Originally forked from the amazing scala-notebook, almost entirely refactored for Massive Dataset Analysis using Apache Spark.
- Description
- In the wild
- Launch
- Use
- Features
The main intent of this tool is to create reproducible analysis using Scala, Apache Spark and more.
This is achieved through an interactive web-based editor that can combine Scala code, SQL queries, Markup or even JavaScript in a collaborative manner.
The usage of Spark comes out of the box, and is simply enabled by the implicit variable named sparkContext
You should also check the website, http://spark-notebook.io.
C'mon on gitter!
There are two different mailing lists, each aiming to specific discussions:
Then spark-notebook-dev mailing list for all threads regarding implementation, architecture, features and what not related to fix or enhance the project.
Email: [email protected].
The spark-notebook-user is for almost everything else than dev, which are questions, bugs, complains, or hopefully some kindness :-D.
Email: [email protected].
Name | Logo | URL | Description |
Data Fellas | website | Mad Data Science and Scalable Computing | |
Agile Lab | website | The only Italian Spark Certified systems integrator | |
CloudPhysics | website | DATA-DRIVEN INSIGHTS FOR SMARTER IT | |
Aliyun | product | Spark runtime environment on ECS and management tool of Spark Cluster running on Aliyun ECS |
Long story short, there are several ways to start the spark notebook quickly (even from scratch):
- [Preferred] Built/Get from http://spark-notebook.io
- ZIP/TGZ file
- Docker image
- DEB package
However, there are several flavors for these distributions that depends on the Spark version and Hadoop version you are using.
- Make sure you're running at least Java 7 (
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
Head to http://spark-notebook.io.
You'll be presented a form to get the distribution you want. If not available, it'll gracefully build it for you and notify you want it'll be ready
IMPORTANT: then you can check the related section for instructions on how to use it (although it's very easy).
The zip/tgz distributions are publicly available in the bucket: s3://spark-notebook.
Here is an example for zip (replace all zip by tgz for the tarbal version):
wget https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/spark-notebook/zip/spark-notebook-0.4.0-scala-2.10.4-spark-1.3.0-hadoop-1.0.4.zip
unzip spark-notebook-0.2.0-spark-1.2.0-hadoop-1.0.4.zip
cd spark-notebook-0.2.0-spark-1.2.0-hadoop-1.0.4
If you're a Docker user, the following procedure will be even simpler!
Checkout the needed version here.
docker pull andypetrella/spark-notebook:0.4.0-scala-2.10.4-spark-1.2.1-hadoop-2.4.0
docker run -p 9000:9000 andypetrella/spark-notebook:0.4.0-scala-2.10.4-spark-1.2.1-hadoop-2.4.0
On Mac OS X, you need something like boot2docker to use docker. However, port forwarding needs an extra command necessary for it to work (cf this and this SO questions).
VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "tcp-port9000,tcp,,9000,,9000"
Using debian packages is one of the standard, hence the spark notebook is also available in this form (from v0.4.0):
wget https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/spark-notebook/deb/spark-notebook_0.4.0-scala-2.10.4-spark-1.3.0-hadoop-1.0.4_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i spark-notebook_0.4.0-scala-2.10.4-spark-1.3.0-hadoop-1.0.4_all.deb
sudo spark-notebook
Checkout the needed version here.
The spark notebook requires a Java(TM) environment (aka JVM) as runtime and SBT to build it.
Of course, you will also need a working GIT installation to download the code and build it.
git clone https://github.com/andypetrella/spark-notebook.git
cd spark-notebook
Enter the sbt console
by running sbt
within the spark-notebook
[info] Loading global plugins from /home/noootsab/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /home/Sources/noootsab/spark-notebook/project
[info] Set current project to spark-notebook (in build file:/home/Sources/noootsab/spark-notebook/)
_ __ | | __ _ _ _
| '_ \| |/ _' | || |
| __/|_|\____|\__ /
|_| |__/
play 2.2.6 built with Scala 2.10.3 (running Java 1.7.0_72), http://www.playframework.com
> Type "help play" or "license" for more information.
> Type "exit" or use Ctrl+D to leave this console.
[spark-notebook] $
When using Spark we generally have to take a lot of care with the Spark version itself but also the Hadoop version. There is another dependency which is tricky to update, the jets3t one.
To update that, you can pass those version as properties, here is an example with the current default ones:
sbt -D"spark.version"="1.2.1" -D"hadoop.version"="1.0.4" -D"jets3t.version"="0.7.1"
For a simple zip
distro, you can run
[spark-notebook] $ dist
In order to develop on the Spark Notebook, you'll have to use the run
command instead.
The docker version requires a specific java
image on Ubuntu/trusty
: dockerfile/java:openjdk-7-jdk
You can build it this way:
docker build -t="dockerfile/ubuntu" github.com/dockerfile/ubuntu
git clone https://github.com/dockerfile/java.git
cd java
cd openjdk-7-jdk
docker build -t="dockerfile/java:openjdk-7-jdk" .
By default, the docker distro will install mesos 0.22.0
(the current DCOS version), however this can be changed using the property mesos.version
So if you need the mesos version 0.23.0
in your docker image you can publish it to you local machine like this:
sbt -Dmesos.version=0.23.0 docker:publishLocal
While using the repository from SBT, you can use any version of Apache Spark you want (up to 1.4 atm), this will require several these things:
- you have a local install (maven) of the version (let's say Spark 1.4-RC1 or even Spark-1.4-SNAPSHOT)
- you run the sbt command using the wanted version
sbt -Dspark.version=1.4.0-SNAPSHOT
- there is a folder in
that points to the base of the required version (excl. the classifier SNAPHOST or RC):spark-1.4
MapR has a custom set of Hadoop jars that must be used. To build using these jars:
- Add the MapR Maven repository as an sbt proxy repository
- Build Spark Notebook using the MapR Hadoop jars by setting the
property to the MapR-specific version. See the MapR Maven Repository link above for the specific versions to use. For example, to build Spark Notebook with the MapR Hadoop jars and Hive and Parquet support for Spark 1.3.1:
sbt -Dspark.version=1.3.1 -Dhadoop.version=2.5.1-mapr-1503 -Dwith.hive=true -Dwith.parquet=true clean dist
A few extra jars need to be added to the notebook classpath using the EXTRA_CLASSPATH
environment variable:
In addition, set the HADOOP_CONF_DIR
environment variable to your MapR Hadoop conf
For example:
HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.5.1/etc/hadoop \
EXTRA_CLASSPATH=/opt/mapr/lib/commons-configuration-1.6.jar:/opt/mapr/lib/hadoop-auth-2.5.1.jar:/opt/mapr/lib/maprfs-4.1.0-mapr.jar \
The java.security.auth.login.config
property needs to be added to manager.kernel.vmArgs
in Spark Notebook's
manager {
kernel {
vmArgs = ["-Djava.security.auth.login.config=/opt/mapr/conf/mapr.login.conf"]
Otherwise you will get an error No login modules configured for hadoop_simple
Before the first launch, it may be necessary to add some settings to conf/application.conf
Warn: When using a distribution, this
is already present in the installed package.However, it won't be taken into account until you include it into you launch environment. To do so, you have to > create a
file with the following content:-Dconfig.file=./conf/application.conf
This allows you to have several environment that can be switched via this
fileA less cleaner way would be to launch the script like this:
./bin/spark-notebook -Dconfig.file=./conf/application.conf
In particular manager.kernel.vmArgs
can be used to set environment variables for the driver (e.g. -Dhdp.version=$HDP-Version
if you want to run spark-notebook on a Hortonworks cluster). These are the settings that you would commonly pass via spark.driver.extraJavaOptions
When the server has been started, you can head to the page http://localhost:9000
and you'll see something similar to:
From there you can either:
- create a new notebook or
- launch an existing notebook
In both case, the scala-notebook
will open a new tab with your notebook in it, loaded as a web page.
Note: a notebook is a JSON file containing the layout and analysis blocks, and it's located within the project folder (with the
extension). Hence, they can be shared and we can track their history in an SVM likeGIT
Since this project aims directly the usage of Spark, a SparkContext is added to the environment and can directly be used without additional effort.
By default, Spark will start with a regular/basic configuration. There are different ways to customize the embedded Spark to your needs.
The cleanest way to configure Spark is actually to use the preconfiguration feature available in the clusters tab.
The basic idea is to configure a template that will act as a factory for notebooks:
Then you'll have to fill some informations as Json, where you'll have to give a name
and specify a profile
. But specially:
When adding dependencies, it can be interesting to preconfigure a repository where some dependencies have been already fetched.
This will save the dependency manager to download the internet.
"customLocalRepo" : "/<home>/.m2/repository",
The default repositories are:
- Maven local repository (of the user account that launched the notebook server)
- Maven Central
- Spark Packages repository
- Typesafe repository
- JCenter repository
Additional repositories may be added. While the context :remote-repo
is available from the notebook, we can also add them right in the preconfiguration:
"customRepos" : [
"s3-repo % default % s3://<bucket-name>/<path-to-repo> % maven % (\"$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID\", \"$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY\")"
Adding dependencies in the classpath and in the spark context can be done, this way (see also :dp
"customDeps" : [
"med-at-scale % ga4gh-model-java % 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT",
"org.apache.avro % avro-ipc % 1.7.6",
"- org.mortbay.jetty % org.eclipse.jetty % _"
Alternatively, we can also use Maven coordinates:
"customDeps" : [
"- org.mortbay.jetty:org.eclipse.jetty:_"
Spark Notebook supports the new Spark package repository at spark-packages.org. Include a package in your notebook by adding its coordinates to the preconfiguration:
"customDeps" : [
Some package, classes, types, functions and so forth could be automatically imported, by using:
"customImports" : "import scala.util.Random\n",
Apache Spark needs some configuration to access clusters, tune the memory and many others.
For this configuration to be shareable, and you don't want to use the reset
functions, you can add:
"customSparkConf" : {
"spark.app.name": "Notebook",
"spark.master": "local[8]",
"spark.executor.memory": "1G"
"name": "My cluster conf",
"profile": "Local",
"template": {
"customLocalRepo" : "/<home>/.m2/repository",
"customRepos" : [
"s3-repo % default % s3://<bucket-name>/<path-to-repo> % (\"$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID\", \"$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY\")",
"local % default % file://<home>/.m2/repository"
"customDeps" : "med-at-scale % ga4gh-model-java % 0.1.0-SNAPSHOT\norg.apache.avro % avro-ipc % 1.7.6\n- org.mortbay.jetty % org.eclipse.jetty % _",
"customImports" : "import scala.util.Random\n",
"customSparkConf" : {
"spark.app.name": "Notebook",
"spark.master": "local[8]",
"spark.executor.memory": "1G"
- Example YARN Cluster
"Example YARN" : {
"name" : "Example YARN-Client",
"profile" : "yarn-client",
"status" : "stopped",
"template" : {
"customLocalRepo" : "",
"customRepos" : [ ],
"customDeps" : [ ],
"customImports" : [ ],
"customSparkConf" : {
"spark.app.name" : "Notebook",
"spark.master" : "yarn-client",
"spark.executor.memory" : "1G",
"spark.yarn.jar" : "hdfs:///user/spark/spark-assembly.jar"
- Example YARN Profile
"yarn" : {
"id" : "yarn-client",
"name" : "YARN-Client",
"template" : {
"customLocalRepo" : null,
"customRepos" : null,
"customDeps" : null,
"customImports" : null,
"customSparkConf" : {
"spark.app.name" : "Notebook",
"spark.master" : "yarn-client",
"spark.executor.memory" : "1G",
"spark.yarn.jar" : "hdfs:///user/spark/spark-assembly.jar"
To using YARN cluster,
- Put the spark-assembly-*.jar to the HDFS
# sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/spark
# sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -put /usr/lib/spark/lib/spark-assembly.jar /user/spark/spark-assembly.jar
- Point the location of spark-assembly.jar with
property. - Add Hadoop Conf dir such as
to the classpath in the executable scriptbin/spark-notebook
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf (or any other means of setting environment variables)
- Prepare the application master environment by adding the variables to the customSparkConf. This is how you would add variables that are commonly added via
. E.g. in order to run on Hortonworks HDP you need to add a definition for the variablehdp.version
"customSparkConf" : {
"hdp.version": "2.2.x.x-yyyy"
"spark.app.name" : "Notebook",
"spark.master" : "yarn-client",
"spark.executor.memory" : "1G",
"spark.yarn.jar" : "hdfs:///user/spark/spark-assembly.jar"
- Start spark-notebook, then create notebook from example yarn cluster. After a while, spark should be initialized and
will be ready to use.
Now you can use the configuration, by clicking create
You'll have the hand on the configuration (fine tuning) before creating the notebook:
Actually, the configuration are stored in the metadata
of the notebooks.
To change them, simply go to edit > Edit Notebook Metadata
and you'll have:
In order to adapt the configuration of the SparkContext
, one can add the widget notebook.front.widgets.Spark
This widget takes the current context as only argument and will produce an HTML form
that will allow manual and friendly changes to be applied.
So first, adding the widget in a cell,
import notebook.front.widgets.Spark
new Spark(sparkContext)
It has two parts:
- the first one is showing an input for each current properties
- the second will add new entries in the configuration based on the provided name
Submit the first part and the SparkContext
will restart in the background (you can check the Spark UI to check if you like).
The function reset
is available in all notebooks: This function takes several parameters, but the most important one is lastChanges
which is itself a function that can adapt the SparkConf. This way, we can change the master, the executor memory and a cassandra sink or whatever before restarting it. For more Spark configuration options see: [Spark Configuration](Spark Configuration)
In this example we reset SparkContext
and add configuration options to use the [cassandra-connector]:
import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf}
val cassandraHost:String = "localhost"
reset(lastChanges= _.set("spark.cassandra.connection.host", cassandraHost))
This makes Cassandra connector avaible in the Spark Context. Then you can use it, like so:
import com.datastax.spark.connector._
sparkContext.cassandraTable("test_keyspace", "test_column_family")
Accessing the Spark UI is not always allowed or easy, hence a simple widget is available for us to keep a little eye on the stages running on the Spark cluster.
Luckily, it's fairly easy, just add this to the notebook:
import org.apache.spark.ui.notebook.front.widgets.SparkInfo
import scala.concurrent.duration._
new SparkInfo(sparkContext, checkInterval=1 second, execNumber=Some(100))
This call will show and update a feedback panel tracking some basic (atm) metrics, in this configuration there will be one check per second, but will check only 100 times.
This can be tuned at will, for instance for an infinte checking, one can pass the None
value to the argument execNumber
Counting the words of a wikipedia dump will result in
Tachyon is a great and clean way to share results, data or process when working with Spark. Hence the spark-notebook enables some tighter interaction with it.
If you have a Tachyon cluster already deployed it is best to set the manager.tachyon.url
conf key in the application.conf
file with its url.
Then all SparkContext
will automatically have the tachyon configuration pointing to it and thus able to it to cache or share the results.
If no configuration is set under manager.tachyon
conf key in the application.conf
file (see above).
An embed Tachyon local cluster will be started for you automatically.
Hence, if you wanna use this feature a bit, we'd recommend to increase the memory allocated to the spark-notebook server:
sbt -mem 5000 run
Or when using a distro.
./bin/spark-notebook -mem 13000
In all notebooks, a small UI has been added in order to browse the connected Tachyon cluster, hence you don't have to quit the notebook to look at the available data or check that the data has been cached in it.
It looks like the below picture and presents some buttons:
: just refresh the current view (reloading the content of the current folder)
: allows the UI to expand in width 5 times before returning to a small-ish size
: browse to the related folder
Spark comes with this handy and cool feature that we can write some SQL queries rather than boilerplating with Scala or whatever code, with the clear advantage that the resulting DAG is optimized.
The spark-notebook offers SparkSQL support.
To access it, we first we need to register an RDD
as a table:
Now, we can play with SQL in two different ways, the static and the dynamic ones.
Then we can play with this data
table like so:
:sql select col1 from data where col2 == 'thingy'
This will give access to the result via the resXYZ
This is already helpful, but the resXYZ
nummering can change and is not friendly, so we can also give a name to the result:
:sql[col1Var] select col1 from data where col2 == 'thingy'
Now, we can use the variable col1Var
wrapping a SchemaRDD
This variable is reactive meaning that it react to the change of the SQL result. Hence in order to deal with the result, you can access its react
function which takes two arguments:
- a function to apply on the underlying
to compute a result - a widget that will take the result of the function applied to the
and use it to update its rendering
The power of this reactivity is increased when we use SQL with dynamic parts.
A dynamic SQL is looking like a static SQL but where specific tokens are used. Such tokens are taking the form: {type
: variableName
When executing the command, the notebook will produce a form by generating on input for each dynamic part. See the show case below.
An example of such dynamic SQL is
:sql[selectKids] SELECT name FROM people WHERE name = "{String: name}" and age >= {Int: age}
Which will create a form with to inputs, one text and on number.
When changing the value in the inputs, the SQL is compiled on the server and the result is printed on the notebook (Success, Failure, Bad Plan, etc.).
Again, the result is completely reactive, hence using the react
function is mandatory to use the underlying SchemaRDD (when it becomes valid!).
This is how it looks like in the notebook:
There is a way to easily use (rudimentary) shell scripts via the :sh
:sh ls -la ~/data
Showing numbers can be good but great analysis reports should include relevant charts, for that we need JavaScript to manipulate the notebook's DOM.
For that purpose, a notebook can use the Playground
abstraction. It allows us to create data in Scala and use it in predefined JavaScript functions (located under assets/javascripts/notebook
) or even JavaScript snippets (that is, written straight in the notebook as a Scala String
to be sent to the JavaScript interpreter).
The JavaScript function will be called with these parameters:
- the data observable: a JS function can register its new data via
. - the dom element: so that it can update it with custom behavior
- an extra object: any additional data, configuration or whatever that comes from the Scala side
Here is how this can be used, with a predefined consoleDir
JS function (see here):
Another example using the same predefined function and example to react on the new incoming data (more in further section). The new stuff here is the use of Codec
to convert a Scala object into the JSON format used in JS:
Plotting with D3
Plotting with D3.js is rather common now, however it's not always simple, hence there is a Scala wrapper that brings the bootstrap of D3 in the mix.
These wrappers are D3.svg
and D3.linePlot
, and they are just a proof of concept for now. The idea is to bring Scala data to D3.js then create Coffeescript
to interact with them.
For instance, linePlot
is used like so:
Note: This is subject to future change because it would be better to use
for this purpose.
WISP is really easy to use to draw plots, however a simple wrapper has been created to ease the integration.
First import the helper:
import notebook.front.third.wisp._
Here is how you can draw an area chart:
Plot(Seq(SummarySeries((0 to 9) zip (10 to 100 by 10), "area")))
And a bar plot with category values
import com.quantifind.charts.highcharts.Axis
Plot(Seq(SummarySeries((0 to 9) zip (10 to 100 by 10), "column")),
xCat = Some(Seq("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j"))
Timeseries with Rickshaw
Plotting timeseries is very common, for this purpose the spark notebook includes Rickshaw that quickly enables handsome timeline charts.
Rickshaw is available through Playground
and a dedicated function for simple needs rickshawts
To use it, you are only required to convert/wrap your data points into a dedicated Series
def createTss(start:Long, step:Int=60*1000, nb:Int = 100):Seq[Series] = ...
val data = createTss(orig, step, nb)
val p = new Playground(data, List(Script("rickshawts",
"renderer" → "stack",
"fixed" → Json.obj(
"interval" → (step/1000),
"max" → 100,
"baseInSec" → (orig/1000)
As you can see, the only big deal is to create the timeseries (Seq[Series]
which is a simple wrapper around:
- name
- color
- data (a sequence of
Also, there are some options to tune the display:
- provide the type of renderer (
, ...) - if the timeseries will be updated you can fix the window by supplying the
object: - interval (at which data is upated)
- max (the max number of points displayed)
- the unit in the
Here is an example of the kind of result you can expect:
One of the very cool things that is used in the original scala-notebook
is the use of reactive libs on both sides: server and client, combined with WebSockets. This offers a neat way to show dynamic activities like streaming data and so on.
We can exploit the reactive support to update Plot wrappers (the Playground
instance actually) in a dynamic manner. If the JS functions are listening to the data changes they can automatically update their result.
The following example is showing how a timeseries plotted with Rickshaw can be regularly updated. We are using Scala Futures
to simulate a server side process that would poll for a third-party service:
The results will be:
Keeping your notebook runtime updated with the libraries you need in the classpath is usually cumbersome as it requires updating the server configuration in the SBT definition and restarting the system. Which is pretty sad because it requires a restart, rebuild and is not contextual to the notebook!
Hence, a dedicated context has been added to the block, :cp
which allows us to add specify local paths to jars that will be part of the classpath.
:cp /home/noootsab/.m2/repository/joda-time/joda-time/2.4/joda-time-2.4.jar
Or even
Here is what it'll look like in the notebook:
For some Hadoop distributions extra classes are needed to connect to the cluster. In situations like this use the
environment variable when starting the notebook server. For example:
HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-2.5.1/etc/hadoop EXTRA_CLASSPATH=<extra MapR jars> ./spark-notebook
So you use Spark, hence you know that it's not enough to have the jars locally added to the Driver's classpath.
Indeed, workers needs to have them in their classpath. One option would be to update the list of jars (spark.jars
property) provided to the SparkConf
using the reset
However, this can be very tricky when we need to add jars that have themselves plenty of dependencies.
Thus, there is another context available to update both the classpath on the notebook and in Spark. Before introducing it, we need first to introduce two other concepts.
When updating you dependencies, you can either leave the system create a repo (temporary) for you where it'll fetch the dependencies.
Or, you can set it yourself by using the :local-repo
this way:
:local-repo /path/to/repo
This way, you can reuse local dependencies or reuse pre-downloaded ones.
To instruct the system where to look for dependencies, you'll have to use the :remote-repo
:remote-repo oss-sonatype % default % https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/ % maven
Above we defined a repo named oss-sonatype
with default
structure at localtion https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/
respecting the maven
Some repos (on S3 for instance) require authentication, for this you can add them literally or using env variables:
:remote-repo s3-repo % default % s3://<bucket-name>/<path-to-repo> % maven % ("$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")
So to add dependencies based on the context that has been set using the above contexts can be done using :dp
+ group1 % artifact1 % version1
+ group2 % artifact2 % version2
group3 % artifact3 % version3
+ group4 % artifact4 % version4
- group5 % artifact5 % version5
+ group6 % artifact6 % version6
- group7 % artifact7 % version7
So this is simple:
- lines starting with
are exclusions (transitive) - lines starting with
or nothing are inclusions
The jars will be fetched in a temporary repository (that can be hardcoded using :local-repo
Then they'll be added to the Spark's jars property, before restarting the context.
For example, if you want to use ADAM, all you need to do is:
:dp org.bdgenomics.adam % adam-apis % 0.16.0
- org.apache.hadoop % hadoop-client % _
- org.apache.spark % _ % _
- org.scala-lang % _ % _
- org.scoverage % _ % _
In live, you can check the notebook named Update classpath and Spark's jars
, which looks like this:
There are two ways you can customize your spark notebook.
The logo is a proprietary of the Data Fellas company (BE), but it's not mandatory for you to change it when using the tool.
However, you can still change it to put your own, this is easily achieved when running a distro.
After having unpacked the spark notebook distro, create the public/images
folder and put your logo.png
file in.
By default the project name is set to Spark Notebook
, but you might want to clearly show your own business name in the title.
This can be configured in the application.conf
file by updating the manager.name
property to whatever you like.
There are some common problems that users experience from time to time. So we collected some useful tips to make your life easier:
- spark-notebook uses old hadoop 1.0.4 by default. As notebook is a spark-driver itself, hence it defines the dependencies to be used within the cluster. This means that the
has to match the cluster one, that's why we need to start the correct hadoop version in (or download the right distro), you should start spark-notebook with-Dhadoop.version parameter
, like:sbt -Dhadoop.version=2.4.0 run
- many errors are not yet reported directly to notebook console. So, if something is wrong do not forget to look at logs/sn-session.log and at spark worker's logs.
- your current spark configuration is shown in Edit > Edit Notebook Metadata. You can make changes there instead of adding a special cell for
ing default spark configuration. You can also create a template for spark configuration in a "Clusters" tab. - some features (like switching output modes of the cell) are activated by keyboard shortcuts that are described at Help > Keyboard Shortcuts.
- running the dist/sbt on a different port:
./bin/spark-notebook -Dhttp.port=8888
- running the dist/sbt on a different address:
./bin/spark-notebook -Dhttp.address=example.com
- running the dist/sbt on a different context path:
./bin/spark-notebook -Dapplication.context=/spark-notebook
. Then you can browse http://localhost:9000/spark-notebook. NB: the context path has to start wiht/
Some vizualizations (wisp) are currently using Highcharts which is not available for commercial or private usage!
If you're in this case, please to contact me first.
When running Spark-Notebook on some Linux distribs (specifically ArchLinux), you may encounter this exception:
[spark-notebook] $ run
java.io.IOException: User limit of inotify watches reached
at sun.nio.fs.LinuxWatchService$Poller.implRegister(LinuxWatchService.java:261)
at sun.nio.fs.AbstractPoller.processRequests(AbstractPoller.java:260)
at sun.nio.fs.LinuxWatchService$Poller.run(LinuxWatchService.java:326)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last sparkNotebook/compile:run for the full output.
[error] (sparkNotebook/compile:run) java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
[error] Total time: 1 s, completed Jan 31, 2015 7:21:58 PM
This certainly means your sysctl
configuration limits too much inotify
You must increase the parameter fs.inotify.max_user_watches
To get current value:
$ sudo sysctl -a | grep fs.inotify.max_user_watches
fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 8192
To increase this value, create a new file /etc/sysctl.d99-sysctl.conf
Refresh your live sysctl
$ sudo sysctl --system