCertSubPath |
string |
"" |
Name of the CA cert bundle in the secret, e.g. ca-certificates.crt or ca-bundle.crt |
configOverride |
string |
"" |
Config override. See |
containerSecurityContext.enabled |
bool |
false |
debug |
string |
"0" |
Enable debugging |
defaultFromEmail |
string |
"" |
From email for outgoing emails |
emailHost |
string |
"chart-example.local" |
Host for sending emails |
emailPassword |
string |
"" |
Password for sending emails |
emailPort |
int |
587 |
Port for sending emails |
emailSSL |
bool |
false |
Use SSL when sending emails |
emailTLS |
bool |
true |
Use TLS when sending emails |
emailUser |
string |
"" |
User name for sending emails |
existingSecret |
string |
"" |
Name of existing secret, Make sure it contains the keys postgresql-user, postgresql-password, redis-password, email-user, email-password, admin-user, admin-password Also note to set the existingSecret values for the Redis and Postgresql subcharts |
externalSecretName |
string |
"" |
An external secret, in the same namespace, that will be use to set additional (environment) configs. |
extraConfig |
object |
{} |
Additional (environment) configs. Values will be evaluated as templates. See |
extraSecretConfig |
object |
{} |
Same as extraConfig , but created as secrets. Values will be evaluated as Helm templates |
extraVolumeMounts |
list |
[] |
Additional volume mounts to be added to the container. Values will be evaluated as templates. Normally used with extraVolumes |
extraVolumes |
list |
[] |
Additional volumes to be added to the deployment. Values will be evaluated as templates. Requires setting extraVolumeMounts |
fullnameOverride |
string |
"" |
image.pullPolicy |
string |
"IfNotPresent" |
image.repository |
string |
"weblate/weblate" |
image.tag |
string |
"" |
imagePullSecrets |
list |
[] |
ingress.annotations |
object |
{} |
ingress.enabled |
bool |
false |
ingress.hosts[0].host |
string |
"chart-example.local" |
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path |
string |
"/" |
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType |
string |
"Prefix" |
ingress.ingressClassName |
string |
"" |
ingress.tls |
list |
[] |
initContainers |
list |
[] |
List of init containers to add to the pod. Values will be evaluated as Helm templates |
labels |
object |
{} |
custom labels |
livenessProbe.failureThreshold |
int |
10 |
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
int |
300 |
livenessProbe.periodSeconds |
int |
30 |
nameOverride |
string |
"" |
nodeSelector |
object |
{} |
persistence.accessMode |
string |
"ReadWriteOnce" |
persistence.enabled |
bool |
true |
persistence.existingClaim |
string |
"" |
Use an existing volume claim |
persistence.filestore_dir |
string |
"/app/data" |
persistence.size |
string |
"10Gi" |
podAnnotations |
object |
{} |
podLabels |
object |
{} |
podSecurityContext.enabled |
bool |
true |
podSecurityContext.fsGroup |
int |
1000 |
postgresql.auth.database |
string |
"weblate" |
postgresql.auth.enablePostgresUser |
bool |
true |
postgresql.auth.existingSecret |
string |
"" |
postgresql.auth.postgresPassword |
string |
"weblate" |
postgresql.auth.secretKeys.userPasswordKey |
string |
"postgresql-password" |
postgresql.auth.userName |
string |
"" |
postgresql.enabled |
bool |
true |
postgresql.postgresqlHost |
string |
None |
External postgres database endpoint, to be used if postgresql.enabled == false |
postgresql.service.ports.postgresql |
int |
5432 |
readinessProbe.failureThreshold |
int |
2 |
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds |
int |
60 |
readinessProbe.periodSeconds |
int |
30 |
redis.architecture |
string |
"standalone" |
redis.auth.enabled |
bool |
true |
redis.auth.existingSecret |
string |
"" |
redis.auth.existingSecretPasswordKey |
string |
"redis-password" |
redis.auth.password |
string |
"weblate" |
redis.db |
int |
1 |
redis.enabled |
bool |
true |
redis.redisHost |
string |
None |
External redis database endpoint, to be used if redis.enabled == false |
replicaCount |
int |
1 |
resources |
object |
{} |
secretAnnotations |
object |
{} |
serverEmail |
string |
"" |
Sender for outgoing emails |
service.annotations |
object |
{} |
service.port |
int |
80 |
service.type |
string |
"ClusterIP" |
serviceAccount.create |
bool |
true |
| |
string |
nil |
sidecars |
list |
[] |
List of additional containers to add to the pod. Values will be evaluated as Helm templates |
siteDomain |
string |
"chart-example.local" |
Site domain |
sitePrefix |
string |
"" |
Site Prefix (ex: /weblate) |
siteTitle |
string |
"Weblate" |
tolerations |
list |
[] |
updateStrategy |
string |
"Recreate" |