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Svelte Inspect Value

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inspect screenshot


An ambitious value inspector component in the veins of svelte-json-tree and react-json-view.

It aims to be a valuable devtool for monitoring state and debugging.

Installation and use

Install svelte-inspect-value with your favourite package manager.

  import { Inspect } from 'svelte-inspect-value'

<Inspect value="hello world" />


  • view state in a tree-view
  • aims to support most JavaScript built-ins with specialized views displaying information relevant to to developers, including:
    • Map and Set
    • Promise
    • Date
    • URL and URLSearchParams
    • TypedArray
    • HTML elements
    • Function
    • Class
  • customizable theming
  • syntax highlighting for functions and html elements using hljs
  • use custom components to override how certain types are shown
  • embed media if a string value is a link / path ending with an embeddable image or audio file extension (disabled by default)


Name Type Description Default
value any value to inspect. can be any javascript value undefined
name string name of outer value. displayed as key undefined
Options Can also be set using setGlobalInspectOptions or InspectOptionsProvider
stringCollapse boolean set a max display length for string values. 0 means full string will be displayed 0
showLength boolean display length of arrays or strings and number of nested entries in objects / maps etc true
showTypes boolean display type labels before values e.g. "string" / "number." Mainly affects basic primitive types true
showPreview boolean display preview of nested values of object, array, map, set etc. true
showTools boolean display row of utility-"tools" when hovering an entry true
noanimate boolean disable animations / transitions false
embedMedia boolean embed images and audio if a string value is a path or url that ends with an image or audio file extension false
theme string set color theme class available built-in themes: 'drak','stereo','dark','light','cotton-candy' 'inspect'
expandAll boolean initially expand all nodes. can be a performance hitch with a lot of entries false
expandLevel number default level of initially expanded nested nodes 1
expandPaths array array of (string) paths to initially expanded nodes [ ]
borderless boolean remove background color, border and padding false
quotes 'single'|'double' quote type for string values. 'single' or 'double' 'single'
customComponents object custom components for values. object with type as keyname and arry of component, optional prop modification function and predicate that reverts to default component if it returns false {}
elementView 'simple'|'full' determines what properties are shown when inspecting html elements.
simple renders a minimal view with class, styles, dataset, dimensions and scroll positions.
full renders all enumerable properties of an element
renderIf any | () => any render Inspect if value or return value is truthy true
parseJson boolean if enabled, attempt to parse strings that start with '{' or '[' and display the parsed value if it was valid JSON false

Full list of props here