todev is a todo app with custom permission class defind for developers and project manager. They can collaborate with each other on different projects. Every authenticated user can create a project from scratch and become the project manager, add/remove developers to/from the project.
Simply via Docker:
git clone
cd todev
docke-compose -f up --build
Or Set it up manually:
git clone
cd todev/todev
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 makemigrations
python3 migrate
python3 runserver
- docker-compose takes care of env files automatically. Consider adding env variables for a better experience, in case of manual setup.
- Please consider adding a superuser or create a non-super user via
Todev leverages simple-jwt. All endpoints (except login/signup) expect you to send a access token as Authorization in the header.
python3 test
It's possible to test and examine the app within browser, which is provided by DRF UI. In addition following is possible to be managed via a third party app like curl by providing the brearer token as Authorization key in the request header.
For further information please check postman collection of project, all necessarry fields of each endpoints are documented in details. Postman collection is available here.
User-related operations:
POST /signup/: Create a new user
POST /api/token/: Return access/refresh tokens to login
Project endpoints:
GET /projects/: Return list of projects for user which user is a project manager or a developer of
POST /projets/: Create a new project by providing the needed fields
PUT /projects/<project_id_here>/: Update a project
GET /projects/<project_id_here>/: Get a detailed view of a project
DELETE /projects/<project_id_here>/: Delete a project
Task endpoints:
GET projects/<project_id_here>/tasks/: Get all of the tasks in a project
GET projects/<project_id_here>/tasks/?user=me: Get tasks of current logged in user in a project
GET projects/<project_id_here>/tasks/?user=<username>: Get all of the tasks of <username> in a porject
POST /tasks/: Add a new tasks to a project
PUT /tasks/<task_id_here>/: Update a task
DELETE /tasks/<task_id_here>/: Delete a task
- Every authenticated user can create a new project
- Creator of project is considered as Project Manager
- Project manager has full control over the project
- Developers' (members field) username must be sent on creation
- Developers have read-only access thus they can't update or remove a project
- Developers can retrieve user specific or all of the tasks of their project
- Projects show up when target user is either a project manager or a developer, otherwise they're not accessable
- Project manager has full control over task creation and assigning them to developers
- A developer of project can add a task which will be automatically assigned to himself a.k.a developer doesn't have this right to assign a task to other developers
- Author of task (project manager or developer) can update or delete the task
- Assignees can update (delete not allowed) task status/name/description
- Endpoints to calculate developers performance
- Implementing cache system
- Custom user model to use email field as username
- Using a lint action on github