Dit zijn praktijkopdrachten uit Spark in Action, 2nd Edition van Jean-Georges Perrin, die je kunt uitvoeren op de CDEP Hadoop-Spark-Hive omgeving. De data hoeft niet op HDFS gezet te worden. In deze opdrachten doen we dat wel.
Als je dat eenmaal gedaan hebt, kun je de Spark commando's zo achter elkaar kopiëren, uitvoeren en kijken hoe het werkt.
Start de Docker omgeving volgens de handleiding. Volg de Quick Start Spark (PySpark) om in te loggen op de Spark master.
Start PySpark:
/spark/bin/pyspark --master spark://69280b13519d:7077
Kopieer de directory met data op de namenode en kopieer ze vandaar naar HDFS
docker ps |grep namenode # achterhaal Container ID van namenode
docker cp Spark_in_Action 2ffec0140800:sparkinaction
docker exec -it 2ffec0140800 bash
hdfs dfs -mkdir /data
hdfs dfs -mkdir /data/sparkinaction
hdfs dfs -put sparkinaction/* /data/sparkinaction
# Creates a session on a local master
absolute_file_path = "hdfs://namenode:8020/data/sparkinaction/books.csv"
session = SparkSession.builder.appName("CSV to Dataset").master("spark://69280b13519d:7077").getOrCreate()
# Reads a CSV file with header, called books.csv, stores it in a dataframe
df = session.read.csv(header=True, inferSchema=True, path=absolute_file_path)
# Shows at most 5 rows from the dataframe
# Good to stop SparkSession at the end of the application
Chapter 2 op Github In dit hoofdstuk doen we een kleine transformatie: we concatteneren de lastname en firstname. We slaan hier de database stap over. Feel free om zelf een PostgreSQL database toe te voegen aan de hadoop-spark-hive docker-compose.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
absolute_file_path = "hdfs://namenode:8020/data/sparkinaction/authors.csv"
# Step 1: Ingestion
# ---------
# Reads a CSV file with header, called authors.csv, stores it in a dataframe
df = spark.read.csv(header=True, inferSchema=True, path=absolute_file_path)
# Step 2: Transform
# ---------
# Creates a new column called "name" as the concatenation of lname, a
# virtual column containing ", " and the fname column
df = df.withColumn("name", F.concat(F.col("lname"), F.lit(", "), F.col("fname")))
# Good to stop SparkSession at the end of the application
Chapter 3 op Github In dit hoofdstuk hernoemen we wat kolommen uit een CSV. We halen we een paar kolommen uit het resultaat en we voegen een id kolom toe, gebaseerd op state, county en datasetId.
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit,col,concat
import json
absolute_file_path = "hdfs://namenode:8020/data/sparkinaction/Restaurants_in_Wake_County_NC.csv"
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Restaurants in Wake County, NC") \
df = spark.read.csv(header=True, inferSchema=True,path=absolute_file_path)
print("*** Right after ingestion")
print("*** Schema as a tree:")
Hernoemen van kolommen en verwijderen van de OBJECTID, PERMITID en GEOCODESTATUS kolommen uit ons dataframe.
# Let's transform our dataframe
df = df.withColumn("county", lit("Wake")) \
.withColumnRenamed("HSISID", "datasetId") \
.withColumnRenamed("NAME", "name") \
.withColumnRenamed("ADDRESS1", "address1") \
.withColumnRenamed("ADDRESS2", "address2") \
.withColumnRenamed("CITY", "city") \
.withColumnRenamed("STATE", "state") \
.withColumnRenamed("POSTALCODE", "zip") \
.withColumnRenamed("PHONENUMBER", "tel") \
.withColumnRenamed("RESTAURANTOPENDATE", "dateStart") \
.withColumnRenamed("FACILITYTYPE", "type") \
.withColumnRenamed("X", "geoX") \
.withColumnRenamed("Y", "geoY") \
Het maken van een nieuwe kolom, geconcatteneerd van state, county en datasetId.
df = df.withColumn("id",
concat(col("state"), lit("_"), col("county"), lit("_"), col("datasetId")))
# Shows at most 5 rows from the dataframe
print("*** Dataframe transformed")
print("*** Schema as a tree:")
We kunnen het dataframe opslaan als json.
print("*** Schema as string: {}".format(df.schema))
schemaAsJson = df.schema.json()
parsedSchemaAsJson = json.loads(schemaAsJson)
print("*** Schema as JSON: {}".format(json.dumps(parsedSchemaAsJson, indent=2)))
# Good to stop SparkSession at the end of the application
from pyspark.sql.functions import (lit,col,concat,split)
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
absolute_file_path1 = "hdfs://namenode:8020/data/sparkinaction/Restaurants_in_Wake_County_NC.csv"
absolute_file_path2 = "hdfs://namenode:8020/data/sparkinaction/Restaurants_in_Durham_County_NC.json"
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Union of two dataframes") \
Inlezen van data van Wake County (csv formaat). De kolommen worden aangepast zodat een union mogelijk is.
df1 = spark.read.csv(path=absolute_file_path1,header=True,inferSchema=True)
df1 = df1.withColumn("county", lit("Wake")) \
.withColumnRenamed("HSISID", "datasetId") \
.withColumnRenamed("NAME", "name") \
.withColumnRenamed("ADDRESS1", "address1") \
.withColumnRenamed("ADDRESS2", "address2") \
.withColumnRenamed("CITY", "city") \
.withColumnRenamed("STATE", "state") \
.withColumnRenamed("POSTALCODE", "zip") \
.withColumnRenamed("PHONENUMBER", "tel") \
.withColumnRenamed("RESTAURANTOPENDATE", "dateStart") \
.withColumn("dateEnd", lit(None)) \
.withColumnRenamed("FACILITYTYPE", "type") \
.withColumnRenamed("X", "geoX") \
.withColumnRenamed("Y", "geoY") \
df1 = df1.withColumn("id", concat(col("state"), lit("_"), col("county"), lit("_"), col("datasetId")))
df1 = df1.repartition(4);
Inlezen data van Durham County (json formaat) Aanpassen kolomnamen en verwijderen kolommen zodat union mogelijk is.
df2 = spark.read.json(absolute_file_path2)
drop_cols = ["fields", "geometry", "record_timestamp", "recordid"]
df2 = df2.withColumn("county", lit("Durham")) \
.withColumn("datasetId", col("fields.id")) \
.withColumn("name", col("fields.premise_name")) \
.withColumn("address1", col("fields.premise_address1")) \
.withColumn("address2", col("fields.premise_address2")) \
.withColumn("city", col("fields.premise_city")) \
.withColumn("state", col("fields.premise_state")) \
.withColumn("zip", col("fields.premise_zip")) \
.withColumn("tel", col("fields.premise_phone")) \
.withColumn("dateStart", col("fields.opening_date")) \
.withColumn("dateEnd", col("fields.closing_date")) \
.withColumn("type", split(col("fields.type_description"), " - ").getItem(1)) \
.withColumn("geoX", col("fields.geolocation").getItem(0)) \
.withColumn("geoY", col("fields.geolocation").getItem(1)) \
df2 = df2.withColumn("id", concat(col("state"), lit("_"), col("county"), lit("_"), col("datasetId")))
# I left the following line if you want to play with repartitioning
df = df.repartition(4);
Union uitvoeren
df = df1.unionByName(df2)
print("We have {} records.".format(df.count()))
partition_count = df.rdd.getNumPartitions()
print("Partition count: {}".format(partition_count))
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType,StructField,StringType
# Creates a session on a local master
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Array to Dataframe") \
data = [['Jean'], ['Liz'], ['Pierre'], ['Lauric']]
* data: parameter list1, data to create a dataset
* encoder: parameter list2, implicit encoder
schema = StructType([StructField('name', StringType(), True)])
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema)
Deze eerste praktijkoefening gaat erom dat Spark "fundamentally lazy" is. Je kunt transformaties uitvoeren op je data, maar zolang je het resultaat niet opvraagt, gaat Spark nog niet te werk.
import time
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import (lit,col,concat,expr)
absolute_file_path = "hdfs://namenode:8020/data/sparkinaction/NCHS_-_Teen_Birth_Rates_for_Age_Group_15-19_in_the_United_States_by_County.csv"
t0 = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
# Step 1 - Creates a session on a local master
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Analysing Catalyst's behavior") \
t1 = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
print("1. Creating a session ........... {}".format(t1 - t0))
# Step 2 - Reads a CSV file with header, stores it in a dataframe
df = spark.read.csv(header=True, inferSchema=True,path=absolute_file_path)
initalDf = df
t2 = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
print("2. Loading initial dataset ...... {}".format(t2 - t1))
# Step 3 - Build a bigger dataset
for x in range(60):
df = df.union(initalDf)
t3 = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
print("3. Building full dataset ........ {}".format(t3 - t2))
# Step 4 - Cleanup. preparation
df = df.withColumnRenamed("Lower Confidence Limit", "lcl") \
.withColumnRenamed("Upper Confidence Limit", "ucl")
t4 = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
print("4. Clean-up ..................... {}".format(t4 - t3))
# Step 5 - Transformation
if mode.lower != "noop":
df = df.withColumn("avg", expr("(lcl+ucl)/2")) \
.withColumn("lcl2", col("lcl")) \
.withColumn("ucl2", col("ucl"))
if mode.lower == "full":
df = df.drop("avg","lcl2","ucl2")
t5 = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
print("5. Transformations ............. {}".format(t5 - t4))
# Step 6 - Action
t6 = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
print("6. Final action ................. {}".format(t6 - t5))
print("# of records .................... {}".format(df.count))
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import (lit,col,concat,expr)
absolute_file_path = "hdfs://namenode:8020/data/sparkinaction/NCHS_-_Teen_Birth_Rates_for_Age_Group_15-19_in_the_United_States_by_County.csv"
# Step 1 - Creates a session on a local master
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Analysing Catalyst's behavior") \
# Step 2 - Reads a CSV file with header, stores it in a dataframe
df = spark.read.csv(header=True, inferSchema=True,path=absolute_file_path)
df0 = df
# Step 3 - Build a bigger dataset
df = df.union(df0)
# Step 4 - Cleanup. preparation
df = df.withColumnRenamed("Lower Confidence Limit", "lcl") \
.withColumnRenamed("Upper Confidence Limit", "ucl")
# Step 5 - Transformation
df = df.withColumn("avg", expr("(lcl+ucl)/2")) \
.withColumn("lcl2", col("lcl")) \
.withColumn("ucl2", col("ucl"))
Met explain kun je zien hoe Spark te werk is gegaan. Dit kan handig zijn om je Spark code te debuggen.
# Step 6 - explain