diff --git a/migrations/V37__update_period_standardised.sql b/migrations/V37__update_period_standardised.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31e0ebd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/migrations/V37__update_period_standardised.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+public.kpi_values_period_standardized as
+select *,
+Case when target_value > 0 then ROUND(cumulative_value/target_value*100, 0) else null end as target_fulfilled
+select distinct
+  on (
+    kd.kpi_id,
+    standardized_date,
+    t1.circle_id
+  ) t1.kpi_value_history_id,
+  t1.kpi_id,
+  t1.circle_id,
+  t1.user_id,
+  t1.value,
+  t1.period_date,
+  t1.action,
+  t1.created_at,
+  kd.periodicity as kpi_periodicity,
+  case
+    when kd.periodicity = 'yearly'::periodicity then date_trunc(
+      'year'::text,
+      t1.period_date::timestamp with time zone
+    ) + '1 year'::interval - '1 day'::interval
+    when kd.periodicity = 'monthly'::periodicity then date_trunc(
+      'month'::text,
+      t1.period_date::timestamp with time zone
+    ) + '1 mon'::interval - '1 day'::interval
+    when kd.periodicity = 'quarterly'::periodicity then date_trunc(
+      'quarter'::text,
+      t1.period_date::timestamp with time zone
+    ) + '3 mons'::interval - '1 day'::interval
+    when kd.periodicity = 'weekly'::periodicity then date_trunc(
+      'week'::text,
+      t1.period_date::timestamp with time zone
+    ) - '1 day'::interval + '7 days'::interval
+    else t1.period_date::timestamp with time zone
+  end as standardized_date,
+  ku.user_name,
+  t1.comment,
+    case when kd.cumulative = false and kd.formula = 'aggregate' then sum(t1.value) over (partition by t1.kpi_id, t1.circle_id, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM t1.period_date) order by t1.period_date)
+    when kd.cumulative = true and kd.formula = 'aggregate' then t1.value
+    when kd.cumulative = false and kd.formula = 'average' then avg(t1.value) over (partition by t1.kpi_id, t1.circle_id, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM t1.period_date) order by t1.period_date)
+    when kd.cumulative = true and kd.formula = 'average' then t1.value
+    end as cumulative_value,
+  case when kd.formula = 'aggregate' then 'area_graph'
+  when kd.formula = 'average' and kd.unit in ('numeric', '%') then 'line_graph'
+  when kd.formula = 'average' and kd.unit = 'boolean' then 'donut_graph'
+  end as graph_type,
+  tar.target_value,
+  ck.is_active
+  kpi_values_history t1
+  join kpi_definition kd on t1.kpi_id = kd.kpi_id
+  left join kpi_user ku on t1.user_id = ku.user_id
+  left join target tar on tar.kpi_id = t1.kpi_id AND tar.circle_id = t1.circle_id
+  left join circle_kpi_definition ck on t1.kpi_id = ck.kpi_id and t1.circle_id = ck.circle_id
+order by
+  kd.kpi_id,
+  standardized_date desc,
+  t1.circle_id,
+  t1.created_at desc
+) as sq;
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