File tree
1,589 files changed
lines changed- command
- vendor
- civil
- compute/metadata
- iam
- internal
- atomiccache
- fields
- optional
- protostruct
- trace
- version
- spanner
- storage
- Azure
- azure-sdk-for-go
- services/compute/mgmt/2017-12-01/compute
- storage
- version
- go-autorest/autorest
- adal
- azure
- auth
- validation
- DataDog/datadog-go/statsd
- Jeffail/gabs
- Microsoft/go-winio
- SAP/go-hdb
- driver
- sqltrace
- internal
- bufio
- protocol
- armon/go-metrics
- prometheus
- asaskevich/govalidator
- aws/aws-sdk-go
- aws
- client
- metadata
- corehandlers
- credentials
- csm
- defaults
- ec2metadata
- endpoints
- request
- session
- signer/v4
- internal
- sdkio
- sdkrand
- private/protocol
- ec2query
- eventstream
- eventstreamapi
- query
- rest
- xml/xmlutil
- service
- dynamodb
- ec2
- iam
- s3
- sts
- beorn7/perks
- quantile
- cenkalti/backoff
- chrismalek/oktasdk-go/okta
- circonus-labs/circonusllhist
- cockroachdb/cockroach-go/crdb
- coreos
- etcd
- auth/authpb
- client
- clientv3
- balancer
- picker
- resolver/endpoint
- concurrency
- etcdserver
- api/v3rpc/rpctypes
- etcdserverpb
- mvcc/mvccpb
- pkg
- logutil
- systemd
- tlsutil
- transport
- types
- raft
- raftpb
- version
- go-oidc
- go-systemd/journal
- denisenkom/go-mssqldb
- internal/cp
- dgrijalva/jwt-go
- docker
- docker
- api/types/swarm
- runtime
- go-units
- dustin/go-humanize
- fatih/color
- fsouza/go-dockerclient
- fullsailor/pkcs7
- ghodss/yaml
- go-errors/errors
- go-ini/ini
- go-sql-driver/mysql
- go-test/deep
- gocql/gocql
- internal/streams
- gogo/protobuf/gogoproto
- golang
- protobuf
- proto
- ptypes
- any
- duration
- struct
- timestamp
- snappy
- google/go-github
- github
- googleapis/gax-go
- gorhill/cronexpr
- grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware
- util/backoffutils
- hashicorp
- consul
- api
- lib
- version
- go-memdb
- go-sockaddr
- go-uuid
- go-version
- hcl/hcl
- parser
- printer
- scanner
- nomad
- acl
- api
- helper
- args
- flatmap
- nomad/structs
- raft
- serf/serf
- vault-plugin-auth-azure
- yamux
- joyent/triton-go
- authentication
- client
- storage
- keybase/go-crypto
- ed25519
- internal/edwards25519
- openpgp
- ecdh
- packet
- kr/text
- lib/pq
- matttproud/golang_protobuf_extensions
- pbutil
- mgutz/ansi
- michaelklishin/rabbit-hole
- miekg/dns
- mitchellh
- cli
- go-homedir
- hashstructure
- mapstructure
- ncw/swift
- oklog/run
- opencontainers
- go-digest
- runc/libcontainer
- system
- user
- ory/dockertest
- docker
- opts
- pkg
- archive
- fileutils
- homedir
- idtools
- ioutils
- jsonmessage
- longpath
- mount
- pools
- stdcopy
- system
- term
- windows
- types
- blkiodev
- container
- filters
- mount
- network
- registry
- strslice
- versions
- pquerna
- cachecontrol/cacheobject
- otp/totp
- prometheus
- client_golang
- prometheus
- client_model
- go
- common
- expfmt
- internal/
- model
- procfs
- internal/util
- nfs
- xfs
- sirupsen/logrus
- spf13/pflag
- ugorji/go/codec
- exporter/stackdriver/propagation
- internal
- tagencoding
- plugin
- grpc
- grpcstats
- grpctrace
- ocgrpc
- ochttp
- propagation/b3
- stats
- internal
- view
- tag
- trace
- internal
- propagation
- atomic
- multierr
- zap
- buffer
- internal
- bufferpool
- color
- exit
- zapcore
- crypto
- blake2b
- chacha20poly1305
- cryptobyte
- ed25519
- internal/edwards25519
- internal
- chacha20
- subtle
- poly1305
- ssh
- agent
- terminal
- net
- bpf
- http/httpguts
- http2
- hpack
- internal
- iana
- socket
- ipv4
- ipv6
- trace
- oauth2
- google
- internal
- sys
- cpu
- unix
- windows
- time/rate
- api
- compute/v1
- gensupport
- googleapi
- iam/v1
- internal
- oauth2/v2
- option
- storage/v1
- transport
- grpc
- http
- appengine/internal
- app_identity
- base
- datastore
- log
- modules
- remote_api
- socket
- urlfetch
- genproto/googleapis
- api/annotations
- iam/v1
- rpc
- code
- errdetails
- status
- spanner/v1
- grpc
- balancer
- base
- codes
- credentials
- encoding
- grpclb/grpc_lb_v1/messages
- grpclog
- health
- grpc_health_v1
- internal
- backoff
- channelz
- envconfig
- grpcrand
- metadata
- naming
- resolver
- dns
- stats
- status
- transport
- inf.v0
- mgo.v2
- bson
- ory-am/dockertest.v3
- square/go-jose.v2
- yaml.v2
- api/authentication/v1
- apimachinery
- pkg
- api
- errors
- resource
- apis/meta/v1
- conversion
- queryparams
- fields
- labels
- runtime
- schema
- selection
- types
- util
- errors
- intstr
- json
- net
- runtime
- sets
- validation
- field
- wait
- watch
- third_party/forked/golang/reflect
- rfc2865
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1,589 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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35 | 35 |
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36 | 36 |
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37 | 37 |
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38 |
| - | |
| 38 | + | |
39 | 39 |
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40 | 40 |
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41 | 41 |
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