A list of useful apps, extensions and more.
A set of the apps available through the Chrome Store
- Dewey Bookmarks - Dewey adds custom tags, screenshots, and smarter search to your Chrome bookmarks.
Postman - Build, test, and document your APIs faster
Alchemize - Minify & pretty-print source code with ease.
Tips: Go into your Chrome Settings > Extensions and set up short cut keys for better productivity
Readability - Readability is a web and mobile app that zaps clutter and saves web articles in a comfortable reading view. This works really well for transferring between your devices and you can use Accelerator for Speed Reading on iOS
Session Buddy - Manage Your Browser Sessions
SimpleExtManager - A simple menu to enable, disable and access options of extensions. Great for reducing Chrome memory
Video Speed Controller - Speed up, slow down, advance and rewind any HTML5 video with quick shortcuts.
Chrome Sniffer Plus - Sniff web framework and javascript libraries run on browsing website.
Clear Cache - Clear your cache and browsing data with a single click of a button. Better when shortcut set up
Emmet Re:View - Fast and easy way to test your responsive design in multiple viewports
Live Reload - Provides Chrome browser integration for the official LiveReload apps (Mac & Windows) and third-parties like guard-livereload and yeoman.
JSONView - Validate and view JSON documents
Page Ruler - Draw a ruler to get pixel dimensions and positioning, and measure elements on any web page.
Pesticide - This extension inserts the Pesticide CSS into the current page, outlining each element to better see placement on the page.
React Developer Tools - Adds React debugging tools to the Chrome Developer Tools.
Wappalyzer - Identifies software on the web. Works well in tandem with Chrome Sniffer Plus
Visual Event - Know what event is bound on each DOM element.
WAVE Evaluation Tool - Evaluate web accessibility within the Chrome browser.
WhatFont - The easiest way to identify fonts on web pages.
Zoom Text Only - Zoom text without distorting the images
Window Resizer - Resize browser window to emulate various screen resolutions
[Palette Creator](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/palette-creator/oolpphfmdmjbojolagcbgdemojhcnlod/related(https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/palette-creator/oolpphfmdmjbojolagcbgdemojhcnlod) - Creates a color palette from any image. Just right-click on the image and select the “Palette Creator” option.
PHP Console - Display PHP errors & vars dumps in Google Chrome console and notification popups, execute PHP code remotely.
AJAX Debugger - Logs all AJAX activity to the Dev Tools Console, allowing inspection of AJAX calls, and open calls in new tab with all the inputs.
Dev Alfred Workflows - List of some amazing dev workflows
- HackerNews
- Smashing Magazine
- EnvatoTuts+
- Hongkiat
- Codrops
- CSS Tricks
- DailyJS
- Federico Cargnelutti
- David Walsh
- JavaScript Jabber
- NodeUp
- Swift Blog
- Ray Wenderlich
- Cult of Mac
- iOS Developer Tips
- NSHipster
- Erica Sadun iOS
- iOSDevWeekly
- AppCoda
- More Than Just Code
- iOhYes
- Computer Organisation and Design
- Introduction to Algorithms
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
- Mining of Massive Datasets
- Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective
- Programming Language Paradigms
- Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
- Computer Systems - A Programmer's Perspective
- Essential Software Architecture
- Programming Pearls
- Clean Code - A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
- Linear Algebra Done Right
- Graph Theory
- Concrete Mathematics
- Algorithm Design
- Security in Computing
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Calculus 7e