Bubbling is unique to buddycloud and defines which events cause a user or channel to float upwards to the top of the channel list. Users subscribe to hundreds of channels. We want to show the user the most important information with the least amount of scrolling.
Channels bubble up according to the following sorting:
- the owner's channel should be pinned to the top of the channel list (and scroll with all channels)
- 1st: channels with unread @mentions - sorted from newest to oldest (where am I mentioned?)
- 2nd: channels with unread private messages - sorted from newest to oldest (did someone try to contact me?)
- 3th: channels with unread channel posts - sorted from newest to oldest (users check back regularly for new posts - make this easy)
- 4th: recently read - sorted from most recent posts to oldest
- 5th: tie breaker - compare alphabetically (for example a new user with pre-defined channels)
So for example our hypothetical user might have their list of channels in the following order:
- [email protected] (top becasue they are [email protected])
- [email protected] (mentioned in a post - they really know their coffee (or code))
- [email protected] (also mentioned here)
- [email protected] (users replied to [email protected]'s posting)
- [email protected] (a private message from mom)
- [email protected] (a private messgae from dad that was sent before mom sent hers)
- [email protected] (a very new channel post)
- [email protected] (an older channel post)
- [email protected] (nothing unread, but most recently accessed)
- [email protected] (nothing unread, but also not read for a long time)
- [email protected] (not read for even longer than [email protected])