title | description |
About AIDA |
The <a href='https://medtech4health.se/aida'>Analytic Imaging Diagnostics Arena</a> |
Analytic Imaging Diagnostics Arena (AIDA) is a Swedish publicly funded arena for research and innovation on artificial intelligence, AI, for medical image analysis. Here, academia, healthcare and industry meet to translate technical advances in AI technology into patient benefit in the form of clinically useful tools.
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/viewerjs/1.3.2/viewer.min.js"></script> <script>const viewer = new Viewer(document.getElementById('aida-map'));</script>AIDA is organized as a collaboration arena, currently engaging ~35 partners, from academia, industry and healthcare. AIDA is coordinated by the Linköping University Center for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV) and is driven by clinical needs.
AIDA Activities include:
- Research & innovation projects
- Clinical evaluations
- Fellowships
- Data, compute & storage services ← This is the AIDA Data Hub!
- AIDA Days ~8 Workshops per year
- Training
- Network partnerships
AIDA is an initiative within the Strategic innovation program Medtech4Health, jointly supported by VINNOVA, Formas and the Swedish Energy Agency.
All Swedish organizations active in medical imaging diagnostics or AI are invited to become a member of AIDA.
This can for example take the form of a
The first three options entail receiving funding through AIDA. The fourth option entails paying a very small membersip fee of 10 KSEK/year, or contributing to AIDA by other means such as sharing data through the AIDA Data Hub, thereby demonstrating that a meaningful commitment has been made.
Please contact AIDA to discuss ways forward!