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526 lines (446 loc) · 24.6 KB




  • Refactor Classwise Shapley valuation with the interfaces and sampler architecture PR #616.
  • Refactoring KNN Shapley values with the new sampler architecture PR #610.
  • Refactoring MSR Banzhaf semivalues with the new sampler architecture. PR #605
  • Refactoring group-testing shapley values with new sampler architecture PR #602
  • Refactoring of least-core data valuation methods with more supported sampling methods and consistent interface. PR #580
  • Refactoring of owen shapley valuation with new sampler architecture PR #597
  • New method InverseHarmonicMeanInfluence, implementation for the paper DataInf: Efficiently Estimating Data Influence in LoRA-tuned LLMs and Diffusion Models PR #582
  • Add new backend implementations for influence computation to account for block-diagonal approximations PR #582
  • Extend DirectInfluence with block-diagonal and Gauss-Newton approximation PR #591
  • Extend LissaInfluence with block-diagonal and Gauss-Newton approximation PR #593
  • Extend NystroemSketchInfluence with block-diagonal and Gauss-Newton approximation PR #596
  • Extend ArnoldiInfluence with block-diagonal and Gauss-Newton approximation PR #598
  • Extend CgInfluence with block-diagonal and Gauss-Newton approximation PR #601


  • Replace np.float_ with np.float64 and np.alltrue with np.all, as the old aliases are removed in NumPy 2.0 PR #604

  • Fix a bug in pydvl.utils.numeric.random_subset where 1 - q was used instead of q as the probability of an element being sampled PR #597

  • Fix a bug in the calculation of variance estimates for MSR Banzhaf PR #605

  • Fix a bug in KNN Shapley values. See Issue 613 for details.


  • Use tighter bounds for the calculation of the minimal sample size that guarantees an epsilon-delta approximation in group testing (Jia et al. 2023) PR #602
  • Breaking Changes
    • Rename parameter hessian_regularization of DirectInfluence to regularization and change the type annotation to allow for block-wise regularization parameters PR #591
    • Rename parameter hessian_regularization of LissaInfluence to regularization and change the type annotation to allow for block-wise regularization parameters PR #593
    • Remove parameter h0 from init of LissaInfluence PR #593
    • Rename parameter hessian_regularization of NystroemSketchInfluence to regularization and change the type annotation to allow for block-wise regularization parameters PR #596
    • Renaming of parameters of ArnoldiInfluence, hessian_regularization -> regularization (modify type annotation), rank_estimate -> rank PR #598
    • Remove functions remove obsolete functions lanczos_low_rank_hessian_approximation, model_hessian_low_rank from influence.torch.functional PR #598
    • Renaming of parameters of CgInfluence, hessian_regularization -> regularization (modify type annotation), pre_conditioner -> preconditioner, use_block_cg -> solve_simultaneously PR #601
    • Remove parameter x0 from CgInfluence PR #601
    • Rename module influence.torch.pre_conditioner -> influence.torch.preconditioner PR #601
    • Refactor preconditioner:
      • renaming PreConditioner -> Preconditioner
      • fit to TensorOperator PR #601

0.9.2 - 🏗 Bug fixes, logging improvement


  • Add progress bars to the computation of LazyChunkSequence and NestedLazyChunkSequence PR #567
  • Add a device fixture for pytest, which depending on the availability and user input (pytest --with-cuda) resolves to cuda device PR #574


  • Fixed logging issue in decorator log_duration PR #567
  • Fixed missing move of tensors to model device in EkfacInfluence implementation PR #570
  • Missing move to device of preconditioner in CgInfluence implementation PR #572
  • Raise a more specific error message, when a RunTimeError occurs in torch.linalg.eigh, so the user can check if it is related to a known issue PR #578
  • Fix an edge case (empty train data) in the test test_classwise_scorer_accuracies_manual_derivation, which resulted in undefined behavior (np.nan to int conversion with different results depending on OS) PR #579


  • Changed logging behavior of iterative methods LissaInfluence and CgInfluence to warn on not achieving desired tolerance within maxiter, add parameter warn_on_max_iteration to set the level for this information to logging.DEBUG PR #567

0.9.1 - Bug fixes, logging improvement


  • FutureWarning for ParallelConfig constantly raised without actually instantiating the object PR #562

0.9.0 - 🆕 New methods, better docs and bugfixes 📚🐞


  • New method MSR Banzhaf with accompanying notebook, and new stopping criterion RankCorrelation PR #520
  • New method: NystroemSketchInfluence PR #504
  • New preconditioned block variant of conjugate gradient PR #507
  • Improvements to documentation: fixes, links, text, example gallery, LFS and more PR #532, PR #543
  • Glossary of data valuation and influence terms in the documentation [PR #537](#537
  • Documentation about writing notes for new features, changes or deprecations PR #557


  • Bug in LissaInfluence, when not using CPU device PR #495
  • Memory issue with CgInfluence and ArnoldiInfluence PR #498
  • Raising specific error message with install instruction, when trying to load pydvl.utils.cache.memcached without pymemcache installed. If pymemcache is available, all symbols from pydvl.utils.cache.memcached are available through pydvl.utils.cache PR #509


  • Add property model_dtype to instances of type TorchInfluenceFunctionModel
  • Bump versions of CI actions to avoid warnings PR #502
  • Add Python Version 3.11 to supported versions PR #510
  • Documentation improvements and cleanup PR #521, PR #522
  • Simplified parallel backend configuration PR #549

0.8.1 - 🆕 🏗 New method and notebook, Games with exact shapley values, bug fixes and cleanup


  • Implement new method: EkfacInfluence PR #451
  • New notebook to showcase ekfac for LLMs PR #483
  • Implemented exact games in Castro et al. 2009 and 2017 PR #341


  • Bug in using DaskInfluenceCalcualator with TorchnumpyConverter for single dimensional arrays PR #485
  • Fix implementations of to methods of TorchInfluenceFunctionModel implementations PR #487
  • Fixed bug with checking for converged values in semivalues PR #341


  • Add applications of data valuation section, display examples more prominently, make all sections visible in table of contents, use mkdocs material cards in the home page PR #492

0.8.0 - 🆕 New interfaces, scaling computation, bug fixes and improvements 🎁


  • New cache backends: InMemoryCacheBackend and DiskCacheBackend PR #458
  • New influence function interface InfluenceFunctionModel
  • Data parallel computation with DaskInfluenceCalculator PR #26
  • Sequential batch-wise computation and write to disk with SequentialInfluenceCalculator PR #377
  • Adapt notebooks to new influence abstractions PR #430


  • Refactor and simplify caching implementation PR #458
  • Simplify display of computation progress PR #466
  • Improve readme and explain better the examples PR #465
  • Simplify and improve tests, add CodeCov code coverage PR #429
  • Breaking Changes
    • Removed compute_influences and all related code. Replaced by new InfluenceFunctionModel interface. Removed modules:
      • influence.general
      • influence.inversion
      • influence.twice_differentiable
      • influence.torch.torch_differentiable


0.7.1 - 🆕 New methods, bug fixes and improvements for local tests 🐞🧪


  • New method: Class-wise Shapley values PR #338
  • New method: Data-OOB by @BastienZim PR #426, PR $431
  • Added AntitheticPermutationSampler PR #439
  • Faster semi-value computation with per-index check of stopping criteria (optional) PR #437


  • Fix initialization of data_names in ValuationResult.zeros() PR #443


  • No longer using docker within tests to start a memcached server PR #444
  • Using pytest-xdist for faster local tests PR #440
  • Improvements and fixes to notebooks PR #436
  • Refactoring of parallel module. Old imports will stop working in v0.9.0 PR #421

0.7.0 - 📚🆕 Documentation and IF overhaul, new methods and bug fixes 💥🐞

This is our first β release! We have worked hard to deliver improvements across the board, with a focus on documentation and usability. We have also reworked the internals of the influence module, improved parallelism and handling of randomness.


  • Implemented solving the Hessian equation via spectral low-rank approximation PR #365
  • Enabled parallel computation for Leave-One-Out values PR #406
  • Added more abbreviations to documentation PR #415
  • Added seed to functions from pydvl.utils.numeric, pydvl.value.shapley and pydvl.value.semivalues. Introduced new type Seed and conversion function ensure_seed_sequence. PR #396
  • Added batch_size parameter to compute_banzhaf_semivalues, compute_beta_shapley_semivalues, compute_shapley_semivalues and compute_generic_semivalues. PR #428
  • Added classwise Shapley as proposed by (Schoch et al. 2021) [] PR #338


  • Replaced sphinx with mkdocs for documentation. Major overhaul of documentation PR #352
  • Made ray an optional dependency, relying on joblib as default parallel backend PR #408
  • Decoupled ray.init from ParallelConfig PR #373
  • Breaking Changes
    • Signature change: return information about Hessian inversion from compute_influence_factors PR #375
    • Major changes to IF interface and functionality. Foundation for a framework abstraction for IF computation. PR #278 PR #394
    • Renamed semivalues to compute_generic_semivalues PR #413
    • New joblib backend as default instead of ray. Simplify MapReduceJob. PR #355
    • Bump torch dependency for influence package to 2.0 PR #365


  • Fixes to parallel computation of generic semi-values: properly handle all samplers and stopping criteria, irrespective of parallel backend. PR #372
  • Optimises memory usage in IF calculation PR #375
  • Fix adding valuation results with overlapping indices and different lengths PR #370
  • Fixed bugs in conjugate gradient and linear_solve PR #358
  • Fix installation of dev requirements for Python3.10 PR #382
  • Improvements to IF documentation PR #371

0.6.1 - 🏗 Bug fixes and small improvements

  • Fix parsing keyword arguments of compute_semivalues dispatch function PR #333
  • Create new RayExecutor class based on the concurrent.futures API, use the new class to fix an issue with Truncated Monte Carlo Shapley (TMCS) starting too many processes and dying, plus other small changes PR #329
  • Fix creation of GroupedDataset objects using the from_arrays and from_sklearn class methods PR #324
  • Fix release job not triggering on CI when a new tag is pushed PR #331
  • Added alias ApproShapley from Castro et al. 2009 for permutation Shapley PR #332

0.6.0 - 🆕 New algorithms, cleanup and bug fixes 🏗

  • Fixes in ValuationResult: bugs around data names, semantics of empty(), new method zeros() and normalised random values PR #327
  • New method: Implements generalised semi-values for data valuation, including Data Banzhaf and Beta Shapley, with configurable sampling strategies PR #319
  • Adds kwargs parameter to from_array and from_sklearn Dataset and GroupedDataset class methods PR #316
  • PEP-561 conformance: added py.typed PR #307
  • Removed default non-negativity constraint on least core subsidy and added instead a non_negative_subsidy boolean flag. Renamed options to solver_options and pass it as dict. Change default least-core solver to SCS with 10000 max_iters. PR #304
  • Cleanup: removed unnecessary decorator @unpackable PR #233
  • Stopping criteria: fixed problem with StandardError and enable proper composition of index convergence statuses. Fixed a bug with n_jobs in truncated_montecarlo_shapley. PR #300 and PR #305
  • Shuffling code around to allow for simpler user imports, some cleanup and documentation fixes. PR #284
  • Bug fix: Warn instead of raising an error when n_iterations is less than the size of the dataset in Monte Carlo Least Core PR #281

0.5.0 - 💥 Fixes, nicer interfaces and... more breaking changes 😒

  • Fixed parallel and antithetic Owen sampling for Shapley values. Simplified and extended tests. PR #267
  • Added Scorer class for a cleaner interface. Fixed minor bugs around Group-Testing Shapley, added more tests and switched to cvxpy for the solver. PR #264
  • Generalised stopping criteria for valuation algorithms. Improved classes ValuationResult and Status with more operations. Some minor issues fixed. PR #252
  • Fixed a bug whereby compute_shapley_values would only spawn one process when using n_jobs=-1 and Monte Carlo methods. PR #270
  • Bugfix in RayParallelBackend: wrong semantics for kwargs. PR #268
  • Splitting of problem preparation and solution in Least-Core computation. Umbrella function for LC methods. PR #257
  • Operations on ValuationResult and Status and some cleanup PR #248
  • Bug fix and minor improvements: Fixes bug in TMCS with remote Ray cluster, raises an error for dummy sequential parallel backend with TMCS, clones model inside Utility before fitting by default, with flag clone_before_fit to disable it, catches all warnings in Utility when show_warnings is False. Adds Miner and Gloves toy games utilities PR #247

0.4.0 - 🏭💥 New algorithms and more breaking changes

  • GH action to mark issues as stale PR #201
  • Disabled caching of Utility values as well as repeated evaluations by default PR #211
  • Test and officially support Python version 3.9 and 3.10 PR #208
  • Breaking change: Introduces a class ValuationResult to gather and inspect results from all valuation algorithms PR #214
  • Fixes bug in Influence calculation with multidimensional input and adds new example notebook PR #195
  • Breaking change: Passes the input to MapReduceJob at initialization, removes chunkify_inputs argument from MapReduceJob, removes n_runs argument from MapReduceJob, calls the parallel backend's put() method for each generated chunk in _chunkify(), renames ParallelConfig's num_workers attribute to n_local_workers, fixes a bug in MapReduceJob's chunkification when n_runs >= n_jobs, and defines a sequential parallel backend to run all jobs in the current thread PR #232
  • New method: Implements exact and monte carlo Least Core for data valuation, adds from_arrays() class method to the Dataset and GroupedDataset classes, adds extra_values argument to ValuationResult, adds compute_removal_score() and compute_random_removal_score() helper functions PR #237
  • New method: Group Testing Shapley for valuation, from Jia et al. 2019 PR #240
  • Fixes bug in ray initialization in RayParallelBackend class PR #239
  • Implements "Egalitarian Least Core", adds cvxpy as a dependency and uses it instead of scipy as optimizer PR #243

0.3.0 - 💥 Breaking changes

  • Simplified and fixed powerset sampling and testing PR #181
  • Simplified and fixed publishing to PyPI from CI PR #183
  • Fixed bug in release script and updated contributing docs. PR #184
  • Added Pull Request template PR #185
  • Modified Pull Request template to automatically link PR to issue PR ##186
  • First implementation of Owen Sampling, squashed scores, better testing PR #194
  • Improved documentation on caching, Shapley, caveats of values, bibtex PR #194
  • Breaking change: Rearranging of modules to accommodate for new methods PR #194

0.2.0 - 📚 Better docs

Mostly API documentation and notebooks, plus some bugfixes.


In PR #161:

  • Support for $$ math in sphinx docs.
  • Usage of sphinx extension for external links (introducing new directives like :gh:, :issue: and :tfl: to construct standardised links to external resources).
  • Only update auto-generated documentation files if there are changes. Some minor additions to
  • Parallelization of exact combinatorial Shapley.
  • Integrated KNN shapley into the main interface compute_shapley_values.


In PR #161:

  • Improved main docs and Shapley notebooks. Added or fixed many docstrings, readme and documentation for contributors. Typos, grammar and style in code, documentation and notebooks.
  • Internal renaming and rearranging in the parallelization and caching modules.


  • Bug in random matrix generation PR #161.
  • Bugs in MapReduceJob's _chunkify and _backpressure methods PR #176.

0.1.0 - 🎉 first release

This is very first release of pyDVL.

It contains:

  • Data Valuation Methods:

    • Leave-One-Out
    • Influence Functions
    • Shapley:
      • Exact Permutation and Combinatorial
      • Montecarlo Permutation and Combinatorial
      • Truncated Montecarlo Permutation
  • Caching of results with Memcached

  • Parallelization of computations with Ray

  • Documentation

  • Notebooks containing examples of different use cases