diff --git a/SQL/0000-00-04-Help.sql b/SQL/0000-00-04-Help.sql index ac45b54e458..70502dd28f2 100644 --- a/SQL/0000-00-04-Help.sql +++ b/SQL/0000-00-04-Help.sql @@ -72,4 +72,5 @@ INSERT INTO `help` (helpID, parentID, hash, topic, content, created, updated) VA (48,-1,md5('genomic_browser'), 'Genomic Browser', 'The Genomic Browser houses analyzed genetic results and facilitates exploration of these datasets, cross-linked with behavioural and imaging subject data. Within each tab, all fields or only a selection of Summary fields can be viewed by toggling the Display select box. One-click download of the current dataview is also available.\r\nThe Profiles tab displays all genetic data and files stored in Loris per candidate, and enables application of filters.\r\nThe GWAS, SNP, CNV and Methylation tabs enable filtering and exploration of analysis-specific datasets performed on a candidate population.\r\nThe Files tab displays all genetic filesets available for download, and provides upload functionality for Methylation data (LORIS 16.0). Clicking on a fileset name will load a subpage displaying the metadata available for this file, as well enabling its download.\r\n', '2016-04-07 00:00:00', NULL), (49,38,md5('project'), 'Project', 'You then click on "New ProjectID", fill in the fields on the right, click save. Immediately refresh the page to view your new project. Clicking save more than once will register a duplicate project ID. If you create an extra ID, you have to delete it from the database manually with an sql command.\n\nDefine all projectID-subprojectID relationships by populating the project_rel table, e.g.\n\nINSERT INTO `project_rel` VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(2,3);', '2016-04-01 00:00:00', NULL), (50,38,md5('subproject'), 'Subproject', 'You then click on "New SubprojectID", fill in the fields on the right, click save. Immediately refresh the page to view your new subproject. Clicking save more than once will register a duplicate subproject ID. If you create an extra ID, you have to delete it from the database manually with an sql command.\n\nDefine all projectID-subprojectID relationships by populating the project_rel table, e.g.\n\nINSERT INTO `project_rel` VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(2,3);', '2016-04-01 00:00:00', NULL), -(51,-1,md5('issue_tracker'), 'Issue Tracker', 'The Issue Tracker module allows users to report bugs and flag data concerns within a given LORIS.
Click the "Add Issue" button to register a new issue. Use the All Issues, Closed Issues, and My Issues tabs, in combination with the Selection filters, to build a custom view of issues of interest. Optionally, a PSCID can be associated to an issue, to link it to a specific subject record. If PSCID is provided, a Visit label can also be specified for cases where an issue relates to a subject-timepoint.
Clicking on any issue will load a page displaying the Issue Details, enabling the user to edit or update the issue given appropriate user permissions. This form can be used to re-assign an issue, change its status, and add further comments. Email notifications are sent when a given issue is updated, to any user who is added to the list of those "watching" the issue. The history of all comments and updates to the issue is also visible at the end of the Issue page.', '2016-10-25 00:00:00', NULL); +(51,-1,md5('issue_tracker'), 'Issue Tracker', 'The Issue Tracker module allows users to report bugs and flag data concerns within a given LORIS.
Click the "Add Issue" button to register a new issue. Use the All Issues, Closed Issues, and My Issues tabs, in combination with the Selection filters, to build a custom view of issues of interest. Optionally, a PSCID can be associated to an issue, to link it to a specific subject record. If PSCID is provided, a Visit label can also be specified for cases where an issue relates to a subject-timepoint.
Clicking on any issue will load a page displaying the Issue Details, enabling the user to edit or update the issue given appropriate user permissions. This form can be used to re-assign an issue, change its status, and add further comments. Email notifications are sent when a given issue is updated, to any user who is added to the list of those "watching" the issue. The history of all comments and updates to the issue is also visible at the end of the Issue page.', '2016-10-25 00:00:00', NULL), +(52,-1,md5('data_release'), 'Data Release', 'The Data Release Module can be used to easily distribute packaged data releases of your study. Use the "Upload File" button to upload your file and tag it with a version based on your own version convention. Grant access to any of your users using the "Add Permission" button. These buttons will be visible only if you have the "superuser" permission.', '2016-11-04 00:00:00', NULL); diff --git a/SQL/Archive/17.0/2016-08-18-DataReleaseHelpContent.sql b/SQL/Archive/17.0/2016-08-18-DataReleaseHelpContent.sql new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..bba4b59d47d --- /dev/null +++ b/SQL/Archive/17.0/2016-08-18-DataReleaseHelpContent.sql @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +INSERT INTO help (helpID, parentID, hash, topic, content, created, updated) VALUES (51,-1,md5('data_release'),'Data Release','The Data Release Module can be used to easily distribute packaged data releases of your study. Use the "Upload File" button to upload your file and tag it with a version based on your own version convention. Grant access to any of your users using the "Add Permission" button. These buttons will be visible only if you have the "superuser" permission.','2016-11-04 00:00:00',NULL); diff --git a/SQL/Release_patches/16.1_To_17.0_upgrade.sql b/SQL/Release_patches/16.1_To_17.0_upgrade.sql index eff7cc72a37..2ccd356f572 100644 --- a/SQL/Release_patches/16.1_To_17.0_upgrade.sql +++ b/SQL/Release_patches/16.1_To_17.0_upgrade.sql @@ -229,3 +229,4 @@ UPDATE ConfigSettings SET Label='Multiple sites' WHERE Name='multipleSites'; UPDATE ConfigSettings SET Description='Used for identifying timepoints that have (or should have) imaging data' WHERE Name='useScanDone'; UPDATE ConfigSettings SET Description='Path to the directory where files available for download are stored. Used to transfer files to the imaging browser, data query tool, and the package_files.sh script.' WHERE Name='DownloadPath'; UPDATE ConfigSettings SET Description='Path to the Directory of Uploaded Scans' WHERE Name='MRIUploadIncomingPath'; +INSERT INTO help (helpID, parentID, hash, topic, content, created, updated) VALUES (51,-1,md5('data_release'),'Data Release','The Data Release Module can be used to easily distribute packaged data releases of your study. Use the "Upload File" button to upload your file and tag it with a version based on your own version convention. Grant access to any of your users using the "Add Permission" button. These buttons will be visible only if you have the "superuser" permission.','2016-11-04 00:00:00',NULL);