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GSoC 2023 Projects

Jusong Yu edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 25 revisions

Getting started with AiiDA

AiiDA is a python framework for managing computational science workflows, with roots in computational materials science. It helps researchers manage large numbers of simulations (10k, 100k, 1M, ...) and complex workflows involving multiple executables. At the same time, it records the provenance of the entire simulation pipeline with the aim to make it fully reproducible.

AiiDA is used in research projects at universities, research institutes and companies (see SciPy 2020 talk, publications, and testimonials).

To be considered as a GSoC student, we ask you to make a small pull request to aiida-core - could be a simple bug fix, improving the documentation, etc. See e.g. GitHub issues by-label

Why work on AiiDA?

  • Help accelerate the transition to open (computational) science
  • Help fix the reproducibility crisis. Computational science is a good place to start.
  • Work with a team of computational scientists (mostly physics backgrounds) who are passionate about both science and coding.
    We have an active Slack workspace & biweekly developer meetings.

A background in materials science is not needed, but a basic interest in materials science topics will make things easier for you.

Project 1 - Easy Computer/Code setup with AiiDA code registry

Level intermediate

For beginners and even for the experienced AiiDA user, setting up computers and codes is still a tedious mission. If using the interactive mode, although it is good that options are prompted up and the user can set every option one by one carefully, it requires going through all options even if some are not necessary and time-consuming for a similar setup that have shared options with other code/computer setup.

The computer/code can be set up from a YAML file, and we provide a repository aiida-code-registry to store the YAML files for public computers and codes to share with others. Need to mention that the interactive setup command can accept a URL of a remote YAML file for setup. This makes it possible to not download/clone the aiida-code-registry repo to use the YAML to set up the computer/code.

Expected outcomes

  • Set up the computer/code from the template config file.
  • Redesign the folder structure of aiida-code-registry repository and corresponding registry page for users to upload/change and fetch the computer/code config files.


We expect you to be familiar with python programming and have experience with the Jinja templating engine. It will be beneficial if students have experience in web development (REST API, HTML etc.)

Project 2 - Ranking system for AiiDA plugin registry

Level intermediate

Expected outcomes

We expect a new AiiDA plugin registry where the information of plugins is not pulled from each plugin but pushed from every plugin by GitHub actions in every plugin. The order shown on the page is not in the alphabet but in the usefulness of the plugin which can be how many stars or ranking by the number of other tools use it.


We expect you to be familiar with programming in python and know how GitHub action works. Some familiarity with web development such as HTML development will be helpful.

Project 3 - Explore the AiiDA node graph in the browser

level advanced

AiiDA automatically stores entities in its database and links them forming a directed graph. This directed graph automatically tracks the provenance of all data produced by calculations or returned by workflows. This project plan to provide a more intuitive tool for browsing AiiDA graphs using the interactive browser. We can use an open-source library for node graph (e.g. Rete) or build it from scratch. The node graph viewer will communicate with AiiDA with the REST API.

Expected outcomes

An AiiDA node graph viewer

  • allows the user to explore the AiiDA provenance dynamically, e.g. forward and backward along the provenance graph.
  • shows input and output nodes of a selected node.
  • allows preview of the node


Python, REST API, HTML, Javascript, React, or Vue.


The mentors for GSOC 2023 are

Please use the GSOC 2023 discussion thread to say hi and ask any questions you may have.