2.17.9 (2020-03-12)
- Update provision profile (617c964)
2.17.8 (2020-03-01)
- Allow MacOS users to browse for spell checking dictionaries (3c75bfe)
- Patch Electron for MAS builds (e9cd8ad)
2.17.7 (2020-02-11)
- Spell checking dictionaries files encoded as UTF-8 (18b9524)
2.17.6 (2020-02-11)
2.17.5 (2020-02-04)
2.17.4 (2020-02-04)
- Broken spell checking dictionary selection (c11600c)
2.17.3 (2020-01-30)
- #1436 Disable hardenedRuntime
- #1402 Embed dialogs
- #1410 Enable websecurity
- #1415 Fetch avatar images for notifications without CORS
- #1412 Loading error view updates
- #1417 Main window state handling
- #1409 Non context-aware native modules
- #1419 Preload script issues
- #1381 Update dialog events
- #1418 Focus main window on second app instance event
- #1416 Infer content type for notification icon
- #1414 Lean main process
- #1380 Notifications on Gnome
- #1392 Update to Electron 7
- #1401 Update TouchBar API usage
- #1381 Update dialog events
- #1380 Notifications on Gnome
- #1347 MacOS build
- #1343 Reenable webviews
- #1346 Revert Linux artifacts names
- #1342 Update dependencies
- #1344 Update tasks and metadata
- #1306 Bump eslint-utils from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2
- #1305 Bump js-yaml from 3.12.2 to 3.13.0
- #1304 Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.15
- #1307 Bump lodash.merge from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2
- #1308 Bump mixin-deep from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2
- Bugsnag dependency error
- #1286 "Show window on unread changed" not working
- #1285 Remove missing variable reference
- #1264 Resolves issue with timing out when Rocket.Chat is in the background …
- #1198 Add a module to handle deep links following the documentation
- #1196 Safely compute initials for server name on sidebars
- #1188 Apply workaround for undo and redo actions
- #1189 Multiple language selection on spellchecking
- #1164 Only set user presence as online when auto away detection is disabled
- #1125 Sidebar and badges
- #1187 Update crashes when host is unreachable
- #1157 Add Traditional Chinese translation
- #1117 Updated Japanese translation
- #1132 Apply memoization to spell checking
- #1124 Away detection
- #1129 Mac App Store startup issue
- #1140 Preload scripts compatibility
- #1133 Re-enable download links
- #1130 Reply notifications in MacOS
- #1123 Update button
- #1115 Auto reload server
- #1028 The behavior of clicking links when running RocketChat with subdir.
- #1099 Updates preloads scripts to be compatible with Rocket.Chat >0.74.0
- #1101 Use Electron notifications
- #1096 i18next
- #1093 New tray icons
- #1045 Pages and preload script changes
- #1076 Remove update-remind-later-dialog
- #919 Add "save image" to context menu
- #1030 Add Japanese translation.
- #995 Automatic reload on error page
- #1044 Support for MacBooks Touch Bar
- #1036 Update dependencies
- Main window destroyed when closing on MacOS
- Add strings specifying why some permissions are needed in MacOS
- Fix servers.json path resolution
- #1010 Remove unused modules
- #1026 Add additional condition for option "Show on unread"
- #1005 Disable FreeDesktopNotification actions for Unity desktop
- #1025 Remove dependencies related to the npm's event-stream incident
- #1019 Rollback notifications for Windows
- #1001 Check for updates response when an error occurs
- #978 Fallback notifications for Windows 7
- #1000 Notification errors
- #990 Speed up servers.json loading
- #987 Update Russian translation
- #978 Fallback notifications for Windows 7
- #960 Dictionaries path detection in spell checker
- #967 Main window closing behavior for Linux
- #969 Notifications redesigned
- #949 Reset app data under Windows
- #959 System tray, dock, task bar and main window issues
- #968 Node 11 support
- #914 Tray tooltip
- #936 Autoupdate in MacOS
- #927 Disable autoupdates
- #938 Move about menu item for MacOS
- #926 Preload issues
- #922 Server icon not displayed on sidebar if server url ending with a trailing slash
- #941 Window closing behavior for Linux environments without a system tray
- #899 Optional status on tray for MacOS
- #905 Add copy link in the context menu
- #907 Disable autoupdate on windows installer
- #911 Documentation to disable Autoupdates
- #887 Update ESLint rules following Rocket.Chat guidelines
- #889 About dialog
- #895 Menus
- #884 Show tray icon status again
- #900 Tray icon module
- #902 Tray icon sizes for Linux
- #912 Condition to quit on window close
- #913 Show window on second instance running
- #916 Change back and forward shortcuts
- #884 Show tray icon status again
- #875 Toggled tray icon notifications
- #880 Tray icon toggle crashes in MacOS
- #869 Window state errors on save when antivirus software is present
- Dependencies updated
- Window state persistency triggering redefined
- AppId for Windows setups recovered
- Linux package names fixed
- Fixed multiple issues in provisioning profiles and entitlements for MacOS builds
Fixes for MacOS and Windows builds.
- #817 Disabled update in builds for Mac App Store
- #836 Window state persistency
- #825 macOS menubar icon extra space removed
- #835 Support On-Premise Jitsi screen sharing
- #818 Fixed dock icon badge counter showing zero
- macOS dock badge fixed
- #790 add pluralize
- #777 New image for error page
- #760 Notification on app icon
- #776 Updated with new logo
- #785 Replace last couple of icons
- #670 Add & to menu items to avoid alt-shift menu popup
- #685 CSS option in main.less
- #742 cve 2018 1000136
- #710 recompress PNG files lossless
- Dependencies updated
- macOS bundle version fixed
- Dependencies updated
- #597 Fix MacOS dmg build
- #552 Add context menu option for links
- #556 Sidebar redesign and dynamic background color
- #539 Adds drag and drop for servers in the sidebar
- #533 New shortcut for moving back/forward between rooms
- #521 Fixes OSX build for AppStore
- #546 Fixed wrong window size on loading screen
- #532 Restores the help menu on Windows and Linux
- #526 Fix notifications not opening the correct room
- #320 Allow reply notifications on Mac OS
- #490 Default servers improvements
- #509 Add missing Services menu in application menu on macOS
- #494 Adding ESLint and fixing lint errors
- #465 Fix bug in spellcheck
- #512 Fix minimized start on Windows
- #464 Remove duplicate notification on windows 7
- #453 Read update settings from install location
- #416 Snap build
- #440 Fix bug on some OS versions on about window, closes #427
- #445 Fix bug when closing app in fullscreen
- #417 Don't open dev tools on about, and show message when no updates
- #425 Make sure app quits on mac on update
- #426 Reduce drag region to fix manual scroll
- #415 Updated README with servers.json instructions
- #412 Fix bug with highlighting text & drag region on macOS
- #384 Fix download file issue
- #390 Fix speed issues with spellcheck on windows
- #391 Only show reload screen if main webview error
- #336 Make it sexier in macOS
- Add Fedora Dev Dependencies
- Allow opening of file urls
- Changed the function name and the switch is replaced with
); - Fix speed issues with spell check on Windows
- Fixed to put tray object in mainWindow
- Handle urls using click listener
- Load server config from file and tidy menu
- Show reload screen when server fails to load
- Add .nvmrc
- Add download section to readme
- Add option to hide tray icon
- Add option to remove user data on uninstall
- Add option to toggle menu on windows and linux
- Allow multiple dictionaries if not using hunspell
- Capitalize menu items
- Fix blank notification issue
- Fix dictionaries path
- Fix issue with notification taking focus, and resize
- Fix issue with some notifications being blank
- Fix issues with desktop entry on linux
- Fix multiple certificate notifications and replacing webview with image
- Fix notification height with mulitple monitors
- Fix speed issues with spell check
- Improve design of screen selection
- Initial changes to enable screen share
- Keep user online if they are still active on their system
- Make windows notification unselectable
- Open link in app if internal url
- Prevent error from tray when window reloads
- Save disabled dictionary preference
- Set notification as inactive so it doesnt take focus from window
- Stop redirect when dragging image/url into window
- Update .editorconfig to match eslint
- Update jQuery to 3.1.1
- Update spectron 3.4. to 3.5.0
- Add loading screen
- Add options of all users or current user for Windows install
- Add run at startup option on Windows
- Fix issues with Windows 7 notifications
- Dependencies update
- Fix client zoom keys the opposite way to be expected.
- Debounce window saveState call to avoid Error: EPERM: operation not permitted
- Added left button click to taskbar-icon to show main window
- Fix various quirks with the windows installer
- Fix context menu
- Better file organization
- Use electron-builder to generate our packages and installers
- Fix Spell Checker for all platforms
- Add builds for windows x32 and x64
- Add build automation with Travis and AppVeyor
- Fixed notifications on Windows 7
- Fixed post installation error messages on Windows 7
- Add underline keyboard shortcuts for Windows and Linux (#50)
- Add window min size 400px x 600px
- Prevent save window size for hidden windows
- Save state on window resize and move
- Ask users to allow or deny when connecting to a server with invalid SSL
- HTTP Basic Authentication support (#144)
- Improve error handling for connecting to server (#143)
- OS X client - every word typed is highlighted as being misspelled (#162)
- Possibility to install without creating shortcut (#96)
- Restoring maximized window from tray restores to not maximized window size (#151)
- Save hidden state at Windows logout (#156)
- Add the "about" panel for windows and linux (#138)
- Add zoom options (#137)
- Application close (#123)
- Application crash when hiding or closing the app (#109)
- Do not add a big red dot on side bar for servers with unread messages (#132)
- Enable multilanguage spell checker; Allow user to set languages. (#124)
- Fix "Close Window" on OS X minimizes (#72)
- Improve spellchecker (#122)
- Improvements/huspell dicts (#128)
- Mac desktop client: Reload minimizes instead (#129)
- Open DevTools for active server (#136)
- Open DevTools for selected server instead of Electron (#133)
- Option to start the client hidden (#118)
- Prevent cache of server icon
- Reload current server instead of all application (#135)
- Right click reload server (#134)
- Spellchecker language not autodetecting on OS X (#119)
- Spellchecker not showing correct suggestions (#121)
- Add server screen font not present on Windows (#100)
- Change Server Should be Add Server (#90)
- Close Now Closes the Application (#89)
- Have hotkeys to switch between Rocket chat instances. (#81)
- Make the taskbar blink when mentioned (#68)
- Open the app after installing on windows (#37)
- Option to change the install folder (#41)
- Right click -> copy / paste (#32)
- RIght click on URLs doesn't work cleanly in a cross-platform way. (#95)
- Start client with windows logon (#57)
- Tray icon on Windows requires triple click (#77)
Special thanks to @floriangoeldi
- Add files to make branding easily
- Add spellchecker
- Create class to manage servers
- Create class to manage sidebar (servers list)
- Create class to manage webviews
- If you inform a server address with HTTPS we will fallback to HTTP if necessary
- Improve file upload getting file from inside the web view instead of from the main view and transmit to the webview via IPC
- Improve offline message
- Load all servers on aplication startup to enable notifications for all servers
- Load the last server and last room on application load or refresh
- Move all images to /app/images
- Now you can inform the server address without protocol, we will try HTTPS and then HTTP
- Open correct server from desktop notification
- Reactive tray icon
- Remove coffee-script dependency
- Remove font Roboto
- Remove unused CSS/LESS
- Show total of unreads in the application icon (OS X)
- Sidebar design improvement
- Sidebar now have a new button to add new servers
- Sidebar shows server's alert badge
- Sidebar shows server's icon or initials
- Sidebar shows server's title on mouse over
- Sidebar shows server's unread count
- Use webviews to allow multiple servers online at the same time
- Option to hide server's list
- Now you can add multiple servers
- New demo URL
- Better error message
- Disabled _tray.setTitle(title); until it can be optional
- Fix crash when closing app from try in OS X
- Fixed oAuth logins
- Increase start window size
- Listen for double-clicked event on tray to minimize/restore window
- Move window to front when click to show in tray
- Open http links as external
- Remove unnecessary files from OSX and Windows release
- Rename application executable and helpers
- Update Icons
- Upgrade electron to 0.30.0 (Images from non HTTPS urls are displayed now)
- Improve icons for Windows
- Start using Coffee-Script
- Tray icon
- Improve app icons
- New app icon for OS X
- New background for dmg file
- Add application and context menus