This is a guide to getting started using Lean 3 to write programs. If you're a curious sort that likes to explore new programming languages for fun this guide is for you. We will cover installing and setting up Lean, the standard libraries, how to write programs using Lean, and where to learn more.
The community Lean project has great documentation for getting started on all major platforms.
Another great way to get started, if you're on a Unix-like system, is elan. This is like your nvm, ghcup, rustup, rvm, etc. It's a light-weight package manager. It can install project-specific versions of Lean and manage global Lean installations for you. This is my preferred method.
The two major editors for working with Lean are VS Code and Emacs. Both have supported plugins that work well and offer full completion, jump to definition, error hints, etc.
If you don't use one of those editors, lean --server
speaks JSON
over stdin
. If you can write a plugin for your editor be sure to
share it.
That's all you need to get started.
Copy the following program into a text file and name it hello.lean
open io
def main : io unit :=
put_str "Hello, world!\n"
You run this as a program on the command line by opening up your favourite terminal and running:
$ lean --run hello.lean
Hello, world!
If you have installed everything right you should see the above
output. If not check that you have the lean
binary, at least, in
your system's path and that you're using Lean 3.
Once we have our obligatory greeting out of the way the next step is
to ask the user to input their name and greet them properly. Modify
or paste the following program into a new file:
open io
def greet (s : string) : io unit :=
put_str $ "Hello, " ++ s ++ "!\n"
def main : io unit := do
put_str "What is your name? ",
name ← get_line,
greet name
Running this in a shell from your terminal does what you'd expect:
$ lean --run greet.lean
What is your name? Random J. Hacker
Hello, Random J. Hacker!
Lean is a strictly-evaluated, pure, dependently-typed programming language. It has a powerful framework for proving mathematical theorems built-in. And libraries of theorems to get you started.
The primary focus of Lean is mathematical research and its intended audience are mathematicians. All of the documentation and tutorials are built around this purpose and audience.
This guide fills the missing gap for the programmers. If you've tried Agda or Idris you will find Lean to be familiar. If you're more comfortable with Haskell, F#, Scala, or OCaml you will be able to sink right into Lean. This section provides an overview to get you up to speed or familiarize you with the fundamentals of Lean you need to know to write your first programs with it.
The first things a hacker needs to know to start messing around with a new language are:
- How to read input, display output
- How to declare values
- How to apply functions
The first thing we do in hello.lean
is import
. import
is a keyword that includes a Lean module. Modules in Lean contain
declarations. This module includes a basic library for doing common
things with input and output such as reading files and writing to the
You can declare something called a namespace
. We open
one on the
next line. This handy feature prevents the common problem with module
systems such as Haskell's where declarations are imported into the
module's global name space by default. This line adds the
declarations in the io
name space to our module's global name space.
If we omit the open io
line then we'd have to prefix our use of
with the name space: io.put_str
. Go ahead and modify
to see what I mean.
As the Python hackers say, explicit is better than implicit.
Next we have our first definition:
def hello_world : io unit :=
put_str "Hello, world!\n"
As you may have guessed, def
is our keyword for defining values.
Lean is a dependently typed functional programming language and so
functions are also values as much as strings and integers and anything
else you can define.
The colon can be read as, "has type." This is the same syntax as
Purescript and is equivalent to Haskell's ::
. This definition has
type, io unit
which is the same as Haskell's, IO ()
Lean took a note out of the Haskell playbook and uses the Monad
abstraction to model computations that perform input and output. If
you're not familiar with IO in Haskell it's enough to know that if you
want to read files or print things to the console your function will
return io something
where something
is the return type of the
computation. In our example it's unit
, a type with a single
inhabitant... sort of like null
. Since our "IO" action doesn't
return anything, it merely prints to the console, we return io unit
At the top level our special main function returns an io
action so
the Lean VM will go ahead and evaluate our program for us.
The next thing we do is get input from the user and display a personalized greeting. We need to get input from the standard input stream, ie: the user. And we need to print our greeting back out.
Let's talk about our greet
def greet (s : string) : io unit :=
put_str $ "Hello, " ++ s ++ "!\n"
This is a handy notation for defining a function of a fixed arity.
This function takes one parameter we name s
. It has the type of
. If we want to define a function with more parameters we
simply add another pair of parentheses before the colon separated by a
def example (s : string) (p : int) : io unit := ...
We also introduce a new function, ++
. We use an infix operator
notation for it. It's the append
function. You can tell this using
a cool Lean feature called a command, #check
#check (++)
A command is something you can type into your editor which we can use to query the Lean system. This command allows us to inspect the type of any expression that comes after it.
Just like in Haskell we have to put parentheses around operators. If
your editor is able to talk to the Lean server this should pop up with
the type of ++
which is append : ?M_1 → ?M_1 → ?M_1
. The ?M_1
is Lean's placeholder for a polymorphic type variable. The arrows
are just like ->
in Haskell and other functional programming
languages and represent function types. Since (++)
is defined for
the string
type we can use it to append the parts of our message
Next we change the main
function of our program. Here we see that
Lean has taken another play from Haskell's book: the do notation:
def main : io unit := do
put_str "What is your name? ",
name ← get_line,
greet name
Just as in Haskell this notation is syntactic sugar for chaining
together bind operations in a monadic context. That basically
means that we can extract values from functions that return io something
and use them to compute other things including other
functions returning other io somethings
. We're defining two such
actions and we use them here, one per line.
Notice the commas at the end of each line but the last in our function definition. These are sort of like semi-colons in a C-like imperative language. They make sure the indentation is not important unlike the Haskell version.
There's also the left-arrow on the second line. You can type that if
you're using VS Code or Emacs with the Lean plugin by typing \l
the buffer and pressing space. If you cannot, <-
will also work.
Lean makes use of unicode symbols that mathematicians are used to. So
these plugins make it easy to enter these symbols using a clever short
hand and some keyboard shortcuts. They all start with \
and some
letters. Editor support varies but in Emacs it does a prefix search
on the letters you type and you can navigate the symbols with similar
names using shortcuts to get the one you mean. This has a practical
reason beyond making mathematicians happy which we'll get into when we
start discussing the type system in more detail.
The left arrow in a do
block tells Lean to resolve the computation
on the right-hand side of the arrow in our io
context and bind it's
result to the identifier on the left side of the arrow. The action
awaits the user to input some characters into a buffer and
returns that buffer to us as a string
Finally we evaluate our greet
function in the last step which
returns an io unit
, that matches our type for the definition of
and thus is a valid final action for the block and will be the
type of our expression.
When we run our program, Lean runs through each action one at a time and we get our expected behaviour.
In order to get our feet wet we hackers need to know three things:
- How to read input, display output
- How to define values
- How to apply functions
We broke down the canonical "Hello, world!"
example and demonstrated
how you can:
- Print strings to the console and read input from the user with
- Define functions with
- How to call functions and sequence together
We also learned about the #check
command for querying Lean about
The next thing we need to learn are more data types, structures, and libraries we have available to construct more interesting and useful programs.
Let's write a program that is a little more interactive. An easy program that we should be able to confidently write in a new language after, "hello, world," is a guessing game. Our program will pick a number between 1 and a 100. The user will have a finite number of chances to guess the number.
We'll have to learn a few more things: loops, how to get a random number, and checking to see if the user made the correct guess.
Lean's io
system is spartan. Thankfully we have ways to read files,
get input, write output, and also get input from child processes. We
also have a random number generator but there's no way to get access
to random input to seed it with in Lean.
If you're on a unix-like system you'll likely have access to a device
that generates random bytes for you. If you're on Windows you'll have
to come up with something clever. We can use the io.cmd
function to
run a shell command to gather some bytes for us:
open char
open list
open io
def rand_range (lo : nat) (hi : nat) : io nat := do
r ← io.cmd { cmd := "head", args := ["-c 80", "/dev/urandom"] },
let seed := foldl (+) 0 $ map to_nat r.to_list,
let gen := mk_std_gen seed,
let (target, _) := rand_nat gen lo hi,
return target
You may have to modify this for your platform of choice. io.cmd
returns back a string buffer which we map to nat
and sum to get our
number. We use this to seed the mk_std_gen
function which creates
our generator. We can then generate numbers!
If you come across a function you're not familiar with or need to know
the type of something be sure to use the #check
command to ask Lean
about it. We've added foldl
for summing up our list of numbers and
we've used map
to turn our string
into a list nat
. There's also
the mk_std_gen
function and rand_nat
If any of these functions are unfamiliar to you look up a tutorial on
or map
in Haskell or some other language as they're quite
You can also use your editor's jump to definition facility to browse
what's available. Jump to the io
module to browse it or right to
. This can be useful for finding things without having to
search Github.
Once we can generate a random number we can start our main function like so:
def main : io unit := do
put_str "Guess a number between 1 and 100 (inclusive)",
target ← rand_range 1 100,
put_str $ to_string target
Run the program and test that it's generating a random number.
Next we'll add the prompt to user and check if they won. Replace
with this:
def main : io unit := do
put_str "Guess a number between 1 and 100 (inclusive)",
target ← rand_range 1 100,
put_str "Guess a number: ",
response ← get_line,
let guess := string.to_nat response,
if guess = target
then put_str "You win!\n"
else put_str "You lose!\n"
And run it. It's not a very good game yet but one step at a time. Let's extract the guessing into an action we can call:
def get_guess : io nat := do
put_str "Guess a number: ",
response ← get_line,
return $ string.to_nat response
And re-write main
def main : io unit := do
put_str "Guess a number between 1 and 100 (inclusive)",
target ← rand_range 1 100,
guess ← get_guess,
if guess = target
then put_str "You win!\n"
else put_str "You lose!\n"
Here we've added a conditional expression: if
. Since this is an
expression, it has a value, and you can return it from a function. It
also means there's no else if
. It's much like Haskell and other
functional programming languages in this regard.
Our last requirement is that the user get a number of guesses. This
should make it more fun and game like. We have a handy function in
called, iterate
. Go ahead and use the #check
command to see
it's type. Then replace main
with this:
def main : io unit := do
put_str "Guess a number between 1 and 100 (inclusive)",
target ← rand_range 1 100,
iterate 20 $ λ i,1
if i > 0 then do {
put_str $ "You have " ++ (to_string i) ++ " guesses.\n",
guess ← get_guess,
if guess = target then do {
put_str "You win!\n", return none
} else do {
if guess > target
then put_str "Too high!\n"
else put_str "Too low!\n",
return $ some (i - 1)
return none,
return ()
That's a lot more code but hopefully it is easy enough to see the big
picture. iterate
is a function that iterates from an initial value
it passes to a function we give it. Our function which we start with
the λ i,
has one job: return an optional nat
. We see that in our
function body with those lines: return $ some (i - 1)
and return none
The former return
we use to decrement i
and in that case iterate
will call our function again with the new value. The latter return
will cease iterating.
When we run this we can play the game. Let's just clean up the code a bit after a few rounds, first add this to the top of the file:
open ordering
def main : io unit := do
put_str "Guess a number between 1 and 100 (inclusive)",
target ← rand_range 1 100,
iterate 20 $ λ i,
if i > 0 then do {
put_str $ "You have " ++ (to_string i) ++ " guesses.\n",
guess ← get_guess,
match cmp guess target with
| eq := do { put_str "You won!\n", return none }
| gt := do { put_str "Too high!\n", return $ some (i - 1) }
| lt := do { put_str "Too low!\n", return $ some (i - 1) }
return none,
return ()
Like our if
statement we have match
which is also an expression.
This is how Lean can do pattern matching on inductive types.
Instead of nesting all of those if expressions and do blocks we can
regain some of our indentation with our match
. You can read
about there in the Lean reference documentation.
We made a guessing game! It wasn't too bad. We had to work around
Lean's limited io
library but it worked! We also learned how to use
the iterate
monadic action. And how to pattern match on inductive
Play around with this game code a bit. Use that #check
command and
jump to definitions. Next we'll learn about how to define our own
data structures.
Lean is a dependently typed functional programming language. If you've heard of Idris, Agda, or Coq it's much like that. What this means is that types can depend on data. Or that we no longer need a separate language for types and terms as we do in say, Haskell. A classic example is the type of vectors of a particular length. In Haskell this is difficult to express in its type language because data lives in terms... the expressions. It's possible to extend the type system of Haskell to include such types but it is built-in to Lean and quite natural... and more powerful.
Let's not jump in to the deep end yet. We will start with defining data structures that you might be more familiar with first. We'll add dependent types later as we progress.
Most programmers are familiar with structures, records, etc. Lean has some interesting features for you. This is how you define a structure for two-dimensional points on the natural numbers:
structure nat_point :=
mk :: (x : nat) (y : nat)
The basic structure of this definition is:
structure <name> := <constructor> :: <fields>
In order to create a point we need a constructor function. We define the constructor function in our definition. Each of the fields is a parameter to this function:
#check 4 8
That's not the only function on point
that Lean will generate for
us. You will also get functions for accessing fields, a sizeof
function, and others which may come in handy later on. To see them
all, try this command:
#print prefix nat_point
If you want to be able to parameterize the type of point
so that
users can create points with their own types we can add a type parameter
to our definition:
structure point (a : Type) :=
mk :: (x : a) (y : a)
Now the type of the x
and y
fields can be inferred by the types of
the values given to the constructor function (as long as they're of
the same type):
#check 3 4
def dx : int := -12
def dy : int := 22
#check dx dy
Once you have a point you can access its fields:
def p : point nat := point 3 4
#eval point.x p
#eval point.y p
We can then write functions using our new type like so:
def add (p q : point nat) := ((point.x p) + (point.x q)) ((point.y p) + (point.y q))
That's a bit noisy so thankfully Lean will allow us to abbreviate our accessor function on our type parameter:
def add (p q : point nat) := (p.x + q.x) (p.y + q.y)
Much better. What Lean is doing when it sees p.x
or q.x
inserting the p
(the object to the left of the dot) as the implicit
first argument of the function x
(the object named on the right side
of the dot) on the same type as p
, which is in this case is point
So p.x
in this expression is the same as point.x p
. Since Lean
knows the type of p
and the functions available on it we can shorten
it down a bit.
Next we have objects. They're basically like anonymous constructors for structures. This is useful because so far when we use the constructor of our structure we've had to pass parameters by position. Objects allow us to pass them in by name instead like so:
let p1 : point nat := { y := 20, x := 10 }
For constructing large structures this can be the much more readable option. You can also do this anonymously like so:
#check { point . y := 10, x := 20 }
We pass the name of the constructor along with one of the fields and the rest of the structure is inferred.
One neat feature of structures is that you can inherit new structures from them. This is similar to languages Common Lisp that have similar features:
inductive color
| red
| green
| blue
structure color_point (a : Type) extends point a :=
mk :: (c : color)
And now we have a structure color_point
that inherits the fields of
and adds one of its own. We construct one by passing in a
structure of the parent type and our fields:
-- recall p1 : point nat
#check p1 green