- chkconfig
- Puppet
- dmidecode
- Mail (queue, spooled, configuration)
- Storage - replication, show_disks, emcgrab
- Filesystems - inodes, size, large directories?
- Detailed CPU state - WIO/USR/SYS
- VxVM - vxprint, vxstat, vxdisk list
- Memory - physical, virtual, high usage, paging
- Networking - multipathing, duplex, speed
- Explorers/SOS reports
- Packages/Patches
- Linux LVM
- LDOMs/Containers
- Metastat
- ipmi query?
- *lom query?
- NFS client info (nfsstat)
- Shared memory
- sysdef -i
- Lock Contention (mutex, adaptive, read/write)
- nscd/nslcd
- Cluster - hastatus, llt, gab, check against auto check script, recent events?
- Hostinfo output
- Patrol - dumphist, config, parameters from threshold site, is it working?
- Recent RAT sessions on the box
- Open INCs - pull from RePrioritise
- SUDO attempts/commands
- Checksums
- Create a cvs/git/svn repo
- Should we filter the outputs into standard formats?
- Recent changes on the hosts
- Vendor call specific modes?
- Where do we store the files on the local hosts?
- How long do we store the files on the local host?
- Code a pull system to bring back indivdiual / fleet wide scans
- Custom data collection modes for long term performance analysis
- How do we handle hanging scripts?
- How do we address additional load - heisenburg principle
- Packaging of the check
- Analytics of how long it takes to run
- Patrol recovery action -> log file monitor -> BEM -> pull state centrally
- Scheduled mode - 1200 & 0000
- Scan the gathered files for potential errors/warnings
- Enable process accounting for in depth performance analysis
- List which nfs exports are being used on each host
- Linux specific checks
- Error checking in the scripts
- What gets run at what level?
- Sort out the ticket creation functions
- Make a better *lib
- Crontab
- Move away from a monolythic file
- fmd
- Logging and debugging info
- At jobs
- How does Pete to the server checks for auditing certain configs?
- sysctl -a
- /etc/system
- Semaphores
- Copy full configs (/etc)