Ƭ Options: Object
Options type for the remark-remove-url-trailing-slash plugin.
Name | Type | Description |
excludeHeadingLevel? |
{ [level in "h1" | "h2" | "h3" | "h4" | "h5" | "h6"]?: boolean } | Headings of the specified level in { [level]: true } will be excluded from capitalization entirely, where h1 corresponds to <h1>…</h1> /# … , h2 to <h2>…</h2> /## … , etc. > Excludes with false values are treated as if they were commented out. Default ts {} |
excludeHeadingText? |
string [] |
This option lets you avoid transforming specific parts of the header's text before they've been transformed by title. Default ts [] |
excludeSectionRegExp? |
(string | RegExp )[] |
Entire sections with a stringified heading matching at least one of the given regular expression strings will be excluded from capitalization entirely. Default ts [] |
replaceHeadingRegExp? |
{ [regExp: string] : string ; } |
This option lets you manipulate non-excluded headers in their stringified form after they've been transformed by title by leveraging mdast position data. This extra context is useful for tasks like capitalizing a word only if it appears at the end of a heading, or as part of a phrase, or to prevent a word from being capitalized. This option also supports using matching groups in during replacement. Default ts { "(?<=\\s)a(?=\\p{P})": "A" } |
▸ default(this
, ...parameters
): undefined
| void
| Transformer
, Root
A remark plugin that takes a Root node as input and returns the same node
with all heading nodes capitalized using Vercel's title
Name | Type |
this |
Processor <undefined , undefined , undefined , undefined , undefined > |
...parameters |
[options: Options] | void [] |
| void
| Transformer
, Root