- chord pulse should be harmonics of the full width. Needs an overhaul, and re-enabling.
- *- SetWave: Sliding the frequency slider really fast screws something up. The events come too fast. maybe need 'passive' mode? Or capture mode? Now the offset slider. JUST the offset slider. Doing it slowly is OK. I get it. Standing wave freq 0 => nans.
- need a button to reset ALL params and settings
left tic marks rarely draw.
display Garland Spiral in 3d could be easy. Really should use Three.js
use gl.getError() (I already do in some places)
- *- install that WebGL debugger
- should have x axis on the bottom marked in nm
voltage area: dragging beyond bounds should expand scale. Actually, now, it just breaks stuff and gives you a really low or high boundary. Needs fixing.
set voltage: valley should prohibit negative powers and negative factors. Also, displays upside down.
the potential stuff now shows/hides as the mouse hovers over the waveview. The other mechanisms to show voltage shouild be removed or disabled or something.
Voltage sidebar should be made part of the voltage stuff, showing and hiding with it. Get rid of that scrollbar that doesn't do anything and make up/down arrows. That and the resize box all on the right side.
option to have voltage relax back to zero (or whatever's set in the tab)
multiple threads. Break up wave into segments, with borders; one seg per thread. And way of each thread claiming the border and moving it in or out depending. Matrix of atoms.
I think it doesn't conserve energy - gotta check this out. I'm pretty certain it doesn't. But now I have FFTs to measure it at least.
Is the frame count correct? If not, fix it.
Gotta have some way to control the speed. Goes up or down x8
more documentation about... divergence
behavior of different waveforms
complex numbers, fourier transform
the voltage
iphone touch events, and full screen
make it a PWA. Not hard! Use Lighthouse in Chrome Debugger
tabs: add check boxes so you can have more than one open at a time
display of momentum spectrum with double fft display. along with energy? Energy should be one number ... or maybe total potential and total kinetic
UI ability to set n of dimensions, and to specify angular momentum, and any energy/potential differences therein. Two particles in the same space should have the same X coordinates; one in 2-d space should have X and Y coords. The V potential would be 1-dimensional or 2 dimensional, depending. whew, not this year.
Any number of dimensions, eg x and s, the spin, becomes ψ[1...N][-½, ½] or a 2d wave is ψ[1...N][1...N], either two 1D particles or 1 2D particle whats the diff? well, the potential V with two particles, each depends on the loc of the other. For one particle in 2D, the potential is a 2d map.
ability to create two wave functions and superimpose them, with varying complex ratio between
ability to 'stick your finger in' and measure a state variable and thereby change the state
Dual waves for an electron with spin.