- Check if you already have Node.js or npm
- macOS with nodenv
- Windows with nvm-windows
- 📺 Installing Node.js | Video
React requires Node ≥ 10.16 & npm ≥ 5.6
Go inside the React_Workshop_by_Kintone
$ node -v
$ npm -v
If Node & npm are missing, let's install them!
- Check if you already have Node.js or npm
- macOS with nodenv
- Windows with nvm-windows
- 📺 Installing Node.js | Video
macOS with nodenv
We recommend installing Node.js using nodenv to manage node versions. This allows your computer to have a specific Node.js version per project.
Having different Node.js installations can lead to conflict issues.
Step 1: Install nodenv with Homebrew
Update Homebrew | brew update && brew upgrade |
Install nodenv | brew install nodenv |
Step 2: Set up nodenv shell integration
Run the initialization command | nodenv init |
Append the following line into the shell's rc/profile | eval "$(nodenv init -)" |
For Zsh users | For Bash users |
echo 'eval "$(nodenv init -)"' >> ~/.zshrc |
echo 'eval "$(nodenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile |
cat < ~/.zshrc |
cat < ~/.bash_profile |
Step 3: Implement the changes
Close & open a new Terminal window for the changes to take place.
Optional: Verify that nodenv is properly set up using nodenv-doctor script.
For those using Z shell (Zsh) shell:
curl -fsSL https://github.com/nodenv/nodenv-installer/raw/master/bin/nodenv-doctor | bash
Expected result:
Checking for `nodenv' in PATH: /usr/local/bin/nodenv Checking for nodenv shims in PATH: OK Checking `nodenv install' support: /usr/local/bin/nodenv-install (node-build 3.0.22-4-g49c4cb9) Counting installed Node versions: none There aren't any Node versions installed under `~/.nodenv/versions'. You can install Node versions like so: nodenv install 2.2.4 Auditing installed plugins: OK
Step 4: Install Node.js inside the React Workshop folder (React_Workshop_by_Kintone
Now you're ready to install specific Node.js versions!
folder, install Node.js version14.5.0
:cd React_Workshop_by_Kintone/ nodenv install 14.5.0 nodenv local 14.5.0
Alright! Your Mac is now armed with Node.js!
Download the required packages by going opening a terminal inside the frontend
folder & backend
folder & running the npm install
Windows with nvm-windows
The following steps are straight from the Microsoft Docs on Set up NodeJS on native Windows. We recommend installing and managing Node.js with nvm-windows
Having different Node.js installations can lead to conflict issues.
Step 1: Go to the windows-nvm's latest release.
Step 2: Download the nvm-setup.zip file for the most recent release.
Step 3: Once downloaded, open the zip file, then open the nvm-setup.exe file.
Step 4: The Setup-NVM-for-Windows installation wizard will walk you through the setup steps, including choosing the directory where both nvm-windows and Node.js will be installed.
Step 5: After the installation is complete, open PowerShell & enter nvm ls
Step 6: Install Node.js inside the React Workshop folder (React_Workshop_by_Kintone
Now you're ready to install specific Node.js versions!
folder, install Node.js version14.5.0
:cd .\Documents\React_Workshop_by_Kintone nvm install 14.5.0 nvm use 14.5.0
Alright! Your Windows is now armed with Node.js!
Download the required packages by going opening a terminal inside the frontend
folder & backend
folder & running the npm install