- Separate LiveData and basic sets into separate classes
- replace notifyDataSetChanged() calls with the efficient alternative
- See/update google OAuth consent screen credentials at https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
- (done) enable google sign-in in firebase
- (done) add sha1 fingerprint for signing certificate to project in firebase
- (done) add web application OAuth 2 client id as a string (R.string.server_client_id in donottranslate.xml) to the app (see https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/android/start-integrating?authuser=2#get_your_backend_servers_oauth_20_client_id)
- Update firestore permissions
- fix proguard/r8 rules for firebase DB classes
- make default profile image a square
- add ability to collapse/expand entries in a note
- sort entries in some fashion (maybe most recent, with special entries, like pics, at top)
- better delete button
- display loading indicator in note screen when loading notes from firebase
- allow swipe to top of notes activity to refresh notes shown (in case of remote changes to collection)
- advanced searches
- add search functionality to add tags screen
- add cool animation for moving tags back and forth in add tags dialog
- add ability to delete/rename tags in general somehow
- link to note/entry
- add markdown editing helpers for links / images / headers
- update bold / italic / strike-through markers to unmark/mark with respect to whitespace
- add underline functionality to markdown helper
- link entries based on note/entry type (ex. tag <-> classes <-> people)
- set default values for a new note on save
- make viewnote screen look nicer
- prompt to save in edit mode on back button hit, if changes were made
- add default special entry types, like a value bar
- add ability to add custom templates for new notes to start out with?
- add real editnote screen/boxes
- add confirmation on save editnote when you try to add new notetype
- add default entries for pictures and the like
- implement undo button when editing notes
- save changes to note for recovery in case of crash (discard on cancel or save)
- add custom recyclerview-like chipgroup
- add sign config for release to the release build
- get images to resize smoothly when loading
- clicking "add" entry copies an existing entry sometimes (found with 2 entries both containing text)
- editnote saving does not always update entry type?
- empty entries get saved
- preconditions: MarkdownEditText with empty list item at last line; press enter, empty list item not removed
- Have multiple lines, where first line has no list. Select multiple lines with lists, indent. First (unselected) line gets list for some reason.