Releases: akto-api-security/akto
Releases · akto-api-security/akto
Release v1.30.2
What's Changed
- Integrated polaris UI @shivamrawat101192 in #508
- Fixed run test and rate limit change by @oren-akto in #509
- Added toasts / id for Testsigma by @oren-akto in #525
- Implemented CDN sourcing for UI by @shivamrawat101192 in #532
- Fixed download burp functionality by @avneesh-akto in #533
Full Changelog: v1.30.1...v1.30.2
Release v1.30.1
What's Changed
- Fixed Slack webhook failing dns check by @avneesh-akto in #513
Full Changelog: vv1.30.0...v1.30.1
Release vv1.30.0
What's Changed
- Fixed timestamp for an insert in SingleTypeInfo collection by @ayushaga14 in #374
- Added a feature to allow Test editor to be served from website by @shivamrawat101192 in #334
- Deprecated and removed old akto policy in runtime by @avneesh-akto in #380
- Added replace_body operation in Test editor by @ayushaga14 in #383
- Optimized test editor executor by @ayushaga14 in #385
- Run test once per host by @ayushaga14 in #386
- Fixed pdf and xml ssrf tests by @avneesh-akto in #399
- Fixed cors wordlist with single word by @avneesh-akto in #400
- Merged discord and beamer workflow file by @solankirishav21 in #403
- Added test templates csv generation workflow file by @mayankesh-akto in #406
- Fixed all the test names by @ayushaga14 in #411
- Added multi-account feature and new test editor by @notshivansh in #328
- Fixed testing results count by @notshivansh in #336
- Fixed testsigma cicd action by @notshivansh in #349
- Added 4 new XSS tests by @avneesh-akto in #353
- Added 3 LFI tests by @avneesh-akto in #356
- Added GraphQL Information disclosure tests by @oren-akto in #357
- Added Misconfig tests by @avneesh-akto in #362
- Added SSTI tests (do not merge without m*n fix) by @avneesh-akto in #363
- Added 2 CRLF injection tests by @avneesh-akto in #376
- Added Security Misconfiguration yaml tests by @oren-akto in #377
- Added 2 Command Injection tests by @avneesh-akto in #378
- Fixed Graphql tests for multi-query scenario by @ayushaga14 in #392
- Fixed auth tests by removing custom auth in replace auth header test by @notshivansh in #384
- Added whitelisting by collection ID to PII cleaner by @avneesh-akto in #382
- Added 1 test related to text injection by @avneesh-akto in #379
- Added captcha tests by @avneesh-akto in #355
- Added 3 open redirect tests by @avneesh-akto in #358
- Added invalid payload test by @avneesh-akto in #401
- Fixed copy as burp query and headers issue by @avneesh-akto in #437
New Contributors
- @solankirishav21 made their first contribution in #394
- @mayankesh-akto made their first contribution in #406
- @Rishav1919 made their first contribution in #434
Full Changelog: v1.29.4...vv1.30.0
Release v1.29.4
What's Changed
- Fixed payload check for API testing by @ayushaga14 in #333
- Fixed endpoint fetch issue in test editor by @shivamrawat101192 in #335
- Enhanced OpenRedirect test by @avneesh-akto in #337
- Added changes to send har file using multipart/form-data and set restrictions on upload limits by @aktoboy in #341
- Added reset functionality for custom auth types by @ankush-jain-akto in #342
- Added functionality to set custom host for running tests by @ankush-jain-akto in #340
- Added changes to parse request payload from postman by @aktoboy in #348
- Added support for modifying keys from cookie by @ayushaga14 in #346
- Added csrf tests by @avneesh-akto in #344
- Fixed redirect test by @ayushaga14 in #351
- Fixed copy burp request by @aktoboy in #354
Full Changelog: v1.29.3...v1.29.4
Release v1.29.3
What's Changed
- Added 4 new test categories by @ayushaga14 in #319
- Improved UI/UX for Test editor by @ankush-jain-akto in #329
- Added a button to deselect all tests by @ankush-jain-akto in #330
- Added rate limit feature by @shivamrawat101192 in #320
Full Changelog: v1.29.2...v1.29.3
Release v1.29.2
What's Changed
- Added test editor screen by @shivamrawat101192 in #321
- Added yaml templates backend by @ayushaga14
- Fixed styling of test editor by @Ark2307
Full Changelog: v1.29.1...v1.29.2
Release v1.29.1
What's Changed
- Added description to traffic metrics by @avneesh-akto in #255
- Improved merging logic and reduced merging threshold by @ayushaga14 in #266
- Improved traffic metrics by @notshivansh in #279
- Improved copy as curl by @TheSpeedX in #243
- Added Regex for Insurance by @rajaryan18 in #238
- Added a description on how to use nginx for traffic mirroring by @notshivansh in #200
- Added feature to allow dashboard access using # for different tabs @Ark2307 in #285
- Added opt-in option for AktoGPT by @aktoboy in #280
- Added more prompts in AktoGPT by @aktoboy in #280
- Fixed testing results to show last run test in UI chart by @notshivansh in #250
- Added feature to reboot dashboard on update by @notshivansh in #242
- Fixed styling for Aktogpt by @Ark2307 in #289
- Added feature to allow only open issues in slack alert by @shivamrawat101192 in #290
- Added feature to search from contents in Tests library by @Ark2307 in #222
- Added feature cicd integration by @notshivansh in #241
- Added feature test yamls by @ayushaga14 in #297
- Improved false positives by looking at default response by @avneesh-akto in #309
- Improved webhook filters by @shivamrawat101192 in #308
- Added fix to noauth test by @ayushaga14 in #311
New Contributors
- @rajaryan18 made their first contribution in #238
Full Changelog: v1.28.6...v1.29.1
Release vv1.28.7
Merge pull request #302 from akto-api-security/develop Develop
Release v1.28.6
What's Changed
- Improved tables UX by @aktoboy in #214
- Added devcontainer setup for Akto by @oren-akto in #204
- Issue 229 - Add more case sensitive keys for page size DoS test by @LuD1161 in #232
- Fixed login button color by @Jittojoyes98 in #216
- Added discord webhook workflow (fixes #212) by @Prixix in #213
- Automate product releases on beamer #236 by @siddoinghisjob in #237
- Fixed runtime bootup exception by @avneesh-akto in #244
- Fixed creating new collections bug by @avneesh-akto in #257
- Fixed extraction of path using URI instead of string manipulation by @avneesh-akto in #224
- Port Scanning + Fetch sensitive tests via SSRF by @aktoboy in #223
- Improved tab navigation using query params by @Ark2307 in #240
- Add sensitive data types US addresses #97 by @marksowell in #225
- Added sensitive file check by @TheSpeedX in #239
- Added sensitive data types - Europe specific by @SandeepSrinivasan in #254
- Add test-results step in the onboarding flow by @avneesh-akto in #220
- ChatGPT in Akto by @aktoboy in #260
- fixed api collection id and allowReplay in postman file upload by @avneesh-akto in #265
New Contributors
- @LuD1161 made their first contribution in #232
- @Jittojoyes98 made their first contribution in #216
- @Prixix made their first contribution in #213
- @siddoinghisjob made their first contribution in #237
- @marksowell made their first contribution in #225
- @TheSpeedX made their first contribution in #239
Full Changelog: v1.28.5...v1.28.6
Release v1.28.5
What's Changed
- Fixed trusting of all certificates while testing by @avneesh-akto in #197
- Added changes to exclude yaml files present in business-logic folder by @aktoboy in #187
- Added tooltip for icons in workflow tests by @notshivansh in #74
- Added support for gRPC and JSONP in inventory by @shivamrawat101192 in #125
- Improved management of colors in code by @Ark2307 in #170
- Fixed code duplication in tables @ankush-jain-akto in #203
- Added new tables UX in dashboard by @ankush-jain-akto in #56
- Added grpc and graphql support to Burp extension by @avneesh-akto in #206
- Added new onboarding flow for all users by @avneesh-akto in #198
Full Changelog: v1.28.4...v1.28.5