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executable file
491 lines (387 loc) · 21.4 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
491 lines (387 loc) · 21.4 KB

Release 3.3.x


  • linux/ppc 32-bit support

Bug Fixes

  • Revise cleanup of in-use temporary files on win32 (issue 6)
  • Fix structure alignment issues on linux/ppc

Release 3.3.0


  • Facilitate Memory subclasses (jbellis).
  • Allow multiple fields of the same type in Unions (Francis Barber).
  • Add platform.win32.Advapi32.AdjustTokenPrivileges, platform.win32.Advapi32.LookupPrivilegeName, platform.win32.Advapi32.LookupPrivilegeValue, platform.win32.Advapi32.ImpersonateSelf.
  • Add platform.win32.Advapi32.DuplicateTokenEx, platform.win32.Advapi32.CreateProcessAsUser, platform.win32.Kernel32.GetExitCodeProcess, platform.win32.Kernel32.TerminateProcess, platform.win32.Kernel32.ReadFile, platform.win32.Kernel32.CreatePipe, platform.win32.Kernel32.SetHandleInformation and related constants / structures in platform.win32.WinBase and platform.win32.WinNT. Please note that the SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure has been moved from platform.win32.WinNT to platform.win32.WinBase.
  • Add platform.win32.Kernel32.DeleteFile and platform.win32.Kernel32Util.deleteFile.
  • Add platform.win32.Kernel32.GetFileAttributes and platform.win32.Kernel32Util.getFileAttributes.
  • Add platform.win32.Kernel32.GetTickCount.
  • Add Win32 Service functions to platform.win32.Advapi32.
  • Add platform.win32.W32ServiceManager and W32Service.
  • Add Win32 Event Logging functions to platform.win32.Advapi32 and platform.win32.Advapi32Util.EventLogIterator.
  • platform.win32.Advapi32Util.registryCreateKey returns true if key was created, false if it already exists.
  • Add REG_BINARY, REG_EXPAND_SZ and REG_MULTI_SZ support to platform.win32.Advapi32Util registry functions.
  • Reduce JNI crossings in a number of native methods, moving object creation out into pure Java code.

Bug Fixes

  • Move all native functions into com.sun.jna.Native, to ensure that all dependent classes must be disposed before the Native class is unloaded. Note that this change is incompatible with all previous JNA native libraries.
  • Fix platform.win32.Kernel32.GetNativeSystemInfo and GetSystemInfo AV on Win64.
  • Fix several potential minor bugs as reported by TvT.
  • Fix bug in Structure.StructureSet.toString (Blair Zajac), exposed by Tomcat ThreadLocal cleanup.
  • Fix several bugs when using Structure(Pointer) ctor and array fields (Samuel Audet).

Release 3.2.7


  • Add native peer value accessors for Pointer
  • The jna.library.path property is now re-evaluated whenever a native library is loaded. Previously this value was cached when the JNA classes loaded.
  • Native.loadLibrary can now load .drv files.
  • Refactor com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WINBASE into WinDef, WinNT and BaseTSD, matching Windows SDK headers.
  • Refactor constants from com.sun.jna.platform.win32.GDI32 into WinGDI, matching Windows SDK headers.
  • Refactor constants from com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32 into WinUser, matching Windows SDK headers.
  • Refactor platform.win32.WinNT.LARGE_INTEGER into a union.
  • Add platform.win32.ObjBase, com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32.CoInitializeEx, CoUninitialize, and CoCreateInstance.
  • Add platform.win32.Oleaut32.SysAllocString and SysFreeString.
  • Add platform.win32.Secur32.ImpersonateSecurityContext and RevertSecurityContext.
  • Add platform.win32.WinNT.WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE, SECURITY_MAX_SID_SIZE and other related SID-related constants.
  • Add platform.win32.Advapi32.CreateWellKnownSid and IsWellKnownSid and com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util.isWellKnownSid.
  • Add platform.win32.Kernel32.GetVersion, GetVersionEx, GetSystemInfo, GetNativeSystemInfo, GlobalMemoryStatusEx, GetLogicalDriveStrings and IsWow64Process.
  • Add platform.win32.Kernel32Util.getLogicalDriveStrings.
  • Add platform.win32.User32.GetSystemMetrics.
  • Add platform.win32.BaseTSD.DWORD_PTR.
  • Add platform.win32.WinBase.SYSTEM_INFO and MEMORYSTATUSEX.
  • Add platform.win32.WinNT.OSVERSIONINFOEX, VER constants.
  • Add platform.win32.WinDef.ULONGLONG and DWORDLONG.
  • Add platform.win32.Shell32.SHGetDesktopFolder (prep work for Com4JNA).
  • Add platform.win32.Winspool.GetPrinterInfo.
  • Add platform.win32.WinspoolUtil.getPrinterInfo1.
  • Add platform.win32.GDI32.GetDeviceCaps.
  • Add platform.win32.GDI32.GetDIBits.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix ClassCastException in Structure.equals (issue 152).
  • Fix bug initializing a structure object from existing memory when the structure has initialized fields (issue 133).
  • Fix NPE reading an array of string from a pointer when an element of the array is NULL (issue 151).
  • Avoid calling UnregisterNatives in native code (issue 154).
  • Compare unpacked library path against canonical (long) filename (issue 156).
  • Fix read() of uninitialized memory in platform.win32.Advapi32Util.getTokenGroups and getTokenAccount.
  • Fix com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Secur32.QuerySecurityContextToken to take a CtxtHandle instead of PSecHandle.
  • Fix definition of BITMAPINFO (platform/win32).

Release 3.2.5


  • Split code in examples.jar into a contrib platform.jar package and individual packages for demos.
  • Fix Eclipse build and added Eclipse projects for all contrib samples, import projects from jnalib and contrib.
  • Ensure Structure fields correctly ordered when inherited.
  • Use explicit Structure field whenever provided, regardless of whether the VM requires it.
  • Add Win32 mappings for two dozen functions from Kernel32.dll, Advapi32.dll, Netapi32.dll, Secur32.dll, NtDll.dll, Ole32.dll, Shell32.dll and Crypt32.dll to com.sun.jna.platform.win32.
  • Port parts of WinError.h, WinNT.h, LMAccess.h, LMCons.h, LMErr.h, LMJoin.h, NTStatus.h, ShlObj.h, WinDef.h, ShellApi.h, Wdm.h, WinReg.h, WinCrypt.h, Sspi.h, Guid.h, NtSecApi.h and DsGetDc.h.
  • Add Win32 simplified utility interfaces Kernel32Util, Advapi32Util, Netapi32Util, Crypt32Util, NtDllUtil, Shell32Util, Ole32Util and Secur32Util to com.sun.jna.platform.win32.
  • Support unicode paths in W32FileUtils.
  • Fix exception during dispose in W32FileMonitor.

Bug Fixes

  • Provide String.replace for 1.4 compatibility.
  • Avoid allocating memory when Structure is provided a pointer in the ctor.
  • Ensure proper value returned in Pointer.getValue() for non-null, unchanged NIO Buffer values.
  • Use 1.4-compatible URI generation (issue 149).

Release 3.2.4


  • Make Pointer ctor public.
  • Provide access to Function objects for arbitrary Pointer values.
  • Add linux/ia64 binaries (bpiwowar). See issue 134 patch.

Bug Fixes

  • Use a more robust method to decode a file-based URL (issue 135).

Release 3.2.3


  • Include version information in code in case package information lost.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix WindowUtils exception on mouse over TrayIcon.
  • Fix bug toggling windows transparent/opaque (win32/OSX).
  • Avoid overwriting unchanged Pointer values in arrays (function calls with Pointer[] and
  • Ensure Structure fields marked final are never written.
  • Fix bug preventing proper population Structure.ByReference fields on Structure read.
  • Ensure double buffering is disabled in components added to a transparent window.
  • Fix UnsatisfiedLinkError attempting to load system libraries under Web Start.
  • Fix loading Web Start-provided libraries on OSX (libraries must have a .jnilib suffix under Web Start).
  • Properly include sources in Maven zip file (Issue 129).

Release 3.2.2


  • Provide length-specified Pointer.getStringArray()

Bug Fixes

  • Fix crash with direct mapping if NULL struct* used (Issue 125).
  • Fix case where null-valued Structure fields would get non-null values on write.
  • Synch callback Structure/Structure[] arguments on callback return.
  • Fix NPE when mapping an interface to the current process.
  • Automatically load proper C library version from current process on Linux (avoids crashing bug on Ubuntu with libc-i686 packages active).
  • Avoid scanning structure contents in Structure.toString if contents aren't actually used.

Release 3.2.1


  • Add HRESULT, LONG mapping to W32API (marc strapetz).

Bug Fixes

  • Fix definition of HWND_BROADCAST in W32API.
  • Fix memory alignment checking (Issue 121).
  • Fix Structure equals/hashCode implementation, based on current Java fields rather than strictly native memory contents. Avoid using equals/hashCode when avoiding recursive reads/writes.

Release 3.2.0


  • Handle String, Structure, Callback, Buffer, and primitive arrays in direct mappings. Handle NativeMapped and TypeMapper, with optimized paths for IntegerType and PointerType.
  • Optionally throw errno/GetLastError as an exception. This is preferred to (and more efficient than) calling Native.getLastError().
  • Unload/delete native library unpacked from jna.jar if Native class is garbage collected. Only install shutdown hook if using the system class loader.
  • Auto-write contiguous Structure arrays when first element is written.
  • Support NativeMapped[] as function arguments for interface-mapped libraries (Issue 90).
  • Enable function lookup within current process on Windows.

Bug Fixes

  • Restrict recursive structure reads/writes by thread instead of globally. This avoids potentially missed reads/writes with concurrent access (Issue 120).
  • Ensure Memory is not GC'd and freed if direct NIO buffers mapped to it are extant.
  • Allow types derived from java.nio.Buffer as Structure fields.

Release 3.1.0


  • Add raw JNI mapping of static Java methods. Performance is about 10X that of traditional JNA interface mapping, although with less type conversion functionality.
  • Add library option to allow passing/return of Java Objects.
  • Allow handling of uncaught callback exceptions (Issue 63).
  • Object oriented interface to X server (see contrib/x11)
  • Make Memory class more accessible.
  • Provide Structure ctor with Pointer argument (issue 102).
  • Allow implicit library access to current process on linux (issue 98).
  • Open all shared libraries with RTLD_GLOBAL, if applicable. This was the default behavior on OSX and changes the default behavior on linux.
  • Allow NIO Buffer as Structure field (with limitations) (Issue 57)
  • Add size_t size.

Bug Fixes

  • Run tests with, if available, which fixes some crashes when running tests on 64-bit platforms.
  • Fix Issue 104.
  • Fix Issue 94 (Java 1.6 update 10 regression).
  • Fix Issue 51 (Java 1.6 update 10 regression).
  • Fix Issue 95.
  • Fix Issue 101.
  • Fix Issue 111, memory leak with String-returning Callback.
  • Fix missing storage of union type information (affects usage of struct/union by value as argument and return type).
  • Remove non-functional Structure ctors requiring explicit size.

Release 3.0.9

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue 93 by only manually searching jna.library.path, then falling back to passing the mapped library name to dlopen/LoadLibrary. This fixes an issue in JRUBY where the incorrect was being loaded.

Release 3.0.8


  • Auto-map Pointer[]/String[]/WString[] return values.
  • Provide utility functions to convert String to primitive array.
  • Add jna.library.boot.path property to define the directory that the native stub library is loaded from

Release 3.0.7


  • Improve Win32 loading of libraries with dependencies.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix bug reading structures with PointerType fields, introduced with Pointer field preservation fix.

Release 3.0.6


  • Allow arbitrary callback method names if only one method is defined in the class which implements Callback (colinwalters).
  • Allow specification of callback type mappers by using a TYPE_MAPPER field (colinwalters).
  • Allow uninitialized (null-valued) boxed primitives in Structures (colinwalters).
  • Add convenience methods to set active Union field and value simultaneously (xylo).
  • Augment Union read/writeField to set the active field.
  • Allow Structure auto-synch across native calls to be disabled.
  • Win64 support.

Bug Fixes

  • Avoid overwriting unchanged Structure fields of type Pointer.
  • Avoid more content dragging on OSX or warn if it's too late.
  • Fix UnsatisfiedLinkError using transparent window on Win2K.
  • Fix memory leak with callbacks called from native threads with no Java context (johnwallace).
  • Defer structure size calculation if type mapper not yet set, allowing type mapper to be set in derived constructors (colinwalters).
  • Ensure structure memory is allocated in

Release 3.0.5


  • Allow explicit declaration of field order for VMs which have an unpredictable field order.
  • Check for w32 libraries with a "lib" prefix in addition to normal lookup.
  • Allow String[]/WString[] as callback argument/return value (assume NULL-terminated array).
  • Add Solaris8 compatibility to sunos-sparc build (Corey Puffalt).
  • Look up libraries using web start library path, if appropriate (Corey Puffalt).
  • Use constants to return integer boolean values.

Bug Fixes

  • Properly track cursor on alpha-masked windows.
  • Avoid searching /lib or /usr/lib on 64-bit Linux.
  • Avoid using incorrect version of a library when both 32- and 64-bit versions are found.
  • Avoid transparent window events always dragging window bug on OSX.
  • Fix division by zero error calculating structure size on OSX/ppc.
  • Avoid overwriting initialized NativeMapped Structure fields when calculating structure size.
  • Fix NPE reading back into StringArray.

Release 3.0.4


  • Automatically write contents of Structure.ByReference fields on Structure.write().
  • Use the actual parameter type in Function invocations if no parameter type information is available (whether method is missing or untyped varargs).
  • Augmented X11 library mappings (xylo).
  • Support read/write of NativeMapped arrays within Structure (notably NativeLong).

Bug Fixes

  • Fix library load error when /usr/lib32 and /usr/lib both exist (linux) (Marek Slama).
  • Avoid incorrect matches against libraries named with the same prefix (e.g. vs (xylo).
  • Properly handle arrays of NativeMapped (e.g. NativeLong) as a Structure field (stefan endrullis).
  • Ensure structure size calculated prior to setting union active type.
  • XID is 64-bits on 64-bit X clients (xylo).
  • Ensure proper arch name is used on Debian (amd64 instead of x86_64).

Release 3.0.3


  • Enable build/run using IBM's J9 VM (leonardo).
  • Make StdCallFunctionMapper attempt a leading underscore if the simpler mapping doesn't work.
  • Allow to overwrite final fields (may not work on some 1.4 VMs).

Bug Fixes

  • Fix NPE when passing an array of Structure.ByReference.
  • Compare entire linux library version when finding a match.
  • Don't pass struct by value unless the method signature declares it.
  • Restrict custom first element structure alignment to OSX/ppc.
  • Improve performance and reduce memory footprint for window masks. Optimize polygon-based masks on w32. Use XFillRectangles on X11.
  • Fix linkage settings on sunos-amd64 to avoid relocation errors.
  • Fix callback allocation code on w32, solaris, freebsd, darwin (libffi was misconfigured).
  • Fix bug when NativeMapped fields are used in a Structure.ByValue instance.
  • Fix NPE calling before memory is initialized.
  • Fix NPE calling with uninitialized NativeMapped fields.

Release 3.0.2


  • Attempt to force unload of jnidispatch library prior to deleting it (w32).
  • Added amd64 targets for OSX, FreeBSD, and Solaris.

Bug Fixes

  • Reduce space allocated for invocation arguments.
  • Fix NPE when NativeMapped type is used in a Structure.
  • Fix some X11 type mappings for 64-bit.
  • Fix OSX Leopard/JRE1.5+ window transparency.
  • Fix window alpha compositing on X11.
  • Fix loading of libraries with unicode names on OSX.

Release 3.0.1


  • Improve transparent window drawing performance on w32
  • Use closure allocation from libffi

Bug Fixes

  • Ensure nested structure arrays initialized with Structure.toArray use the appropriate native memory.
  • Ensure structure size is calculated prior to converting to array
  • Avoid creating new windows when setting a window mask
  • Fix bug in Pointer.setChar.

Release 3.0


  • More supported platforms, via GCC's libffi (wmeissner)
  • Support struct by value as parameter and return value (duncan)
  • Support struct by reference within structures
  • Provide access to native peer for java.awt.Component
  • Provide access to native peer on OS X.
  • Support MINGW32 builds (fullung)
  • Allow per-field Structure read/write by field name
  • Avoid writing Structure fields marked 'volatile'
  • Read and wrap function pointers in Structure fields when read with a Java proxy to allow easy Java-side invocation (Ken Larson)
  • Support array-backed Buffers as arguments (wmeissner)
  • Auto-conversion of custom types (wmeissner)
  • Allow pointer type-safety
  • Optional VM crash protection, via Native.setProtected(boolean)
  • Auto-convert WString[]
  • Provide library synchronization wrapper similar to Collections.synchronizedX
  • Support lookup of OSX framework libraries by name
  • Explicit access to shared library global data
  • Invocation interception to facilitate translation of C preprocessor macros and inline functions
  • Provide utility to determine Web Start native library cache location; auto-include this path if jnidispatch is included as a <nativelib> (robertengels)
  • Provide access to aligned memory
  • Versioning information embedded in jna.jar and native library

Bug Fixes

  • Avoid attempts to free native library if it failed to load (wmeissner)
  • Explicitly check method signatures for varargs instead of heuristically guessing (wmeissner)
  • Disallow declaring Pointer-derived fields in Structures (Function, Memory)
  • Ensure Object.toString/hashCode/equals methods are intercepted on proxyied interfaces
  • Update X11 library for 64-bit use (wmeissner)
  • Properly map arrays of char*/wchar_t* under w32
  • Allow Pointer[] as a Structure field and Function argument
  • Fix some misleading Structure error messages
  • Properly preserve/return GetLastError/errno after native calls
  • Allocate executable memory on w32 to avoid errors with hardware-enforced data execution protection (DEP)
  • Fix VM crash on w32 stdcall callbacks
  • Use long offsets and sizes rather than ints (64-bit safe)
  • Properly clean up references and release closure memory on JNI_Unload
  • Use simpler AWT/JAWT library loading workaround
  • Avoid changing array references within a Structure on read

Release 2.5


  • Unions
  • Optimized shaped windows (chris deckers & olivier chafik); instantiation time improved by about 2-3 orders of magnitude for large, mostly contiguous shapes
  • Provide type mapping in callback arguments/results
  • Provide access to ByteBuffer direct address as a Pointer
  • Provide customization of native string encoding with jna.encoding system property

Bug Fixes

  • Properly handle VMs with reversed Structure member storage
  • Avoid making window undecorated when clearing window mask on X11
  • Fix structure alignment bug on OSX/PPC when first element is > 4 bytes in size
  • Clearing OSX window mask by setting to MASK_NONE now works properly
  • Avoid index exceptions if native buffers are not NUL-terminated on string conversions
  • Write initialized Structure[] argument memory prior to function calls
  • Fix IllegalArgumentException reading WString into a Structure
  • Clear memory when allocating a structure block (fixes VM crash)
  • Remove versioned JAWT dependency on OSX, allowing use on 10.3/JRE1.4.

Release 2.4


  • Explicitly support unaligned structures
  • Auto-reallocate structure arrays
  • Automatic handling of w32 UNICODE/ASCII variants
  • Automatic mapping of decorated w32 stdcall function names
  • Customizable, automatic type conversion of arguments and results (wmeissner)
  • Support char*[] arguments as Java String[]
  • Structure supports Callback members (wmeissner)
  • getByteBuffer from Pointer/Memory (wmeissner)
  • Allow GC of native libraries
  • Facilitate use from non-Java contexts (JRuby et al.) (wmeissner)
  • Improve library path searching (wmeissner)
  • Handle Structure[] arguments
  • Handle native long arguments and return values
  • Handle direct and array-based ByteBuffer arguments (wmeissner)
  • Change default w32 build to use GCC (it's free, yo)

Bug Fixes

  • Structure.toArray failed to initialize members
  • Disallow explicit free of Structure/Memory
  • Ensure native libraries are only loaded once until released
  • Properly handle NULL when the return value is a Structure
  • Proper conversion to wchar_t on linux
  • Copy full length of Java strings to C strings instead of stopping when a NUL character is encountered