Brainstorm of speaking opportunities, including CFPs (collected Fall 2014)
- Grace Hopper (Women in CS) - fall
- OSCON (Open Source) - summer
- PyCon - CFP 9/15
- JSConf
- RailsConf
- RubyConf
- JavaOne - CFP March/April 2015
- Big Boulder
- StrataConf
- 360iDev
- HopeX
- DefCon
- ShmooCon
- Velocity
- EuroPython (summer - Berlin)
- Fluent
- BangBangCon
- Desert Code Camp (~Phoenix, AZ)
- AlterConf (Gaming, Boston, NYC)
- Open Source Bridge, June
- ConFoo (Montreal) - CFP open
- StrangeLoop (emerging tech) - CFP open
- Tallahassee Code Camp - CFP 10/1
- Barcamp Philadelphia (unconference 11/15)
- QConNewYork
- DataGotham - currently postponed
- Self Conference Detroit - spring
- Madison+ Mobile
- CanSecWest
- Web Conference at Penn State — CFP Open
- SpaceCityJS (Houston, TX) - CFP 12/13
- JSFest (Oakland, Berlin) - CFP open
- GoRuCo
- GothamGO - CFP 9/9
- JavaLand, Germany - CFP 9/26
- Drupaldelphia - CFP 9/11
- PyGotham (Python, NYC)
- SunshinePHP, Miami - CFP 9/30
- BackboneConf (Cambridge) - CFP 9/2
- Nodevember, Nashville - November
- Perl::Dancer (Hancock, NY) - CFP 9/11
- Austin Code Camp - CFP 9/28
- Clojure eXchange, London - CFP open
- PyTennessee - CFP opens Oct 1st
- PyData NYC - sometime this fall
- All the PyDatas!
- PyOhio - next summer
- PyTexas - October
- Ruby Nation (Washington, DC) - next summer
- Ladies Who Code meetup
- Women Who Code NYC - lightning talks (next one is November)
- HTML5 meetup - events are series of lightning talks
- Hack and Tell
- NYC Beginner Programmers
- NYC Python (Python) - featured talk nights bimonthly, lightning talks, shorter talks during office hours
- NYC Flask
- PyLadies (Python, women developers) - demo nights
- NYC Machine Learning
- NYC Data Science
- Rails Girls Workshops - speaking opportunities between actual coding
- Philly.rb
- Girl Geek Dinners (Philly)
- Cocoaheads
- Internet of Things meetup (NYC)
- NY Tech Meetup
- Ignite Talks
- DBCx