Release of the full 3D reconstruction pipeline.
- New Docker images for Centos 7 and Ubuntu 18
- New "make bundle" for packaging
- Refactor split sfm / sfmData / sfmDataIO
- New visibility remapping methods: Push, PullPush
- Improve texturing quality with better image selection
- SfM support multiple folders for features and matches
- PopSiftImageDescriber: no initialization if not used
- Offline camera tracking improvements
- Export animated camera ABC
- Export undistorted images and filter option
- MeshroomMaya script integration Image Plane
- Minor fixes in cameraSensors DB search
- New fallback if no sensor width info available but FocalLengthIn35mmFilm metadata is present
- ImageMatchingMultiSfM: add “a_a+a_b” option
- SfM Augmentation: lock cameras from the initial reconstruction
- SfM: Add option in order to disable the cleaning of tracks forks
- Merge the MVS pipeline in the main branch
- New options for better auto UVs based on geogram (needs reasonable mesh size in input)
- Use full resolution images in the MVS pipeline: PrepareDenseScene creates full resolution undistorted images, DepthMap computes downscale when loading images and Texturing can be done in full resolution.
- New depth map fusion with a multi-scale approach (using nanoflann)
- ImageMatching: Fix conflict if multiple images with the same UID
- Add SIFT_UPRIGHT as an ImageDescriber
Release of the Structure-From-Motion pipeline.
- Support Raw and Exr input files
- Texturing: add multithreading / clean iteration over pixels in triangle
- MVS: use UIDs
- Major MVS refactoring
- New Mesh Denoiser and Decimate based on MeshSDFilter
- Integration of Uncertainty computation step
- Meshing: Remove facets with helper points but limit holes creation
- Texturing: Don’t modify the topology
- Meshing: Add an option to keep only the largest facets group
- cmake: Geogram as a submodule of cmpmvs
- Update SfM
- Modify Image Matching
- SfM Reorientation software
- Use OpenMP for featureExtraction with a new imageDescriber memory needs estimation
- Rewrite “Identify the track to triangulate” in triangulateMultiViews_LORANSAC
- popSIFT directly on floating point images
- Use relative path for features and matches in SfM
- Remove cereal dependency
- Remove static functions in headers
- MVS: Add namespace per module
- MVS: Build as dynamic libraries
- MVS: Remove unneeded intermediate images
- Reduce the amount of storage for intermediate files and improve robustness to kill/restart jobs on renderfarm
- New software to create simplified versions of the mesh
- Use OpenImageIO in MVS
- Use floating point image in texturing
- New Local Bundle Adjustment to speedup SfM on large scenes
- Retexturing on an external user mesh with a retopology (no visibility information and support user UVs) with a first visibilities remapping method.
- Add new images to a previous SfM reconstruction
- Use OpenImageIO in SfM
- Reduce memory usage on Meshing
- SfM: Support for RIG of synchronized cameras/DSLR with a new constraint between rigidly fixed cameras
- New software utility for 360° cameras
- Tetrahedralization scoring with boost maxflow
- Meshing tetrahedralization with geogram
- Texturing speedup
- Rewrite CUDA layer
- SfM: Weighting on image describers to combine them correctly
- MVS: Support for multiple image resolutions
- MVS: Code comments and documentation
- MVS: Performance improvements
- Texturing: Fix UV coords
- MVS: Split Meshing and Texturing steps
- Texturing: Rewrite edge padding for performance reasons
- MVS: Linux code porting
- Integration of PopSift: a new GPU SIFT implementation
- SfM: Add LoRansac
- SfM: New next best view strategy to promote good repartition in images. Same rule in image pair selection.
- SfM: Optional filtering of the input tracks with a minimal track length
- SfM: Optional limitation on the number of input matches from an image pair
- Sort features and matches
- FeatureExtraction: Limit the number of features per image with grid filtering to ensure good repartition
- New software to align reconstructions based on common cameras (using UID)
- New Alembic file format to store sparse point cloud and cameras
- Integration of new CCTag markers with CPU and CPU implementations
- SfM use UID
- Support for cameras RIG calibration and localization based on opengv
- Camera lens calibration based on opencv
- New camera localization module
- SfM speedup by precomputing tracks visibilities and adjusting BA thresholds
- New Image Matching based on vocabulary tree approach
- Features extraction and features matching parallelization on multiple computers for renderfarm usage
- First public source code release of the SfM pipeline