1 Introduction
2 Setup
- 2.1 Third-Party Dependencies
- 2.2 Installation Instructions
- 2.2.1 IPOPT Installation
- 2.2.2 CMake Installation
- 2.2.3 GNUPlot Installation
- 2.2.4 MuJoCo Installation
- 2.2.5 A
script for Mac-based system
3 Building and Running Samples
- 3.1 Building Library
- 3.2 Running Tests
- 3.3 Running Samples
4 Common Installation Issues
- 4.1 IPOPT-Related Issues
- 4.2 MuJoCo-Related Issues (when using cmake)
- 4.3 mujoco-py Issues (optional)
5 Profiling Instructions
Trajectory optimization is a software library for robotic motion planning. The core libraries are implemented in C++. The library has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.
- Download the source code from , and then upack IPOPT in the home directory.
tar xvzf Ipopt-3.12.4.tgz
- Get IPOPT third-party packages:
cd ~/Ipopt-3.12.4/ThirdParty/Blas
cd ../Lapack
cd ../Mumps
cd ../Metis
cd ../../
- Compile IPOPT:
cd ~/Ipopt-3.12.4/
mkdir build
cd build
make -j 4 #Compile using 4 cores (if you have them)
make install
Download the source code from , choose "cmake-3.12.2.tar.gz".
Unpack the file in your preferred location, and then configure CMake.
tar -zxvf xx.tar.gz
make install
sudo apt-get install gnuplot
If you do not have a license, get your license key following the website .
Download MuJoCo Pro 150 from MuJoCo website , choose "mjpro150 linux".
Unpack the file in your preferred location (home as an example), and copy the license to the bin folder (~/mjpro150/bin).
Add the environment variable to ~/.bashrc.
nano ~/.bashrc
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/mjpro150/bin #your own location
source ~/.bashrc
- Give it a try!
cd ~/mjpro150/bin
simualte ../model/humanoid.xml
You should be able to see a humanoid model falling down.
(it is noted that the executable "simulate" was coded to search the license key file to the relative simulate path, so the key should be put into the bin folder.)
(A script
has been provided to install the first three dependencies on a Mac-based system. It will install Homebrew and use it to install the first three dependencies. To execute it, run chmod +x && ./
Linux support has not been added to the script yet.
TrajectoryOptimization can be easily used as a git submodule in any other CMake-based project. Let's walk through integrating TrajectoryOptimization into an existing source project.
- cd into your project directory,
git init
if it isn't already a git repository. mkdir -p lib && git submodule add [insert this project's clone URL (https/ssh)] lib/trajectoryOptimization
- If you don't already use CMake, run
touch CMakeLists.txt
. Insertcmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
as the first line. - Insert these into your
to import and link theTrajectoryOptimization::TrajectoryOptimizationLib
add_executable([yourExecutableName] [yourSourceFiles])
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
Now you can build software using TrajectoryOptimization!
To ever recompile and rerun, just cd into build/
and run make && ./[yourExecutableName]
To build tests, run cmake like this: cmake -Dtraj_opt_build_tests=ON ..
. Then cd into lib/trajectoryOptimization
and run ctest
To build samples, run cmake like this: cmake -Dtraj_opt_build_samples=ON ..
. Then cd into lib/trajectoryOptimization
and run ./trajectoryOptimizationSample
. The sample currently optimizes a 3D trajectory. Inspect the source for more information and to learn about usage.
When installing or builidng executables using CMake, you may encounter one of the following issues. Please try the suggestion below.
- Could not find Blas: Solution:
sudo apt-get install gfortran
- Could not find -lgfortran: You may need to update your gcc-5 to gcc-7 instructed by the following link . After that, When you make executable, you may run into “could not find -lgfortran”. You can solve this issue by copying all the files that named as "*libgfortran" in gcc 5 folder (4 files probably) into 7.3.0 folder (or your current gcc version).
- Missing libgl: If you don't have in usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ but have it in usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa , you may try the following solution.
ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
- Missing libglfw: Create a simbolic link to (in ~/mjpro150/bin folder), so that the missing glfw problem can be solved.
ln -s
If you want to test mujoco-py from OpenAI , here are a few problems you might encounter.
- If you accidentaly upgraded pip to pip 10 or above, you may run into this error “python3-pip installed but pip3 command not found” . Solution:
sudo apt-get remove python3-pip
sudo apt-get install python3-pip</pre
- Fatal error: GL/osmesa.h: No such file or directory #96. Solution(openai/mujoco-py#96):
sudo apt-get install libosmesa6-dev
- ImportError: No module named 'OpenGL'. Solution:
sudo apt-get install python3-opengl
- ERROR: GLEW initalization error: Missing GL version. Solution: add the environment variable to ~/.bashrc.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/nvidia-390
Tool: valgrind