- Title: Attend, Infer, Repeat: Fast Scene Understanding with Generative Models
- Authors: S. M. Ali Eslami, Nicolas Heess, Theophane Weber, Yuval Tassa, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Geoffrey E. Hinton
- Link: http://arxiv.org/abs/1603.08575
- Tags: Neural Network, VAE, attention
- Year: 2016
(1) Introduction
- Assumption: Images are made up of distinct objects. These objects have visual and physical properties.
- They develop a framework for efficient inference in images (i.e. get from the image to a representation of the objects, i.e. inverse graphics).
- Parts of the framework: High dimensional representations (e.g. object images), interpretable latent variables (e.g. for rotation) and generative processes (to combine object images with latent variables).
- Contributions:
- A scheme for efficient variational inference in latent spaces of variable dimensionality.
- Idea: Treat inference as an iterative process, implemented via an RNN that looks at one object at a time and learns an appropriate number of inference steps. (Attent-Infer-Repeat, AIR)
- End-to-end training via amortized variational inference (continuous variables: gradient descent, discrete variables: black-box optimization).
- AIR allows to train generative models that automatically learn to decompose scenes.
- AIR allows to recover objects and their attributes from rendered 3D scenes (inverse rendering).
- A scheme for efficient variational inference in latent spaces of variable dimensionality.
(2) Approach
- Just like in VAEs, the scene interpretation is viewed with a bayesdian approach.
- There are latent variables
and imagesx
. - Images are generated via a probability distribution
. - This can be reversed via bayes rule to
p(x|z) = p(x)p(z|x) / p(z)
which means thatp(x|z)p(z) / p(x) = p(z|x)
. - The prior
must be chosen and captures assumption about the distributions of the latent variables. p(x|z)
is the likelihood and represents the model that generates images from latent variables.- They assume that there can be multiple objects in an image.
- Every object get its own latent variables.
- A probability distribution p(x|z) then converts each object (on its own) from the latent variables to an image.
- The number of objects follows a probability distribution
. - For the prior and likelihood they assume two scenarios:
- 2D: Three dimensions for X, Y and scale. Additionally n dimensions for its shape.
- 3D: Dimensions for X, Y, Z, rotation, object identity/category (multinomial variable). (No scale?)
- Both 2D and 3D can be separated into latent variables for "where" and "what".
- It is assumed that the prior latent variables are independent of each other.
- (2.1) Inference
- Inference for their model is intractable, therefore they use an approximation
, which minizesKL(q(z,n|x)||p(z,n|x))
, i.e. KL(approximation||real) using amortized variational approximation. - Challanges for them:
- The dimensionality of their latent variable layer is a random variable p(n) (i.e. No static size.).
- Strong symmetries.
- They implement inference via an RNN which encodes the image object by object.
- The encoded latent variables can be gaussians.
- They encode the latent layer length via n as a vector (instead of an integer). The vector has the form of n 1s followed by one 0.
- If the length vector is
then they want to approximateq(z,#z|x)
. - That can apparently be decomposed into
<product> q(latent variable value i, #z is still 1 at i|x, previous latent variable values) * q(has length n|z,x)
- Inference for their model is intractable, therefore they use an approximation
- (2.2) Learning
- The parameters theta (
, latent variable -> image) and phi (q
, image -> latent variables) are jointly optimized. - Optimization happens be maximizing a lower bound
E[log(p(x,z,n) / q(z,n|x))]
called the negative free energy. - (2.2.1) Parameters of the model theta
- Parameters theta of log(p(x,z,n)) can easily be obtained using differentiation, so long as z and n are well approximated.
- The differentiation of the lower bound with repsect to theta can be approximated using Monte Carlo methods.
- (2.2.2) Parameters of the inference network phi
- phi are the parameters of q, i.e. of the RNN that generates z and #z in i timesteps.
- At each timestep (i.e. per object) the RNN generates three kinds of information: What (object), where (it is), whether it is present (i <= n).
- Each of these information is represented via variables. These variables can be discrete or continuous.
- When differentiating w.r.t. a continuous variable one uses the reparameterization trick.
- When
- The parameters theta (