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Making a pull request

Leopold Talirz edited this page Dec 4, 2018 · 10 revisions

When you want to contribute a feature or a bug fix to aiida_core:

  1. Does your bug fix or feature have a corresponding GitHub issue? If not, open one!
  2. Is it a bug fix or a feature?
    • bug fix: goes into the latest release branch, e.g. release_v0.12.3.
    • feature: goes into the develop branch
  3. Check out the correct branch locally:
    git checkout release_vX.Y.Z
    git pull origin release_vX.Y.Z
  1. Create a new issue branch using the following naming convention:
    git checkout -b issue_1234_short_description_of_issue
  1. Add your changes and commit them to your issue branch.
  2. When all commits are in place, push your local branch to your fork
    git push fork issue_1234_short_description_of_issue
  1. Create a pull request on GitHub from the branch in your fork to the correct release branch of aiidateam/aiida_core


  • Open your pull request only once you believe your changes are ready to be merged.
    If you keep pushing changes to an open PR, developers are flooded with emails.