diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de5fc53
Binary files /dev/null and b/.DS_Store differ
diff --git a/.computenest/config.yaml b/.computenest/config.yaml
index a5ece46..5e1b807 100644
--- a/.computenest/config.yaml
+++ b/.computenest/config.yaml
@@ -12,36 +12,8 @@ Service:
- Name: 单机版
Url: 'ros_templates/template.yaml'
- AllowedRegions:
- - cn-beijing
- - cn-hangzhou
- - cn-shanghai
- - ap-southeast-1
- - cn-qingdao
- - cn-zhangjiakou
- - cn-huhehaote
- - cn-wulanchabu
- - cn-nanjing
- - cn-shenzhen
- - cn-heyuan
- - cn-guangzhou
- - cn-fuzhou
- - cn-wuhan-lr
- - cn-chengdu
- - cn-hongkong
- - ap-northeast-1
- - ap-northeast-2
- - ap-southeast-2
- - ap-southeast-3
- - ap-southeast-6
- - ap-southeast-5
- - ap-south-1
- - ap-southeast-7
- - us-east-1
- - us-west-1
- - eu-west-1
- - me-east-1
- - eu-central-1
+ - Name: 高可用版
+ Url: 'ros_templates/template-HA.yaml'
ServiceType: private
Locale: zh-CN
@@ -55,36 +27,6 @@ Artifact:
RegionId: ${ImageBuilder.EcsImage.RegionId}
ImageId: ${ImageBuilder.EcsImage.SourceImageId}
- SupportRegionIds:
- - cn-beijing
- - cn-hangzhou
- - cn-shanghai
- - ap-southeast-1
- - cn-qingdao
- - cn-zhangjiakou
- - cn-huhehaote
- - cn-wulanchabu
- - cn-nanjing
- - cn-shenzhen
- - cn-heyuan
- - cn-guangzhou
- - cn-fuzhou
- - cn-wuhan-lr
- - cn-chengdu
- - cn-hongkong
- - ap-northeast-1
- - ap-northeast-2
- - ap-southeast-2
- - ap-southeast-3
- - ap-southeast-6
- - ap-southeast-5
- - ap-south-1
- - ap-southeast-7
- - us-east-1
- - us-west-1
- - eu-west-1
- - me-east-1
- - eu-central-1
RegionId: ap-southeast-1
diff --git a/.computenest/ros_templates/template-HA.yaml b/.computenest/ros_templates/template-HA.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f31efa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.computenest/ros_templates/template-HA.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+ROSTemplateFormatVersion: '2015-09-01'
+ zh-cn: 创建托管Kubernetes集群,配置VPC、节点池、HPA及日志服务,实现容器应用的自动伸缩与监控。
+ en: Create a managed Kubernetes cluster, configure Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), node pools, Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), and logging services to enable automatic scaling and monitoring of containerized applications.
+ Repo:
+ Value:
+ Fn::Sub:
+ - registry-${Region}-vpc.ack.aliyuncs.com/acs
+ - Region:
+ Ref: ALIYUN::Region
+ RedisInstancePassword:
+ Description:
+ zh-cn: 长度8-30,必须包含大写字母、小写字母、数字、特殊符号三个;
+ en: The 8-30 long login password of instance, consists of the uppercase, lowercase letter and number.
special characters include()'~!@#$%^&*_-+=|{}[]:;'<>,.?/.
+ Label:
+ zh-cn: Redis实例密码
+ en: Redis Instance Password
+ ConstraintDescription:
+ en: Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()!@#%&*-+=Special symbol in)
+ zh-cn: 长度8-30,必须包含三项(大写字母、小写字母、数字、 ()!@#%&*-+=中的特殊符号)
+ NoEcho: true
+ AllowedPattern: '[0-9A-Za-z\_\-\&:;''<>,=%`~!@#\(\)\$\^\*\+\|\{\}\[\]\.\?\/]+$'
+ MaxLength: 30
+ MinLength: 8
+ Type: String
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExternalCloudDatabase
+ - ${RedisOption}
+ VpcCidrBlock:
+ Description:
+ zh-cn: VPC的ip地址段范围,
+ en: 'The ip address range of the VPC in the CidrBlock form;
You can use the following ip address ranges and their subnets:
+ Label:
+ en: VPC CIDR IPv4 Block
+ zh-cn: 专有网络IPv4网段
+ Type: String
+ Default:
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::VPC::VPC::CidrBlock
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - NewVPC
+ - ${VpcOption}
+ PodCidr:
+ Description:
+ zh-cn: 请填写有效的私有网段,即以下网段及其子网:,172.16-31.0.0/12-16,
不能与 VPC 及 VPC 内已有 Kubernetes 集群使用的网段重复。创建成功后不能修改
+ en: 'Please fill in a valid private segment, i.e. the following segments and their subnets:, 172.16-31.0.0/12-16,
which cannot duplicate the network segments already used by clusters in VPC and VPC Kunetberes. Cannot be modified after successful creation'
+ Label:
+ zh-cn: Pod 网络 CIDR
+ en: Pod Network CIDR
+ Type: String
+ Default:
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::CS::ManagedKubernetesCluster::PodCidr
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ${AckNetworkPlugin}
+ - Flannel
+ AccessKeySecret:
+ Description:
+ en: To access AnalyticDB, you are advised to use the AK/SK of the Ram subaccount. The AliyunGPDBFullAccess permission must be configured for the Ram subaccount.
+ zh-cn: 访问AnalyticDB使用,建议使用Ram子账号的AK/SK,Ram子账号需要配置AliyunGPDBFullAccess权限。
+ Label:
+ en: AccessKey Secret
+ zh-cn: AccessKey Secret
+ NoEcho: true
+ AllowedPattern: '[0-9a-zA-Z]+$'
+ Type: String
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExternalCloudDatabase
+ - ${ADBOption}
+ ADBPGPassword:
+ Description:
+ en: Server login password, Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()`~!@#$%^&*_-+=|{}[]:;'<>,.?/ Special symbol in)
+ zh-cn: 数据库访问密码,长度8-30,必须包含三项(大写字母、小写字母、数字、 ()`~!@#$%^&*_-+=|{}[]:;'<>,.?/ 中的特殊符号)
+ Label:
+ en: Instance Password
+ zh-cn: ADBPG 数据库密码
+ ConstraintDescription:
+ en: Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()!@#%&*-+=Special symbol in)
+ zh-cn: 长度8-30,必须包含三项(大写字母、小写字母、数字、 ()!@#%&*-+=中的特殊符号)
+ NoEcho: true
+ AllowedPattern: '[0-9A-Za-z\_\-\&:;''<>,=%`~!@#\(\)\$\^\*\+\|\{\}\[\]\.\?\/]+$'
+ MaxLength: 30
+ MinLength: 8
+ Type: String
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExternalCloudDatabase
+ - ${ADBOption}
+ HPAOption:
+ Description:
+ zh-cn: 启用高可用配置,可以提高应用的容灾和对峰值负载的处理能力
1. Dify的核心业务组件会配置多副本,并打散到不同节点,尽量避免单节点、或单AZ故障造成应用整体服务不可用。
2. 为资源消耗密集的组件增加弹性伸缩配置,更好应对峰值负载的压力。
+ en: The HA configuration can improve the disaster recovery and peak load processing capability of applications
1. Multiple replicas are configured for the core service components of Dify and distributed to different nodes to prevent the failure of a single node or AZ from making the entire application service unavailable.
2. Add elastic scaling to resource-intensive components to better cope with peak load stress.
+ Label:
+ en: Whether to enable high availability configuration.
+ zh-cn: 是否启用高可用配置
+ Type: Boolean
+ Default: true
+ InstancePassword:
+ Description:
+ en: Server login password, Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()`~!@#$%^&*_-+=|{}[]:;'<>,.?/ Special symbol in)
+ zh-cn: 服务器登录密码,长度8-30,必须包含三项(大写字母、小写字母、数字、 ()`~!@#$%^&*_-+=|{}[]:;'<>,.?/ 中的特殊符号)
+ Label:
+ en: Instance Password
+ zh-cn: 实例密码
+ ConstraintDescription:
+ en: Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()`~!@#$%^&*_-+=|{}[]:;'<>,.?/ Special symbol in)
+ zh-cn: 长度8-30,必须包含三项(大写字母、小写字母、数字、 ()`~!@#$%^&*_-+=|{}[]:;'<>,.?/ 中的特殊符号)
+ NoEcho: true
+ AllowedPattern: '[0-9A-Za-z\_\-\&:;''<>,=%`~!@#\(\)\$\^\*\+\|\{\}\[\]\.\?\/]+$'
+ Type: String
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::Instance::Password
+ PostgresSQLUserName:
+ Description:
+ en: Primary account name of the database instance.
+ zh-cn: PostgresSQL数据库实例的主账号名称。
+ Label:
+ zh-cn: PostgresSQL数据库账号名称
+ en: PostgresSQL Username
+ ConstraintDescription:
+ en: Consist of 2 to 16 characters of lowercase letters, underline. Must begin with a letter and be end with an alphanumeric character
+ zh-cn: 由 2 到 16 个小写字母组成,下划线。必须以字母开头,以字母数字字符结尾
+ MaxLength: 16
+ MinLength: 2
+ Type: String
+ Default: postgres
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExternalCloudDatabase
+ - ${DatabaseOption}
+ AccessKeyID:
+ Description:
+ en: To access AnalyticDB, you are advised to use the AK/SK of the Ram subaccount. The AliyunGPDBFullAccess permission must be configured for the Ram subaccount.
+ zh-cn: 访问AnalyticDB使用,建议使用Ram子账号的AK/SK,Ram子账号需要配置AliyunGPDBFullAccess权限。
+ Label:
+ en: AccessKey ID
+ zh-cn: AccessKey ID
+ NoEcho: true
+ AllowedPattern: '[0-9a-zA-Z]+$'
+ Type: String
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExternalCloudDatabase
+ - ${ADBOption}
+ DBInstanceStorage:
+ Description:
+ zh-cn: RDS实例大小范围为20-2000,每5个增量,单位为GB
+ en: The size range of RDS instances is 20 - 2000, Incrementing in every 5, unit GB
+ Label:
+ zh-cn: PostgreSQL实例存储
+ en: Storage
+ ConstraintDescription:
+ zh-cn: RDS实例大小范围为20-2000,每5个增量,单位为GB
+ en: The size range of RDS instances is 20 - 2000, Incrementing in every 5, unit GB
+ MaxValue: 2000
+ MinValue: 20
+ Type: Number
+ Default: 200
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExternalCloudDatabase
+ - ${DatabaseOption}
+ PayPeriodUnit:
+ Label:
+ en: Pay Period Unit
+ zh-cn: 购买资源时长周期
+ AllowedValues:
+ - Month
+ - Year
+ Type: String
+ Default: Month
+ AssociationProperty: PayPeriodUnit
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Not:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ${PayType}
+ - PostPaid
+ ServiceCidr:
+ Description:
+ zh-cn: 可选范围:,172.16-31.0.0/16-24,
不能与 VPC 及 VPC 内已有 Kubernetes 集群使用的网段重复。创建成功后不能修改
+ en: 'Optional range:, 172.16-31.0.0/16-24,
cannot duplicate segments already used by existing Kubernetes clusters in VPC and VPC.Cannot be modified after successful creation'
+ Label:
+ zh-cn: Service CIDR
+ en: Service CIDR
+ Type: String
+ Default:
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::CS::ManagedKubernetesCluster::ServiceCidr
+ EnableTLSConfig:
+ Description:
+ zh-cn: 开启TLS配置,通过加密技术和协议来确保数据在传输过程中的安全
To enable the TLS configuration, you need to configure the TLS certificate and password
+ en: Select the instance specification based on the type of database engine and the available area support;
see detail Instance specification sheet
+ Label:
+ zh-cn: PostgreSQL实例规格
+ en: PostgreSQL Instance Class
+ Type: String
+ Default: pg.n4.2c.2m
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::RDS::Instance::InstanceType
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Engine: PostgreSQL
+ ZoneId: ${ZoneId1}
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExternalCloudDatabase
+ - ${DatabaseOption}
+ PayPeriod:
+ Label:
+ en: Period
+ zh-cn: 购买资源时长
+ AllowedValues:
+ - 1
+ - 2
+ - 3
+ - 4
+ - 5
+ - 6
+ - 7
+ - 8
+ - 9
+ Type: Number
+ Default: 1
+ AssociationProperty: PayPeriod
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Not:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ${PayType}
+ - PostPaid
+ VSwitchId2:
+ Label:
+ en: VSwitch ID
+ zh-cn: 交换机实例ID
+ Type: String
+ Default: ''
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::VSwitch::VSwitchId
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ VpcId: VpcId
+ ZoneId: ZoneId2
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExistingVPC
+ - ${VpcOption}
+ VpcOption:
+ Label:
+ en: Select Existing or New VPC
+ zh-cn: 选择已有/新建的专有网络
+ AllowedValues:
+ - NewVPC
+ - ExistingVPC
+ Type: String
+ Default: NewVPC
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ ValueLabelMapping:
+ NewVPC:
+ zh-cn: 新建专有网络
+ en: New VPC
+ ExistingVPC:
+ zh-cn: 已有专有网络
+ en: Existing VPC
+ VSwitchId1:
+ Label:
+ en: VSwitch ID
+ zh-cn: 交换机实例ID
+ Type: String
+ Default: ''
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::VSwitch::VSwitchId
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ VpcId: VpcId
+ ZoneId: ZoneId1
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExistingVPC
+ - ${VpcOption}
+ PayType:
+ Label:
+ en: ECS Instance Charge Type
+ zh-cn: 付费类型
+ AllowedValues:
+ - PostPaid
+ - PrePaid
+ Type: String
+ Default: PostPaid
+ AssociationProperty: ChargeType
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ LocaleKey: InstanceChargeType
+ DBInstanceStorageType:
+ Description:
+ zh-cn: 实例存储类型;
+ en: The storage type of DB instance; see detail Storage types'
+ Label:
+ zh-cn: PostgreSQL实例存储类型
+ en: Storage Type
+ AllowedValues:
+ - local_ssd
+ - cloud_ssd
+ - cloud_essd
+ - cloud_essd2
+ - cloud_essd3
+ Type: String
+ Default: cloud_essd
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExternalCloudDatabase
+ - ${DatabaseOption}
+ ADBPGInstanceSpec:
+ Label:
+ en: AnalyticDB DBInstanceSpec
+ zh-cn: AnalyticDB 实例规格
+ AllowedValues:
+ - 4C16G
+ - 8C32G
+ - 16C64G
+ Type: String
+ Default: 4C16G
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::GPDB::DBInstance:InstanceSpec
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExternalCloudDatabase
+ - ${ADBOption}
+ AckNetworkPlugin:
+ Label:
+ en: ack plugin network
+ zh-cn: ack网络插件
+ AllowedValues:
+ - Flannel
+ - Terway
+ Type: String
+ Default: Flannel
+ ADBOption:
+ Label:
+ en: Vector database configuration
+ zh-cn: 向量数据库配置
+ AllowedValues:
+ - Integration
+ - ExternalCloudDatabase
+ Type: String
+ Default: Integration
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ ValueLabelMapping:
+ Integration:
+ zh-cn: 开源Weaviate组件
+ en: Open source database component.
+ ExternalCloudDatabase:
+ zh-cn: 新建AnalyticDB数据库
+ en: New AnalyticDB cloud database.
+ TLSCert:
+ Label:
+ en: TLS Cert.
+ zh-cn: TLS Cert证书
+ NoEcho: true
+ Type: String
+ Default: ''
+ AssociationProperty: FileContent
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ AcceptFileSuffixes: .crt
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - true
+ - ${EnableTLSConfig}
+ VSwitchCidrBlock2:
+ Description:
+ zh-cn: 必须属于VPC的子网段。
+ en: Must belong to the subnet segment of VPC.
+ Label:
+ en: VSwitch CIDR Block
+ zh-cn: 交换机子网网段2
+ Type: String
+ Default:
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::VPC::VSwitch::CidrBlock
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ VpcCidrBlock: VpcCidrBlock
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - NewVPC
+ - ${VpcOption}
+ VpcId:
+ Label:
+ en: VPC ID
+ zh-cn: 专有网络VPC实例ID
+ Type: String
+ Default: ''
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::ECS::VPC::VPCId
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExistingVPC
+ - ${VpcOption}
+ VSwitchCidrBlock1:
+ Description:
+ zh-cn: 必须属于VPC的子网段。
+ en: Must belong to the subnet segment of VPC.
+ Label:
+ en: VSwitch CIDR Block
+ zh-cn: 交换机子网网段1
+ Type: String
+ Default:
+ AssociationProperty: ALIYUN::VPC::VSwitch::CidrBlock
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ VpcCidrBlock: VpcCidrBlock
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - NewVPC
+ - ${VpcOption}
+ TLSSecret:
+ Label:
+ en: TLS Secret.
+ zh-cn: TLS 密钥
+ NoEcho: true
+ Type: String
+ Default: ''
+ AssociationProperty: FileContent
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ AcceptFileSuffixes: .key
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - true
+ - ${EnableTLSConfig}
+ PostgresSQLPassword:
+ Description:
+ en: Server login password, Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()`~!@#$%^&*_-+=|{}[]:;'<>,.?/ Special symbol in)
+ zh-cn: 数据库访问密码,长度8-30,必须包含三项(大写字母、小写字母、数字、 ()`~!@#$%^&*_-+=|{}[]:;'<>,.?/ 中的特殊符号)
+ Label:
+ en: Instance Password
+ zh-cn: PostgresSQL数据库密码
+ ConstraintDescription:
+ en: Length 8-30, must contain three(Capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, ()!@#%&*-+=Special symbol in)
+ zh-cn: 长度8-30,必须包含三项(大写字母、小写字母、数字、 ()!@#%&*-+=中的特殊符号)
+ NoEcho: true
+ AllowedPattern: '[0-9A-Za-z\_\-\&:;''<>,=%`~!@#\(\)\$\^\*\+\|\{\}\[\]\.\?\/]+$'
+ MaxLength: 30
+ MinLength: 8
+ Type: String
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExternalCloudDatabase
+ - ${DatabaseOption}
+ ADBPGAccount:
+ Description:
+ en: Primary account name of the database instance.
+ zh-cn: ADBPG 数据库实例的主账号名称。
+ Label:
+ zh-cn: ADBPG数据库账号名称
+ en: ADBPG Account
+ ConstraintDescription:
+ en: Consist of 2 to 16 characters of lowercase letters, underline. Must begin with a letter and be end with an alphanumeric character
+ zh-cn: 由 2 到 16 个小写字母组成,下划线。必须以字母开头,以字母数字字符结尾
+ MaxLength: 16
+ MinLength: 2
+ Type: String
+ Default: dify
+ AssociationPropertyMetadata:
+ Visible:
+ Condition:
+ Fn::Equals:
+ - ExternalCloudDatabase
+ - ${ADBOption}
+ Dify访问页面:
+ Label: Dify访问页面
+ Value: '******'
+ 使用说明:
+ Label: Dify访问说明
+ Value: '******'
+ ALIYUN::ROS::Interface:
+ ParameterGroups:
+ - Parameters:
+ - PayType
+ - PayPeriodUnit
+ - PayPeriod
+ Label:
+ default:
+ en: PayType Configuration
+ zh-cn: 付费类型配置
+ - Parameters:
+ - InstanceType
+ - InstancePassword
+ - ServiceCidr
+ - AckNetworkPlugin
+ - PodCidr
+ Label:
+ default:
+ en: Kubernetes Configuration
+ zh-cn: Kubernetes配置
+ - Parameters:
+ - DatabaseOption
+ - DBInstanceClass
+ - DBInstanceStorageType
+ - DBInstanceStorage
+ - PostgresSQLUserName
+ - PostgresSQLPassword
+ Label:
+ default:
+ en: Postgres Database Configuration
+ zh-cn: Postgres 数据库配置
+ - Parameters:
+ - RedisOption
+ - RedisInstancePassword
+ Label:
+ default:
+ en: Redis Database Configuration
+ zh-cn: Redis数据库配置
+ - Parameters:
+ - ADBOption
+ - ADBPGInstanceSpec
+ - ADBPGSegmentStorage
+ - ADBPGAccount
+ - ADBPGPassword
+ - AccessKeyID
+ - AccessKeySecret
+ Label:
+ default:
+ en: Vector Database Configuration
+ zh-cn: 向量数据库配置
+ - Parameters:
+ - VpcOption
+ - ZoneId1
+ - ZoneId2
+ - VpcCidrBlock
+ - VSwitchCidrBlock1
+ - VSwitchCidrBlock2
+ - VpcId
+ - VSwitchId1
+ - VSwitchId2
+ Label:
+ default:
+ zh-cn: 基础配置
+ en: Basic Configuration
+ - Parameters:
+ - DomainAddress
+ - EnableTLSConfig
+ - TLSCert
+ - TLSSecret
+ - HPAOption
+ Label:
+ default:
+ zh-cn: 服务配置
+ en: Service Configuration