this changelog follows guideline at
unreleased features will be added here
- [packages/detection] Icon detection - determines if selected node should be considered as an icon or not.
- [packages/detection] Screen detection - determines if selected node should be considered as an screen or not.
- [packages/detection] Pattern detection - detects the patttern from givven layout (node), finds the pattern from it if exists. (used for List layout detection)
- [packages/detection] List detection - determines if selected node is a list of specific component, or complex layout.
- [interpreter/text] Dart String escape optimized, and fixed with execution order
- [interpreter/column] column crossAxisAlignment fixed with explicit order providence. Now supports start, end, center and stretch.
- [Builder] Core builder logic re-design
- [Flutter] LineNode support with Divider
- [Flutter] Image Support with XImage / Image
- [Flutter] Material Icon Support with XIcon / Icon
- [Flutter] Star Node support with XImage (svg)
- [Flutter] Poligon Node support with XImage (svg)
- [Lint] Primal naming & grouping linting for better code export quality. this is tracked sperately on lint
Update focused on quicklook and resolving flutter compile issues.
- 3 major error causing building-logic is fixed.
- now there are know known compile issues.
- stack runtime error resolved.
- quicklook has major performance boost, up to 5 times faster loading time.
- dart character escape is implemented
Mainly update of quicklook feature. Make your design compiled within few seconds.
- [packages/design-sdk] using design SDK for better capability. [features/quicklook] Newly added.
Initial release of Bridged's figma plugin (a.k.a assistant)
0.1.0 focuses on flutter code generation feature.
- Figma plugin ui built with react + plain css
- Supported : Fimga / Flutter
- Flutter code exporter built with flutter-builder
name : Bridged (design to flutter)
description :
Bridged's assistant plugin that generates usable & readable flutter code for production. Run this plugin, Select any design of yours, It will generate ready-to-use formatted native flutter code for you.
No matter how big and complex frame you select, it will generate the code. Anyway we recommend you to use it on a component level for best experience. Code may not be manageable if you are tring to build full-screen level code in one single code base.
contribute on github
tags: flutter, lint, code, figma to code, prototyping, hosting
support contact:
Initial Features
- flutter widgets support
- figma to SingleChildScrollView
- figma to Column
- figma to Row
- figma to Text
- figma to SizedBox
- figma to Container
- figma to Color
- figma to BoxDecoration
- figma to Padding (EdgeInsets)
- figma to Transform
- figma to Gradient
- figma to Stack
- figma to Expanded
- figma to Opacity
- builder
- flutter widget builder with flutter-builder v31
- Theme TextStyle supported with textstyle name detection. H1 will give you
- ui
- preview interface -- shows the selected node's image on preview
- code section -- shows the generated code
N/A -- this is an initial release
N/A -- this is an initial release