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import { Transform } from 'slate'

A transform allows you to define a series of changes you'd like to make to the current Document or Selection in a State.

All changes are performed through Transform objects, so that a history of changes can be preserved for use in undo/redo operations, and to make collaborative editing possible.

Transform methods can either operate on the Document, the Selection, or both at once.



apply(options: Object) => State

Applies all of the current transform steps, returning the newly transformed State. An options object is optional, containing values of:

  • snapshot: Boolean — override the editor's built-in logic of whether to create a new snapshot in the history, that can be reverted to later.

Document & Selection Transforms


deleteBackward(n: Number) => Transform

Delete backward n characters at the current cursor. If the selection is expanded, this method is equivalent to a regular delete(). n defaults to 1.


deleteForward(n: Number) => Transform

Delete forward n characters at the current cursor. If the selection is expanded, this method is equivalent to a regular delete(). n defaults to 1.


delete() => Transform

Delete everything in the current selection.


insertFragment(fragment: Document) => Transform

Insert a fragment at the current selection. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.


insertText(text: String) => Transform

Insert a string of text at the current selection. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.


addMark(mark: Mark) => Transform addMark(properties: Object) => Transform addMark(type: String) => Transform

Add a mark to the characters in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


setBlock(properties: Object) => Transform setBlock(type: String) => Transform

Set the properties of the Block in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a type string to set the blocks's type only.


setInline(properties: Object) => Transform setInline(type: String) => Transform

Set the properties of the Inline nodes in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a type string to set the inline's type only.


splitBlock(depth: Number) => Transform

Split the Block in the current selection by depth levels. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. depth defaults to 1.


splitInline(depth: Number) => Transform

Split the Inline node in the current selection by depth levels. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. depth defaults to Infinity.


removeMark(mark: Mark) => Transform removeMark(properties: Object) => Transform removeMark(type: String) => Transform

Remove a mark from the characters in the current selection. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


toggleMark(mark: Mark) => Transform toggleMark(properties: Object) => Transform toggleMark(type: String) => Transform

Add or remove a mark from the characters in the current selection, depending on it already exists on any or not. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


unwrapBlock([type: String], [data: Data]) => Transform

Unwrap all Block nodes in the current selection that match a type and/or data.


unwrapInline([type: String], [data: Data]) => Transform

Unwrap all Inline nodes in the current selection that match a type and/or data.


wrapBlock(type: String, [data: Data]) => Transform

Wrap the Block nodes in the current selection with a new Block node of type, with optional data.


wrapInline(type: String, [data: Data]) => Transform

Wrap the Inline nodes in the current selection with a new Inline node of type, with optional data.

Selection Transforms


blur() => Transform

Blur the current selection.


collapseTo{Edge}() => Transform

Collapse the current selection to its {Edge}. Where {Edge} is either Anchor, Focus, Start or End.


collapseTo{Edge}Of(node: Node) => Transform

Collapse the current selection to the {Edge} of node. Where {Edge} is either Start or End.


collapseTo{Edge}Of{Direction}Block() => Transform

Collapse the current selection to the {Edge} of the next Block node in {Direction}. Where {Edge} is either {Start} or {End} and {Direction} is either Next or Previous.


collapseTo{Edge}Of{Direction}Text() => Transform

Collapse the current selection to the {Edge} of the next Text node in {Direction}. Where {Edge} is either {Start} or {End} and {Direction} is either Next or Previous.


extend{Direction}(n: Number) => Transform

Extend the current selection's points n characters in {Direction}. Where {Direction} is either Backward or Forward.


extendTo{Edge}Of(node: Node) => Transform

Extend the current selection to the {Edge} of a node. Where {Edge} is either Start or End.


focus() => Transform

Focus the current selection.


move{Direction}(n: Number) => Transform

Move the current selection's points n characters in {Direction}. Where {Direction} is either Backward or Forward.


moveToOffsets(anchorOffset: Number, focusOffset: Number) => Transform

Move the current selection's offsets to a new anchorOffset and focusOffset.


moveToRangeOf(node: Node) => Transform

Move the current selection's anchor point to the start of a node and its focus point to the end of the node.


moveTo(properties: Selection || Object) => Transform

Move the current selection to a selection with merged properties. The properties can either be a Selection object or a plain Javascript object of selection properties.

Document Transforms


deleteBackwardAtRange(range: Selection, n: Number) => Transform

Delete backward n characters at a range. If the range is expanded, this method is equivalent to a regular delete(). n defaults to 1.


deleteForwardAtRange(range: Selection, n: Number) => Transform

Delete forward n characters at a range. If the range is expanded, this method is equivalent to a regular delete(). n defaults to 1.


deleteAtRange(range: Selection, ) => Transform

Delete everything in a range.


insertFragmentAtRange(range: Selection, fragment: Document) => Transform

Insert a fragment at a range. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.


insertTextAtRange(range: Selection, text: String) => Transform

Insert a string of text at a range. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first.


addMarkAtRange(range: Selection, mark: Mark) => Transform addMarkAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform addMarkAtRange(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform

Add a mark to the characters in a range. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


setBlockAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform setBlock(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform

Set the properties of the Block in a range. For convenience, you can pass a type string to set the blocks's type only.


setInlineAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform setInline(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform

Set the properties of the Inline nodes in a range. For convenience, you can pass a type string to set the inline's type only.


splitBlockAtRange(range: Selection, depth: Number) => Transform

Split the Block in a range by depth levels. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. depth defaults to 1.


splitInlineAtRange(range: Selection, depth: Number) => Transform

Split the Inline node in a range by depth levels. If the selection is expanded, it will be deleted first. depth defaults to Infinity.


removeMarkAtRange(range: Selection, mark: Mark) => Transform removeMarkAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform removeMarkAtRange(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform

Remove a mark from the characters in a range. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


toggleMarkAtRange(range: Selection, mark: Mark) => Transform toggleMarkAtRange(range: Selection, properties: Object) => Transform toggleMarkAtRange(range: Selection, type: String) => Transform

Add or remove a mark from the characters in a range, depending on whether any of them already have the mark. For convenience, you can pass a type string or properties object to implicitly create a Mark of that type.


unwrapBlockAtRange(range: Selection, [type: String], [data: Data]) => Transform

Unwrap all Block nodes in a range that match a type and/or data.


unwrapInlineAtRange(range: Selection, [type: String], [data: Data]) => Transform

Unwrap all Inline nodes in a range that match a type and/or data.


wrapBlockAtRange(range: Selection, type: String, [data: Data]) => Transform

Wrap the Block nodes in a range with a new Block node of type, with optional data.


wrapInlineAtRange(range: Selection, type: String, [data: Data]) => Transform

Wrap the Inline nodes in a range with a new Inline node of type, with optional data.

History Transforms


redo() => Transform

Move forward one step in the history.


undo() => Transform

Move backward one step in the history.