- Fork the adicu repository
- Make your changes
- Write the corresponding tests in the
directory - Submit a pull request to master
##Setting up your fork
- Use the fork button on the website
- Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:< USERNAME >/density.git
- Configure the remote repo
git remote add git@github.com:adicu/density
- Activate Travis-CI on your fork.
##Pull Requests
If you are unsure of how to implement a feature you are working on ore are looking for feedback, please keep an open pull request as you go. It's then easy to monitor and comment on how you're going about your implementation. We will not merge your pull request until the build is passing and you signal that it is ready.
We will use PEP8 syntax for all Python files. There are a variety of linters installable for vim and sublime that will check this as you code. Travis-CI will check with a linter everytime the build is executed.
##Pulling in changes
git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/master
##Using Travis-CI
Travis will automatically run all defined tests as well as a PEP8 linter. Travis-CI will email you with the build status every time you push code to your fork. The tests will also be run on every pull request opened on adicu repo
All tests for the API are located in the density/tests/
Each file has a correpsonding tests file.
Every method should have 1-3 tests depending on it's functionality options. There should be a test for every possible exception as well as every possible parameter option.
For testing endpoints please examine the density/tests/template.py
to lessen the amount of boilerplate for each test.