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Julian L edited this page Dec 2, 2020 · 7 revisions

Meeting minutes | 13th of November 2020

  • Weekly meeting on Wednesday at 1.00 PM
  • Use SCRUM project management methodology
  • Appoint @Amer Jazaerli as SCRUM Master
  • Appoint @Julian Legler as Product Owner
  • Use as a project management tool
  • Use as a code repository
  • Ensure team participation through the SCRUM process (story points, sprints, etc.)
  • @Julian Legler will get in contact with Hundertserver/ISE for a meeting next week as well as a PM/Stakeholder weekly
  • Timekeeping from Clubhouse
  • Concrete project goal still not entirely clear
  • Documentation on GitHub wiki
  • SCRUM (and Amer will teach us how to use it) (and also be the Scrum Master?)
  • GitHub (post your emails to drive document) (have a look at the GitHub client)
  • Question for Hundertserver: Should the tool also be for failing services like AWS EKS or can we assume Kubernetes will self-hosted on the virtual machines we deploy. (question needs to be corrected or expanded)
  • Organize weekly meeting with Hundertserver (best on Wednesday after weekly team meeting)

Meeting minutes (supervisor) | 18th of November 2020

  • Julian Legler 1:46 PM
  • Expected Things for Weekly Meeting:
  • weekly and mandatory for everyone
  • we give an update
  • talk about issues
  • are we in time with our plan
  • personal diary have to be public to ise supervisors
  • Project Report:
  • Motivation
  • Why we do it
  • Goals - What reached and what not and what are the challenges
  • What can follow
  • Design Decisions, what alternatives there are and why do not choose them
  • How does the final architecture look likes
  • what are the strong sides and what the weaks sides are
  • who did what
  • So that someone who was not part of the project can understand what was done.
  • Anselm Busse whish for a distributed app would be a distributed block-chain - Etherium
  • Send Anselm a E-Mail with all our university emails

Meeting minutes (hundertserver) | 27th of November 2020

  • Oliver is happy about the progress
  • networking
    • we have to evaluate what security risks come with the different networking solutions
    • Oliver has no preferred solution, we should investigate further and then inform him about the pros and cons
  • the single point of failure introduced by the "controlling" node, is currently of no concern
  • Oliver will try to add some public IP addresses for the proxmox server
  • we should focus on running Debian on all VMs
  • we should investigate in other tools beside terraform
  • Oliver want access to our progress - so we should invite him to this github, slack and maybe also clubhouse

Meeting minutes (supervisors) | 02.12.2020

  • Everbody needs a work diary (!)
  • Make sure that ssh keys can be dynamically assigned / created
  • We will need to take information from the cloud providers on the state of our infra as well as from the VM itself
  • Don't worry about the application at this point in time (this will be phase 2. Phase 1 will be only deploying the infra). However, having a complete application setup would be the ideal outcome
  • Open topic: clarify w/ Hundertserver on specific scopes / expectations (e.g. Networking). ToDos
  • Share working diaries w/ ISE (harmonize format? GSheet?)
  • Share access to clubhouse w/ ISE (@Amer Jazaerli)
  • pre-record demos!

After meeting (julian, amer, anselm)

  • don't go multi-tenant
  • keep hetzner and proxmox to overcome vendor lock-in effects
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