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Cloud Native Web App on Alibaba Cloud: COVID-19 Tracker

This solution deploys simple cloud native web app ( on Alibaba Cloud to visualize the spread and impact of COVID-19, subscribe for daily updates, and view stats.

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You can access the tutorial artifact including deployment script (Terraform), related source code, sample data and instruction guidance from the github project:

More tutorial around Alibaba Cloud Database, please refer to:


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0. Index

1. Use Terraform to create resources

1.1 Install Terraform (skip this step if you already have Terraform installed)

Set up terraform CLI environment on your desktop. For the tutorial about how to setup Terraform CLI, you can refer to

Or if you are the 1st time to use Terraform, please refer to to learn how to install and use the Terraform on different operating systems.

1.2 Create resources

Refer back to the user's home directory as shown below, click AccessKey Management.

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Click Create AccessKey. After AccessKey has been created successfully, AccessKeyID and AccessKeySecret are displayed. AccessKeySecret is only displayed once. Click Download CSV FIle to save the AccessKeySecret

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Go to the directory of Terraform script: deployment/terraform/. Enter the command vim, edit the Terraform script. Please pay attention to modify var.access_key and var.secret_key to the user's own AccessKey

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Enter the following command,

terraform init

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Enter the following command to list the resources planned to be created according to the template.

terraform plan

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Enter the following command to start creating resources based on the template.

terraform apply

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Enter "yes" to start creating related resources. It takes about 3 minutes, please wait patiently.

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Created successfully.

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2. Install NodeJS

Back to the ECS console, you can see the new ECS instance you just created, and log in to the instance remotely.

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The default account name and password of the ECS instance:

Account name: root

Password: Aliyun-test

Enter the following command to download the nodejs installation package.


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Enter the following command to decompress the installation package.

tar -xf node-v14.17.1-linux-x64.tar.xz

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Enter the following command to create a command soft link.

ln -s /root/node-v14.17.1-linux-x64/bin/node /usr/bin/

ln -s /root/node-v14.17.1-linux-x64/bin/npm /usr/bin/

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Enter the following command to check the node version.

node -v

npm -v

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Has been successfully installed.

3. Install the web app project

3.1 Download project

Enter the following command to install git.

apt update && apt -y install git

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Enter the following command to pull the sample project.

git clone

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Enter the following command to enter the project directory.

cd covid-19-tracker

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Enter the following command to install project dependencies.

npm install --unsafe-perm

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3.2 Import data

Refer to the figure below to go to the Alibaba Cloud RDS console,

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You can see the RDS database just created using Terraform.

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Click to enter the instance ID to enter the detailed page. You can see that the "covid19" database and account have been created automatically.

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Intranet address of RDS.

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Back to the ECS command line, enter the following command to install the mysql client.

apt -y install mysql-client

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Enter the following command to log in to the RDS instance database. Please pay attention to replace YOUR-RDS-INTERNAL-ENDPOINT with the intranet address of the user's own RDS instance.

mysql -hYOUR-RDS-INTERNAL-ENDPOINT -ucovid19 -pAliyun-test -Dcovid19 

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Enter the following command to create the "stats" table.

    Admin2 VARCHAR(100) NULL,
    city VARCHAR(100) NULL,
    province VARCHAR(500) NULL,
    country VARCHAR(100) NULL,
    confirmed INTEGER default 0,
    deaths INTEGER default 0,
    recovery INTEGER default 0,
    last_update datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    latitude Decimal(18,15) NULL,
    longitude Decimal(18,15) NULL,
    active INTEGER NULL,
    combined_key VARCHAR(500) NULL,
    primary key(id)

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Enter the following command to exit the database first.


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Enter the command vim config/config.json to open the configuration file and modify the connection configuration of the database referring to the following figure.

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Enter the command vim csv_to_mysql/read-file-4.js to open the configuration file and also modify the connection configuration of the database.

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Enter the following command to execute the script file to import data into the database.

cd csv_to_mysql

node read-file-4.js

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3.3 Get Sparkpost key

SparkPost is a developer-centric email delivery service. All email sending and receiving can be done using API.

Users need to log in to the Sparkpost official website to register an account.

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Refer to the figure below to create a KEY.

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3.4 Run the web app

Back to the ECS command line,

Enter the command "vim /etc/profile" and add the following content to the end of the file. Please pay attention to replace YOUR-API-KEY and YOUR-SECRET with your own.

vim /etc/profile

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Enter the following command to make the modification effective.

source /etc/profile

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Enter the following command to start the application.

cd /root/covid-19-tracker

node server.js

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Refer to the figure below and visit on the browser with ECS public IP:


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It shows that the startup is successful.