Indicated stall speed in flight configuration: 143...163 km/h (89..101 mph)
Indicated stall speed in takeoff/landing configuration: 135...154 km/h (84..96 mph)
Dive speed limit: 725 km/h (451 mph)
Maximum load factor: 12.5 G
Stall angle of attack in flight configuration: 18.8 °
Stall angle of attack in landing configuration: 16.0 °
Merlin 66 engine:
Maximum true air speed at sea level, 3000 RPM, boost +18: 542 km/h (337 mph)
Maximum true air speed at 3350 m (10991 feet), 3000 RPM, boost +18: 610 km/h (379 mph)
Maximum true air speed at 6850 m (22474 feet), 3000 RPM, boost +18: 664 km/h (413 mph)
Service ceiling: 12500 m (41011 feet)
Climb rate at sea level: 21.5 m/s (4232 feet/min)
Climb rate at 3000 m (9843 feet): 18.6 m/s (3661 feet/min)
Climb rate at 6000 m (19685 feet): 15.5 m/s (3051 feet/min)
Maximum performance turn at sea level: 17.7 s, at 270 km/h (168 mph) IAS.
Maximum performance turn at 3000 m (9843 feet): 20.5 s, at 260 km/h (162 mph) IAS.
Merlin 70 engine:
Maximum true air speed at sea level, 3000 RPM, boost +18: 532 km/h (331 mph)
Maximum true air speed at 4900 m (16076 feet), 3000 RPM, boost +18: 634 km/h (394 mph)
Maximum true air speed at 8500 m (27887 feet), 3000 RPM, boost +18: 677 km/h (421 mph)
Service ceiling: 13000 m (42651 feet)
Climb rate at sea level: 18.5 m/s (3642 feet/min)
Climb rate at 3000 m (9843 feet): 17.5 m/s (3445 feet/min)
Climb rate at 6000 m (19685 feet): 14.1 m/s (2776 feet/min)
Maximum performance turn at sea level: 17.8 s, at 270 km/h (168 mph) IAS.
Maximum performance turn at 3000 m (9843 feet): 20.7 s, at 260 km/h (162 mph) IAS.
Flight endurance at 3000 m (9843 feet): 1 h 40 m, at 350 km/h (218 mph) IAS.
Takeoff speed: 185..195 km/h (115..121 mph)
Glideslope speed: 165..185 km/h (103..115 mph)
Landing speed: 150..155 km/h (93..96 mph)
Landing angle: 12.5 °
Note 1: the data provided is for international standard atmosphere (ISA).
Note 2: flight performance ranges are given for possible aircraft mass ranges.
Note 3: maximum speeds, climb rates and turn times are given for standard aircraft mass.
Note 4: climb rates are given for 2850 RPM and boost +12, turn times are given for 3000 RPM and boost +18.
Model: Merlin 66
Maximum power in Take-off mode (3000 RPM, boost +12, low gear) at sea level: 1320 HP
Maximum power in International power mode (2850 RPM, boost +12, low gear) at 9250 feet: 1400 HP
Maximum power in International power mode (2850 RPM, boost +12, high gear) at 19000 feet: 1310 HP
Maximum power in Emergency Max All Out mode (3000 RPM, boost +18, low gear) at 5750 feet: 1705 HP
Maximum power in Emergency Max All Out mode (3000 RPM, boost +18, high gear) at 16000 feet: 1580 HP
Model: Merlin 70
Maximum power in Take-off mode (3000 RPM, boost +12, low gear) at sea level: 1250 HP
Maximum power in International power mode (2850 RPM, boost +12, low gear) at 13500 feet: 1375 HP
Maximum power in International power mode (2850 RPM, boost +12, high gear) at 25250 feet: 1255 HP
Maximum power in Emergency Max All Out mode (3000 RPM, boost +18, low gear) at 10000 feet: 1655 HP
Maximum power in Emergency Max All Out mode (3000 RPM, boost +18, high gear) at 22250 feet: 1475 HP
Engine modes:
Max Cruising power (unlimited time): 2650 RPM, boost +7
International power (up to 1 hour): 2850 RPM, boost +12
Emergency Max All Out power (up to 5 minutes): 3000 RPM, boost +18
Water rated temperature in engine output: 105..115 °C
Water maximum temperature in engine output: 135 °C
Oil rated temperature in engine intake: 90 °C
Oil maximum temperature in engine intake: 105 °C
Supercharger gear shift altitude: automatic with possibility of manual switch to low gear
Empty weight: 2532 kg (5582 lb)
Minimum weight (no ammo, 10% fuel): 2962 kg (6530 lb)
Standard weight: 3310 kg (7297 lb)
Fuel load: 274 kg (604 lb) / 386 l (85 gallons)
Maximum useful load: 1302 kg (2870 lb)
Forward-firing armament ("c-type" wing):
2 x 20mm gun "Hispano Mk.II", 140 rounds per gun, 650 rounds per minute, wing-mounted
4 x 7.7mm machine gun "Browning .303", 350 rounds per gun, 1150 rounds per minute, wing-mounted
Forward-firing armament ("e-type" wing):
2 x 20mm gun "Hispano Mk.II", 140 rounds per gun, 650 rounds per minute, wing-mounted
2 x 12.7mm machine gun "Browning .50", 250 rounds per gun, 850 rounds per minute, wing-mounted
2 x 250 lb general purpose bomb "250 lb. G.P."
500 lb general purpose bomb "500 lb. G.P."
2 x 25 lb armour-piercing rocket "RP-3 A.P. 25 lb. mk.II"
2 x 60 lb semi-armour-piercing rocket "RP-3 S.A.P. 60 lb. mk.II"
Length: 9.65 m (31 7-59/64 feet)
Wingspan: 11.21 m (36 11/32 feet)
Wing surface: 22.48 m² (242 feet²)
Combat debut: June 1942
Operation features:
- The engine is equipped with the automatic governor of the manifold pressure that works when the throttle is set to 1/3 position or above.
- The engine has a two stage mechanical supercharger which does not require manual control. It can be switched to the low gear manually.
- The engine is equipped with an automatic fuel mixture control which maintains optimal mixture.
- Engine RPM has an automatic governor that controls the propeller pitch to maintain the required RPM.
- The water and oil radiators shutters are operated automatically, but there is a special manual mode that forces radiator shutters to open completely.
- The aircraft has a neutral static stability. The elevator effectiveness is high, so the aircraft should be controlled carefully, not giving too much flight stick input.
- The aircraft becomes unstable with extended landing flaps.
- The aircraft is equipped with elevator and rudder trimmers.
- Landing flaps have a pneumatic actuator so they can be extended to maximum position only. Speed with extended landing flaps is limited to 160 mph.
- The aircraft tailwheel rotates freely and does not have a lock. Since the landing gear wheels are relatively close to each other, it is necessary to confidently and accurately operate the rudder pedals during the takeoff and landing.
- The aircraft has differential pneumatic wheel brakes with shared control lever. This means that if the brake lever is held and the rudder pedal the opposite wheel brake is gradually released causing the plane to swing to one side or the other.
- The aircraft is equipped with a siren that warns a pilot if the throttle is set to low position with landing gear retracted.
- It is impossible to open or close the canopy at high speed due to strong airflow. The canopy has an emergency release system for bailouts.
- The aircraft is equipped with a bottom formation light.
- Standard gunsight is adjustable: both the target distance and target base can be set.
- The gyroscopic gunsight automaticly calculates required angular deflection while firing at a target. It has 4 modes: fixed reticle, fixed and gyro reticle, gyro reticle, gyro reticle with the target range fixed at 150 yards (night mode). The angular deflection will be calculated correctly only if the target range is set properly. To set the range, adjust the target base first using separate controls and then set the range by adjusting the size of the rangefiding reticle to be the same as the target size.
- Both gunsights have sliding sun-filters.
Basic data and recommended positions of the aircraft controls:
Starting the engine:
- recommended position of the mixture control lever: auto mixture control
- recommended position of the oil/water radiator control handle: auto radiators control
- recommended position of the prop pitch control handle: light
- recommended position of the throttle lever: 5%
Recommended mixture control lever positions for various flight modes: auto mixture control
Recommended positions of the radiators control handle for various flight modes: auto radiators control
Approximate fuel consumption at 2000 m altitude:
- Cruise engine mode: 6.3 l/min
- Combat engine mode: 10.2 l/min
150 grade fuel
Allows +25 lb boost
Automatic supercharger gear shifting is disabled. Stages should be manually switched at 9000ft altitude.
Estimated speed increase at sea level: 29 km/h
2 x 250 lb G.P. bombs
2 x 250 lb General Purpose Bombs
Additional mass: 247 kg
Ammunition mass: 227 kg
Racks mass: 20 kg
Estimated speed loss before drop: 24 km/h
Estimated speed loss after drop: 8 km/h
2 х RP-3 HE / AP rockets
2 х 3-in Semi-Armour Piercing/High Explosive or Armour Piercing unguided rockets RP-3
Additional mass: 106 kg
Ammunition mass: 86 kg
Racks mass: 20 kg
Estimated speed loss before launch: 23 km/h
Estimated speed loss after launch: 17 km/h
RP-3 AP:
Additional mass: 75 kg
Ammunition mass: 55 kg
Racks mass: 20 kg
Estimated speed loss before launch: 21 km/h
Estimated speed loss after launch: 17 km/h
500 lb G.P. bomb
500 lb General Purpose Bomb
Additional mass: 237 kg
Ammunition mass: 227 kg
Racks mass: 10 kg
Estimated speed loss before drop: 13 km/h
Estimated speed loss after drop: 7 km/h
Gyro Gunsight
MkII Gyro Gunsight
Additional mass: 5.2 kg
Estimated speed loss: 0 km/h
Rear view mirror
Additional mass: 1 kg
Estimated speed loss: 1 km/h
Clipped Wing
Clipped Wing
Removed mass: 4 kg
Estimated speed loss: 0 km/h
E-type Wing
2 x 12.7mm "Browning .50" machine guns instead of 4 x 7.7mm "Browning .303" machine guns
Additional mass: 48 kg
Ammunition mass: 70 kg
Gun mass: 72 kg
Estimated speed gain: 5 km/h
Merlin 70 engine
Merlin 70 engine.
Additional mass: 0 kg
Estimated speed loss: 0 km/h