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OpenIAB - Unity Plugin

This library is Java part of our Unity plugin.

Take a look at our example project based on the Unity AngryBots demo.

Build Package

Simply run ant build in the root folder of the repository. Then you can find package in the bin folder. We don't use latest APIs, so it should be possible to build this project with any somewhat recent Unity version.

If you need to set custom Unity location, you can do so in the OpenIAB/unity_plugin/ file. e. g. unity.path=C:/Program Files (x86)/Unity/Editor/Unity.exe


Build or download Unity package and import it in your project. There is OpenIAB.jar file in the package, which contains compile output of the plugin and of the OpenIAB library. There is also AndroidManifest.xml in the /Assets/Plugins/Android. Developer can add project specific settings to it.

Now you can run demo scene with some test buttons.

5 Simple Steps

  1. Place OpenIABEventManager prefab on the current scene.

  2. Subscribe to the plugin events:

private void OnEnable() {
    OpenIABEventManager.billingSupportedEvent += billingSupportedEvent;
    OpenIABEventManager.billingNotSupportedEvent += billingNotSupportedEvent;
    OpenIABEventManager.queryInventorySucceededEvent += queryInventorySucceededEvent;
    OpenIABEventManager.queryInventoryFailedEvent += queryInventoryFailedEvent;
    OpenIABEventManager.purchaseSucceededEvent += purchaseSucceededEvent;
    OpenIABEventManager.purchaseFailedEvent += purchaseFailedEvent;
    OpenIABEventManager.consumePurchaseSucceededEvent += consumePurchaseSucceededEvent;
    OpenIABEventManager.consumePurchaseFailedEvent += consumePurchaseFailedEvent;
  1. Map sku's for different stores:
private void Start() {
    // SKU's for iOS MUST be mapped. Mappings for other stores are optional
    OpenIAB.mapSku(SKU, OpenIAB_iOS.STORE, "some.ios.sku");

    OpenIAB.mapSku(SKU, OpenIAB.STORE_GOOGLE, "google-play.sku");
    OpenIAB.mapSku(SKU, STORE_CUSTOM, "onepf.sku");
  1. Call init method passing it preferred stores list with public keys, in order to start billing service.
 OpenIAB.init(new Dictionary<string, string> {
      {OpenIAB_Android.STORE_GOOGLE, "public_key"},
      {OpenIAB_Android.STORE_TSTORE, "public_key"},
      {OpenIAB_Android.STORE_SAMSUNG, "public_key"},
      {OpenIAB_Android.STORE_YANDEX, "public_key"}
  1. Use provided API to query inventory, make purchases, etc.



Here is example of the purchase event handling from our demo project:

  private const string SKU_MEDKIT = "sku_medkit";
  private const string SKU_AMMO = "sku_ammo";
  private const string SKU_INFINITE_AMMO = "sku_infinite_ammo";
  private const string SKU_COWBOY_HAT = "sku_cowboy_hat";

  // Some game logic refs
  private AmmoBox _playerAmmoBox = null;
  private MedKitPack _playerMedKitPack = null;
  private PlayerHat _playerHat = null;

  private void OnPurchaseSucceded(Purchase purchase) {
      // Optional verification of the payload. Can be moved to a custom server
      if (!VerifyDeveloperPayload(purchase.DeveloperPayload)) {
      switch (purchase.Sku) {
          case SKU_MEDKIT:
          case SKU_AMMO:
          case SKU_COWBOY_HAT:
              _playerHat.PutOn = true;
          case SKU_INFINITE_AMMO:
              _playerAmmoBox.IsInfinite = true;
              Debug.LogWarning("Unknown SKU: " + purchase.Sku);

All work is done through the two classes: ``` OpenIAB ```, ``` OpenIABEventManager ```.

Full list of the provided events:

// Fired after init is called when billing is supported on the device
public static event Action billingSupportedEvent;

// Fired after init is called when billing is not supported on the device
public static event Action<string> billingNotSupportedEvent;

// Fired when the inventory and purchase history query has returned
public static event Action<Inventory> queryInventorySucceededEvent;

// Fired when the inventory and purchase history query fails
public static event Action<string> queryInventoryFailedEvent;

// Fired when a purchase of a product or a subscription succeeds
public static event Action<Purchase> purchaseSucceededEvent;

// Fired when a purchase fails
public static event Action<string> purchaseFailedEvent;

// Fired when a call to consume a product succeeds
public static event Action<Purchase> consumePurchaseSucceededEvent;

// Fired when a call to consume a product fails
public static event Action<string> consumePurchaseFailedEvent;

// Fired when transaction was restored. iOS only
public static event Action<string> transactionRestoredEvent;

// Fired when transaction restoration process failed. iOS only
public static event Action<string> restoreFailedEvent;

// Fired when transaction restoration process succeeded. iOS only
public static event Action restoreSucceededEvent;

Full list of the provided methods:

// Starts up the billing service. This will also check to see if in app billing is supported and fire the appropriate event
public static void init(Dictionary<string, string> storeKeys);

// Maps sku for the supported stores
public static void mapSku(string sku, string storeName, string storeSku);

// Unbinds and shuts down the billing service
public static void unbindService();

// Returns whether subscriptions are supported on the current device
public static bool areSubscriptionsSupported();

// Sends a request to get all completed purchases and product information
public static void queryInventory();

// Purchases the product with the given sku and developerPayload
public static void purchaseProduct(string sku, string developerPayload="");

// Purchases the subscription with the given sku and developerPayload
public static void purchaseSubscription(string sku, string developerPayload="");

// Sends out a request to consume the product
public static void consumeProduct(Purchase purchase);

// Restores purchases. Needed only for iOS store
public static void restoreTransactions();


You can reuse existing API and add support to a new platform by implementing IOpenIAB interface. Then you can create instance of your class in the OpenIAB.

static OpenIAB() {
	_billing = new OpenIAB_Android();
	_billing = new OpenIAB_iOS();
	_billing = new OpenIAB_custom();