Let's talk about what are the Azure Mixed Reality Services and Azure Cognitive Services and look at some examples to see how they work together to create immersive experiences.
We dive deeper into how to tweak LUIS and vision services to make it work for a specific need. We will also talk about things you need to know to before start working with Digital Twins and Azure Spatial Anchors.
- Azure Spatial Anchors: http://bit.ly/AzureSpatialAnchors
- Azure Spatial Anchors APIs: http://bit.ly/asa-api
- Digital Twins: http://bit.ly/AzureDigitalTwins
- Azure Cognitive Services: http://bit.ly/AzureCognitiveServices
- Azure AI Services: http://bit.ly/AzureAIServices
- ASA Way Finding: http://bit.ly/AnchorsWayFinding
- Anchors best practices: http://bit.ly/AnchorsBestPractices
- Language Understanding(LUIS): http://bit.ly/AzureLanguageUnderstanding
- Azure Speech Services: http://bit.ly/AzureSpeech
- Speech To Text: http://bit.ly/SpeechApi
- Ink Recognizer: http://bit.ly/InkRecognizer
- Form Recognizer: http://bit.ly/FormRecognizer
- Cognitive Services Labs: http://bit.ly/CognitiveServicesLabs
- AI Services Learning Path: http://bit.ly/AIServicesLearningPath