calib.txt: Calibration data for the cameras:
P0/P1 are the 3x4 projection matrices after rectification.
P0: denotes the left
P1: denotes the right camera.
Tr: transforms a point from velodyne coordinates into the left rectified camera coordinate system.
In order to map a point X from the velodyne scanner to a point x in the i'th image plane, you thus have to transform it like:x = Pi * Tr * X
P0 (3x4): Projection matrix for left grayscale camera in rectified coordinates P1 (3x4): Projection matrix for right grayscale camera in rectified coordinates P2 (3x4): Projection matrix for left color camera in rectified coordinates P3 (3x4): Projection matrix for right color camera in rectified coordinates R0_rect (3x3): Rotation from non-rectified to rectified camera coordinate system Tr_velo_to_cam (3x4): Rigid transformation from Velodyne to (non-rectified) camera coordinates Tr_imu_to_velo (3x4): Rigid transformation from IMU to Velodyne coordinates Tr_cam_to_road (3x4): Rigid transformation from (non-rectified) camera to road coordinates
Technical: HDL-64E
- Diameter 215 mm
- Height 283 mm
- Power Consumption 60 W
- Operating Voltage 12 - 32 V
- Weight 12.7 kg
- Operating Temperature -10 / +60 C
- Storage Temperature -40 / +85 C
- Channels 64
- Measurement Range up to 120 cm
- Range Accuracy Up to ±2
- Field of View (Vertical) +2.0 to -24.9 °
- Angular Resolution (Vertical) 0.4 °
- Field of View (Horizontal) 360 °
- Angular Resolution (Horizontal/Azimuth) 0.08– 0.35
- Rotation Rate 5 - 20 Hz
- Laser Product Classification Class 1 Eye-safe
- Wavelength 903 nm
- 3D LiDAR Data Points Generated
- Single Return Mode ~1,300,000 points per second
- Dual Return Mode ~2,200,000 points per second
- Single Return Mode ~1,300,000 points per second
- Connection 100 Mbps Ethernet Connection
- UDP Packets Contain
- Time of Flight Distance Measurement
- Intensity Measurement
- Rotation Angles
- Synchronized Time Stamps (μs resolution)
- GPS $GPRMC NMEA Sentence from GPS Receiver