mpetroff's accessible-color-cycles (https://github.com/mpetroff/accessible-color-cycles) (thanks @moelf!)
ibm_cvd (Color Blind Safe Palette of IBM Design Language v1 Color Names: Ultramarine 40, Indigo 50, Magenta 50 , Orange 40, Gold 20, Black 100) (thanks @ValentinKaisermayer )
Studio Ghibli palettes (https://github.com/ewenme/ghibli) (thanks @tecosaur!)
Wes Anderson palettes (https://github.com/karthik/wesanderson)
Pacific North West palettes (https://github.com/jakelawlor/PNWColors)
updated ScientificColorSchemes to version 8.0.0. Note that some schemes (grayC bilbao lajolla acton bamako batlowK tokyo) have been changed (or reversed) slightly since their 7.0 release - see version history (PDF) for details.
use Documenter v1
- kindlmann
- CompatHelper.yml
- ColorVectorSpace to v0.10
for symbols (thanks @t-bltg) -
updated Scientific ColorMaps (thanks @jarredclloyd)
- we took Paul Tol seriously (#102) (thanks @tecosaur!)
- SnoopPrecompile dep
- twelvebitrainbow
- cividis - thanks @t-bltg!
error handling - #95 - thanks @adrhill!
some more MetBrewer palettes
some more ColorBrewer palettes
add dependency on ColorVectorSpaces
- optimized
- #91 - thanks @stevengj !
- unnecessary dependency on Luxor (thanks @fredrikekre)
- added misc Julia colors (thanks @davibarreira)
- added fastie/NDVI (thanks @lazarusA)
- added nordtheme (thanks Stefano Meschiari)
- added MetBrewer palettes (thanks @BlakeRMills & @briochemc)
- :websafe (thanks @adrhill!)
- :dracula
- :vanhelsing
- findcolorscheme() returns list of matching scheme names as symbols
concatenates two colorschemes
- dependency on StaticArrays
- norwegian flag colors
- docs: swatches now SVG, after Documenter 0.27 released
- docs: catalogue of schemes reworked
- export reverse()
- iteration fix - (#63)
- missing Colorcet - (#65)
- cvd/colorblind friendly schemes added (#51)
- use github rather than Travis
- fixed test #61
- more ggthemes/tableau scheme added (thanks ohmsweetohm1!)
- fixed empty range (#43)
- ggthemes/tableau scheme added (thanks ohmsweetohm1!)
- renamed cmocean grey -> greys
- renamed general grays -> grays1
- added Seaborn
- documentation of colorschemes
- use StaticArrays
- performance improvements (thanks rafaqz)
- getindex
- lastindex
- added scientific color schemes from Fabio Crameri
- update travis
- (slightly) better documents for schemes
- transparent logo/icon
- get(scheme, ::Gray) method added
- dependencies on ColorTypes and FixedPointNumbers
- turbo
- REQUIRE -> Project.toml
- reverse() for ColorScheme
- docs update
- twilight added
- reverse() for ColorScheme
- many functions moved from ColorSchemes v2.0.0
- loadcolorscheme()
- findcolorscheme()
- nearly everything
- all functionality using Images and Clustering moved to ColorSchemeTools