diff --git a/config/tutorials/README.md b/config/tutorials/README.md
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index 3307197328..0000000000
--- a/config/tutorials/README.md
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-# Tutorials
-The tutorials segment of the docs repository has been mostly decoupled from ably/website repository. This is great news but it also places the responsibly of the metadata on us.
-### The fundamental changes:
-- External articles and internal articles are consolidated.
-- There is JSON Controller to modify category, and group descriptions and a curated list of "favourite" articles.
-# External articles
-Please use the file naming convention: `_article-name.textile` where the prefix `_` is not mandatory, but does distinguish an external article from the rest, with a practical benefit of grouping the directory listing.
-An external article uses exactly the same YAML metadata as any other article except it includes one additional flag in the front matter, and the absolute URL to the article content.
-external: true
-url: https://medium.freecodecamp.org/how-to-build-a-multiplayer-vr-web-app-7b989964fb38
-... and the body of the article contains a single HTML comment.
-**NOTE**: Viewing an external article on the Ably/docs website will display a blank page. This is because the body is an HTML comment, whereas clicking an external card on the tutorials landing page will redirect the user.
-# JSON Controller
-The respective ENUM values used in the textile articles are derived from the control JSON, with the exception of **languages** (see below). The controller lets us update static text independent of the Ably/Website repo.
-### categories
-The `desc` property is no longer used by the new design.
-"categories": [
- {
- "id": "channels",
- "icon": "arrows-horizontal",
- "name": "Channels",
- "desc": "A selection of tutorials ...."
- },
- ...
-### groups
-These are the section divisions within each tab page content.
- "groups": {
- "sdk": {
- "id": "sdk",
- "name": "Using native Ably SDKs",
- "desc": "A selection of tutorials ...... mobiles or servers."
- },
-### favourites
-This is a fallback in the unlikely event that there are no search results, in this case the following list of articles will appear in a special section with the respective description and our most popular tutorial cards.
- "favorites": {
- "title": "No results for the filter",
- "desc": "However we do have these ... might help you.",
- "filenames": [
- "publish-subscribe.textile",
- "token-authentication.textile",
- "_multiplayer-vr-web.textile",
- "mqtt-snake.textile",
- "_live-flight-tracking.textile",
- "_multi-lingual-chat.textile"
- ]
- },
-# Textile metadata
-## Category (ENUM, list)
-A category is essentially the TAB in which an article will appear. An article can be displayed in multiple tabs. The list of available ENUM keys can be found in [tutorials.json](./tutorials.json)
- - channels
- - reactor-integrations
-## Tags (String, list)
-Please avoid plurals (or be consistent) eg `Graph` and `Graphs` will create two tags, and introduce confusion for the user interface. Additionally please do not create tags for TABs or LANGUAGEs, for the same reason.
- - Bitcoin
- - Hub
- - Angular
- - KendoUI
- - Graphs
-## Languages (ENUM, list) & Libraries (String, list)
-The available languages can be found in [documentation_languages.rb](../lib/helpers/documentation_languages.rb) every tutorial card requires at least one language ENUM. Libraries (optional) Are plain text list of Strings, please be consistent in the use of plural and capitalisation.
-- If `librries` is defined the interface will display those values, and ignore the `languages` list.
-- Not all the languages have an SVG icon. To add a new icon please see [Ably/Website - Assets](https://github.com/ably/website/#assets)
-# manditory (ENUM)
- - javascript
- - nodejs
-# optional (String)
- - Angular
-## Authors (collection)
-The tutorial card can accommodate up to four author profiles, and require at least one. Images can be a path or absolute URL. (The example below demonstrates both use cases) Please remember to save NEW profile pictures in the Ably/Website repository in: `/app/assets/images/tutorials`
-Ideally please use JPG images no larger that 200x200 pixels.
-- author_name: Christopher Batin
- author_bio: ""
- author_profile_url: "https://github.com/cjbatin"
- author_image: "tutorials/christopher-batin.jpg"
-- author_name: Srushtika Neelakantam
- author_bio: ""
- author_profile_url: "https://github.com/Srushtika"
- author_image: "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/5900152?s=460&v=4"
-## Group (ENUM, String)
-A group is the a subsection that appears within the TAB content page. All articles must be associated with a single group. Currently these are: `sdk`, `mqtt` or `sse`. The list of available ENUM keys can be found in [tutorials.json](./tutorials.json)
-group: sdk
-## Deprecated attributes
-Currently all articles must contain both of the following keys. They are not used by the tutorials landing page, however the respective **article page** will reference those values to display SVG icons.
-platform: browser
-ably_product: reactor
-## Ordering tutorial cards
-If you need to publish a multi-part tutorial series you might want those cards to appear in a grouped order. (The WebRTC tutorial is an example of multi-part grouped ordering) To achieve this change the `index` for each article, where lower values will appear first.
-index: 151
-If you want to see the used index values you can get an ordered list of articles and indexes with ...
-# All of the articles: filenames sorted by their index value
-grep -r "index:\s\w*" content/* | sort -t: -n -k3
-# Just tutorials: Bottom 10 (tail -n 10) or Top 10 (head -n 10)
-grep -r "index:\s\w*" content/tutorials/* | sort -t: -n -k3 | tail -n 10
diff --git a/config/tutorials/tutorials.json b/config/tutorials/tutorials.json
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index 4475f2ebdc..0000000000
--- a/config/tutorials/tutorials.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
- "favorites": {
- "title": "No results for the filter",
- "desc": "However we do have these exceptional examples of tutorials that might help you.",
- "filenames": [
- "publish-subscribe.textile",
- "token-authentication.textile",
- "_multiplayer-vr-web.textile",
- "mqtt-snake.textile",
- "_live-flight-tracking.textile",
- "_multi-lingual-chat.textile"
- ]
- },
- "categories": [
- {
- "id": "channels",
- "icon": "arrows-horizontal",
- "name": "Channels",
- "desc": "A selection of tutorials demonstrating the use of the Ably Client library SDKs, or the Ably REST API, on devices such as browsers, desktops, mobiles or servers."
- },
- {
- "id": "push-notifications",
- "icon": "bell",
- "name": "Push Notifications",
- "desc": "Tutorials demonstrating how to connect Ably with external services (Ably Reactor, non-Ably protocols and Push Notifications).
Find out more about Ably Reactor service, protocol adapters and migrating to Ably, and Push Notification service."
- },
- {
- "id": "reactor-integrations",
- "icon": "lightning",
- "name": "Integrations",
- "desc": "Fun tutorials on how to make use of various libraries and JS frameworks with Ably."
- },
- {
- "id": "api-hub",
- "icon": "api-streamer-monotone",
- "name": "API Streamer and Hub",
- "desc": "Fun tutorials on how to make use of various libraries and JS frameworks with Ably."
- }
- ],
- "groups": {
- "demo": {
- "id": "demo",
- "name": "Ably demo projects",
- "desc": "A selection of demos that show you how to use the Ably SDK in simplified real world examples."
- },
- "sdk": {
- "id": "sdk",
- "name": "Using Ably Client Library SDKs",
- "desc": "A selection of tutorials demonstrating the use of the Ably Client library SDKs, or the Ably REST API, on devices such as browsers, desktops, mobiles or servers."
- },
- "sse": {
- "id": "sse",
- "tab": "Channels, Push, Reactor & API Hub",
- "name": "Using SSE",
- "desc": "Tutorials on using Server-Sent Events with Ably."
- },
- "mqtt": {
- "id": "mqtt",
- "tab": "Channels, Push, Reactor & API Hub",
- "name": "Using MQTT",
- "desc": "Tutorials on using the MQTT protocol with Ably."
- }
- }