- #9129 Add symfony/thanks Composer plugin (@pamil)
- #9084 Minor enhancements to product review API pull request (@pamil)
- #9013 Restrict scanning for composer.json in themes to certain directory depth (optional) (@stefandoorn)
- #8772 Product reviews API (@paulstoica)
- #9082 Remove strict declaration on migration (@stefandoorn)
- #9081 Add index on Channel::hostname to prevent table scan on each request (@stefandoorn)
- #9070 Extend Travis build matrix & setup extra jobs running nightly (1.1) (@pamil)
- #9040 Try to auto-detect a bundle's model namespace by default (@mbabker)
- #9063 Require Symfony ^3.4 in components & bundles (@pamil)
- #9061 Require Symfony ^3.4 (@pamil)
- #8940 Change bulk action implementation and remove the need for a BC break (@pamil)
- #8491 [Admin] Mass deletion on admin grid (fixes #93) (@GSadee, @stefandoorn)
- #8874 [Order][OrderItem] Immutable product/variant names (@GSadee, @johnrisby)
- #8766 [ProductAttribute] Make select attribute translatable (@GSadee, @Lowlo)
- #8680 add sylius version to the footer in admin (@gabiudrescu)
- #8843 Allow to use environmental variables to populate parameters (@pamil)
- #8817 Change master branch version to 1.1.0-DEV (@pamil)
- #8798 [Installation] Add setting a username during installation (@GSadee)
- #8714 Set up upgrade file for 1.1 (@pamil)
- #8682 Gitignore webserver pid files (@gabiudrescu)
- #8675 Treat
as 1.1 (@pamil) - #8662 fix link to BitBager PayUPlugin (@kochen)