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File metadata and controls

225 lines (181 loc) · 6.26 KB
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Configure AMC
Learn how to configure the Aerospike Management Console.

AMC uses a single configuration file located at /etc/amc/amc.conf. The configuration file follows the TOML syntax.

The configuration is divided into six contexts.

[AMC]              // (Required) Configuration related to the runtime behaviour of AMC

[amc.clusters]     // (Optional) List of clusters that will always be monitored by AMC

[mailer]           // (Optional) Configuration used by AMC to send out alert emails

[basic_auth]       // (Optional) The HTTP Basic Authentication credentials for AMC to use

[TLS]              // (Optional) The set of root certificate authorities that AMC uses when verifying server certificates

[tls.client_certs] // (Optional) ???

Runtime Configurations

These configurations define the runtime behaviour of AMC.

update_interval                 = 5
certfile                        = "/home/amc/cert.pem"  // optional
keyfile                         = "/home/amc/key.pem"   // optional 
database                        = "/home/amc/amc.db"
bind                            = ":8081"
loglevel                        = "info"
errorlog                        = "/home/amc/amc.log"
chdir                           = "/home/amc"
static_dir                      = "/home/amc/static"
timeout                         = 150
cluster_inactive_before_removal = 1800

update_interval - the time interval (in seconds) in which AMC should capture statitstics for the clusters that AMC is monitoring

update_interval = 5

certfile, keyfile (optional) - the public/private key pair to run AMC in https mode. The files must contain PEM encoded data. The certificate file may contain intermediate certificates following the leaf certificate to form a certificate chain.

certfile = "/home/amc/cert.pem"
keyfile  = "/home/amc/key.pem"

database - the file which will be used to store AMC book keeping information across restarts

database = "/home/amc/amc.db"

bind - the port which AMC should bind to

bind = ":8081"

loglevel - the level of detail at which AMC should log messages. One of debug, warn, error, info.

loglevel = "info" // one of debug, warn, error, info

errorlog - the file to which AMC will write the logs to

errorlog = "/home/amc/amc.log"

chdir - the working directory of AMC

chdir = "/home/amc"

static_dir - the directory which contains the static resources like css, html, js files.

static_dir = "/home/amc/static"

timeout - ??? could not find its use in the code

timeout = 150

cluster_inactive_before_removal - if the user has not requested any statistics for a cluster for more than cluster_inactive_before_removal seconds then AMC stops monitoring the cluster. A value <= 0 implies the clusters will never be removed

cluster_inactive_before_removal = 1800

Cluster Configuration

This configuration is optional.

List of Aerospike clusters that are always monitored by AMC.


[clusterone] // unused
host     				= ""         
port     				= 3000
tls_name 				= "clusteronetls"   // optional
user     				= "admin"           // optional
password 				= "admin123"        // optional 
alias    				= "clusterone"      // optional
use_services_alternate 	= true      		// optional

[clustertwo] // unused
host     				= ""
port     				= 3000
tls_name 				= "clustertwotls"   // optional
user     				= "admin"           // optional
password 				= "admin123"        // optional 
alias    				= "clustertwo"      // optional
use_services_alternate 	= false      		// optional

Each cluster has the following configurations

host, port - the IP, port of a node in the Aerospike cluster

host = ""
port = 3000

user, password (optional) - the user name, password for an access controlled Aerospike cluster

user     = "admin"
password = "admin123"

alias (optional) - the alias of the Aeorspike cluster in AMC

alias = "clusterone"

tls_name (optional) - the name of the tls certificate used for secure connections.
Warning - the tls certificate needs to be part of the system cert pool or needs to be specified as a configuration to AMC

tls_name = "clusteronetls"

use_services_alternate (optional) - Allows the use of services_alternate on the server to be able to connect from a public netword to the cluster.

use_services_alternate = true

Mail Configuration

This configuration is optional and available only in the enterprise edition.

Configuration used by AMC to send out email alerts for the monitored clusters.

template_path       = "/home/amc/mailer/templates"
host                = ""
port                = 587
user                = "user"
password            = "user123"
send_to             = ["", ""]
accept_invalid_cert = false

template_path - the directory containing the templates for the mails

template_path = "/home/amc/mailer/templates"

host, port - the host name and port of the smtp server

host = ""
port = 587

user, password - the user name and password at the smtp server

user     = "user"
password = "user123"

send_to - the list of emails to send out alerts to

send_to = ["", ""]

HTTP Basic Authentication

This configuration is optional.

The basic authentication credentials that AMC should use

user     = "user"
password = "user123"

user, password - the user name, password to use for HTTP Basic Authentication

user     = "user"
password = "user123"

TLS Server Certificates

This configuration is optional and available only in the enterprise edition.

The set of root certificate authorities that AMC uses when verifying server certificates

server_cert_pool - the list of root certificate authorities that AMC uses when verifying server certificates

server_cert_pool = ["/home/amc/certone.pem", "home/amc/certtwo.pem"]

TLS Client Certificates

This configuration is optional and available only in the enterprise edition.


??? could not figure this out